Su He put on a helmet, mask, sunglasses, and looked in the mirror, but his mother couldn't recognize him, so he walked downstairs.

"Officer Su, you've hidden deep enough... I always thought you were the delivery person... Could it be that the three are too—" said the innkeeper as soon as they met.

Su He glanced around, cleared his throat, and said in a low voice: "Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, if you know, it's rotten in your stomach... Okay, I'm going to the Public Security Bureau..."


boss nodded again and again, and said in a low voice: "I understand..."

As soon as he walked into the noodle restaurant, the proprietress shouted: "Officer Su, are you here to eat noodles again?"

I don't care who you are, you have nothing to do when you're full, get out of the way and play with your balls..."


It seems that not everyone can recognize him, Su He rode the battery car and came to the Public Security Bureau.

"Officer Su, what kind of wind blew you here?" At the door, Rong Xue looked at Su He with a smile on her face.

Su He took off his mask and said with a smile: "Officer Rong, you are making fun of me... What about Officer Zhao? Did He Zhengchu explain?"

Rong Xue didn't answer, and said, "Let's go, you'll know when you go in..."

Su He followed Rong Xue into the building.

Suddenly, all the policemen stood up with solemn expressions and looked at Su He.

Zhao Shaoyang walked up to Su He and said to everyone: "Everyone welcomes Su He to join our criminal investigation detachment!" Seeing

that all the policemen were applauding, Su He's tears were rolling, and he couldn't help asking: "Officer Zhao, in this way, will the matter of 100,000 yuan be in vain?"

"Su He, is that all you have to offer?

Su He cried with a sad face and said, "But one yard is one yard, I don't have a salary..."

As long as the case is closed, the 100,000 yuan is still yours, and you are not completely without salary, as long as you perform well, the bureau will give you a special allowance..."Officer Zhao patted Su He on the shoulder.

"Hey, that's good... By the way, Officer Zhao, if I encounter a case again in the future and issue a reward, can I still have a share?"

Officer Zhao glanced at Su He and said with a smile: "I knew that you would ask like this, the bureau held a meeting to discuss, your situation is special, as long as you can provide clues or solve the case directly, the reward is yours!"

Su He instantly gained confidence, raised his hand and said: "I have a relationship with gambling and drugs... No, I don't share sin!"


In the case of Li Di's murder, He Zhengchu was arrested and confessed to the facts of the crime, but the only thing that puzzled the police was whether Du Min was an accomplice?

He Zhengchu took everything on herself, Du Min said that she did not know everything, and the police suspected that Du Min had instructed He Zhengchu to commit the crime, but there was no evidence.

After reading all the information, Su He also fell into deep thought.

Li Di's domestic violence against Du Min led to the premature birth and death of the fetus in the womb, does Du Min hate Li Di?

He Zhengchu and Du Min are together, if Du Min asks him to kill Li Di, will He Zhengchu listen to Du Min's words and kill people?

Murder is illegal, He Zhengchu's parents are still alive, and his work is going well, in order to vent his anger for Du Min, he is really willing to kill?

Li Di was beaten before he died, and even had his lower body cut off... After his death, he was skinned off again, is there such a great hatred between He Zhengchu and Li Di?

He Zhengchu and Du Min are college classmates... Su He suddenly picked up a photo, put it between them, and said excitedly: "I know!" Rong

Xue watched Su He move the photo of the baby's dried corpse in the piano from between Li Di and Du Min to between He Zhengchu and Du Min, and said suspiciously: "Su He, what do you mean by this?"

Officer Zhao just glanced at it, and then understood what Su He meant, and said: "Immediately compare He Zhengchu and the baby's DNA!"

"Ah... What do you mean, this is He Zhengchu's child?" Rong Xue said in surprise.

"There's no need to do a DNA comparison, Officer Zhao, please help me prepare an interrogation room and bring He Zhengchu over..."

Su He, you can't beat people!"

"Don't worry, I'm measured..."

In the interrogation room, He Zhengchu lowered his head and was silent.

There was a photo in front of him, which was handed to him by Su He, a photo of the baby's dried corpse.

Seeing that He Zhengchu didn't speak, Su He said impatiently: "Can't you afford to play? Isn't the answer I gave wrong?"

He Zhengchu raised up, looked at Su He suspiciously, and asked, "Are you a delivery boy or a policeman?"

"I said big brother, can we do it without ink? You've all lost, and the loser isn't qualified to ask...""

Hahahaha... If you lose, do you think you can really win? If I hadn't kept this... You police can't catch me in your life..."

He Zhengchu took the photo of the baby's dried corpse, laughed, laughed and cried: "But I'm afraid she's scared alone... I have to go down to accompany her, there are bad people down there..."

Suddenly, He Zhengchu raised his head, looked at Su He, his face changed, and shouted: "He killed my daughter, he deserves to die! How can there be justice in this world? If he dies, it is my justice!"

"Speak as soon as you speak, what are you doing so excitedly, scare me!" Su He took a photo of Li Di's death, walked up to He Zhengchu, and said: "Dude, I didn't say you, you are too ruthless, look, aren't you afraid of nightmares at night?"

He Zhengchu looked at the photo and said with a smile: "Hahaha, I dreamed that he was dead, it was a beautiful dream..."

"Then tell me, what is the purpose of cutting off the body and peeling the face?"

"Hahaha, they are all men, do you still need me to explain this?"

After He Zhengchu finished saying this, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Walking to the door, Su He turned around and said, "If that kid wasn't yours, would you still be able to laugh?"

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