After coaxing the child, Wendy followed the flow of water, which came down from the mountain, but soon he could not go up.

The road ahead is covered by white fog.

Wendy had a hunch that if she really went into the white mist, she would get lost in it.

"It's not interesting," Wendy muttered, and he looked around, there was nothing.

But when he turned his head, he was stunned.

"Good grandson, how did you run so far?" Grandma was looking at him with a smile.

Grandma still held the kerosene lamp in her hand, but it was daytime, and Wendy really didn't understand, why do you want to light the lamp outdoors at this time?

Wendy was sure that by the time he turned his head, the lamp was about to burn him.

"Ah, Grandma. I just came out and took a look. Wendy tilted her head and smiled cutely.

[Wow whoa, three minutes, I want all the information about this man! ]

】【When I was a child, I watched this episode and flooded my home for three miles...】【

Those upstairs don't be in this barbershop! 】 Don't be ridiculous. 【

Hey brother, don't you want to join?】 Hehe...]

[Hey, the barrage is mixed with perversion. The

corner of her grandmother's eyes twitched, she didn't expect that this baby in front of her would be so cute.

"Good grandson, it's not early, it's time to go back, after dark, there will be bad people to arrest you." Grandma couldn't help but grab Wendy and walk home.

Wendy didn't refuse, so she followed.

When I got home, it was already dark.

After dinner, Grandma returned to her room, but she boiled hot water for Wendy and told him to take a bath.

Wendy went into the bathroom, there was no mirror in the bathroom, only some basic hygiene products, Wendy took a slow shower, and then saw the note under the soap dish.

Wendy remained silent, quickly withdrawing the note after taking a shower, intending to take it back to her room.

After returning to the room, Wendy sat on the edge of the table, he opened the note, and it was a small blood-red letter:

"Grandma Bridge, don't go out, big monster."

"Strange place..."

Wendy could assure that there had never been such a strange thing in Tivat's thousands of years of memory.

——A few seemingly mischievous rules that seem to really control people's life and death.

"Looks like I'll have to explore tomorrow," Wendy mused, summarizing what had happened today.

Rule two, rule four and rule six are all related to parents, and parents may occupy a relatively large position in this matter.

Rule 1 conflicts with rule 6 ....

"No, there is no conflict." As soon as Wendy clapped his hands, he suddenly thought. He is Grandma's most beloved child, but this does not mean that he is Grandma's child?

That, according to Rule IV and Rule Two....

- Whether he is a child whose parents "voluntarily" stayed, that is somewhat difficult to say.

Wendy took out two more notes, and compared to the red words on them, the tone of the two lines was different. The red characters that appear for the first time are more like an adult trying to imitate the tone of a child, well, that is, the red characters that appear for the first time are imitating the tone of the red characters that appear the second time.

Laughing to death, imitation is not said to be very similar, can only be said to be almost not like.

But why is that?

In order for him to stay at home obediently?

Wendy was going to go to the living room to look for something again, but he suddenly froze.

There was a not very friendly smell in the wind.

Wendy closed her eyes and used the wind as his vision. He saw that the people in the village who were normal during the day were now a little deformed.

Like a zombie in the end of the world, the flexibility and strength of the whole body seem to have reached the extreme. Those eyes are like a palette, mixing the color of the eyes together to form a very dirty color.

They twisted and seemed to be somewhat aimless, but soon they would stride over as if they had suddenly found their prey.

Walk towards those houses.

Then walk through the walls and walk straight in.

Wendy didn't know what they were going to do, what their hands-on routine was, but he knew that he might not be able to end the outside for half a while, and he had to keep himself safe and awake until then.


Dragon Country Raiders Group.

"Have you seen it? Have the other Chosen been attacked?

"Most of them suffered, but the strength of the monsters is not strong. Even as long as you cover the bed, you can resist it.

"But..." "

But what?"

"Most of the monsters who have eaten pastries fall asleep as soon as they get close to them. The monster took them out, but instead of harming them, he took his companions and sang around the Chosen.

"What did you sing?"

"Some strange nursery rhymes."



Hmph, it's me again, I'm nagging again.

This book can be said to be my first time writing rules weird talk, no, the first time to write thriller class and infinite stream, before that, I have only written some short stories, romance novels (T_T) so for this kind of more logical rule weird talk, it can be said that while writing while burning the CPU, the update is relatively slow, which is also normal.

(*꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ) I feel that my writing is so bad that I can't write the horror part. I can't write such a thing as foreshadowing and knives.

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