"Oh, don't stare at me—" The

green figure rushed through the wind.

Wendy has found a way to deal with those smiley faces, but now there is a very serious question: why did he deal with those smiley faces?

Might as well run all the way.

Is there any other way?

Wendy suddenly remembered rule six in Grandma's Bridge Rules of Survival.

"Rule 6: When you are frightened, please meditate: I am the happiest child, and at the same time, please close your eyes and rest assured, it will be fine soon."

Wendy closed her eyes and said softly,

"I'm the happiest child."

Suddenly, Wendy felt the wind around her stir, a gentle, embrace-like touch wrapped Wendy, in this environment, Wendy felt the same feeling when he was asleep.


Wendy tried to establish a vision through the wind around him, and then he saw the scene around him gradually collapse like fragments, and the wind around him gradually dissipated....

Can't open your eyes.


When I opened my eyes again, it was my own room. Grandma's smiling face appeared in front of her, still holding the kerosene lamp in her hand.


Grandmother saw that Wendy was awake, and quickly stepped forward, and said with a smile: "Good grandson, are you awake?" Grandma made your favorite dishes, and I'll come for breakfast later.

Wendy couldn't help but be stunned.

"Grandma...? Didn't you lose the light? "

Lost the light? No, when? Grandma was also puzzled when she heard this.

"Oh... Maybe I misremembered.

Wendy was shocked in her heart, but she was quickly pressed down by him, and after sending her grandmother away, he quickly checked himself.

There was nothing missing, even the lamp was still there.

Why is that?

A bold guess could not help but emerge in Wendy's mind.


Kimchi Country Chosen's side.

Every time I go to the pastry session, I can't help but eat it, and then hallucinate, the deformed monster sings nursery rhymes around him, but the picture produced in the nursery rhyme is the past that he least wants to recall, although Yin Ba Grab is lucky to survive, but his mental state has almost collapsed.

"Fuck off! Get out of my eyes, Nishiba!

After dispersing the smiling face in front of him, Yin Ba grabbed his head and knelt on the ground with a collapsed face.

"Say who is it, good grandson..."


and grab..." Grandma's smiling face suddenly appeared in front of him, Yin Ba grab couldn't care about anything else, he rushed forward to hold his grandmother's hand, knelt on the ground and said almost pleadingly:

"Please... Give me the antidote... Is it good..." After

only a few words that could be heard clearly, he was already crying silently.

The audience could not see the illusion after he took the medicine, but he could also tell by looking at the expression that it was extremely chaotic and unbearable for him to recall.

The barrage of Kimchi Country at this time was almost quiet.

Only a few passing Dragon Kingdom people threw down a few jokes like melons.

[Huh? What are you doing? Why don't you talk anymore? 【

It's so quiet that I can't get used to it.】 [

Strange and cute, they didn't come to our side to mock. Maybe

someone has empathy, or maybe someone has sensed that disaster is coming, so they go to pack their bags and want to prepare to leave in advance.

Longguo netizens don't know what they think in their hearts at this time, but they don't bother to know.

When Grandma heard this, the smile on her face seemed to be more gentle, she caressed the Tianling cover that Yin Ba grabbed, and when the picture turned, people saw a magical scene: the

little boy holding the doll closed his eyes that really belonged to him, and his ugly face was with a smile of relief.

As if drowning in water, the boy faces the world naked, with two big words "waste" on his back,

nothing more.


Yesterday, a reader gave me a tip, and as soon as I was happy, I promised to add more today, but as a result, Kavin took a long time, and finally I could only order myself not to play the game without finishing this chapter.

Finally written (sad).

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