The man in the costume is a madman?

The words that come out of Old Man Ji's mouth can be listened to as a ghost story.

If he was really crazy, he would have been arrested in a mental hospital a long time ago.

Most people are just paranoid, not crazy yet.

Suddenly, Su He seemed to have grasped something, a mental hospital!

What if Old Man Ji wasn't telling a ghost story, it was true? It's just that he replaced the unexplainable things with ghosts.

In folk tales, most of the ghosts actually represent the unknown, such as the ghost fire on the grave, which is the spontaneous combustion phenomenon of white phosphorus released by the decomposition of corpse bones.

In Old Man Ji's story, Yu Ji killed herself, it may be that the actor himself wants to commit suicide, the fire may also be an accident and man-made, and people die every day in the Deyuan Theater, which may be a plague epidemic.

As for the person who ran out of the mental hospital, he probably ran out of the mental hospital!

Thinking of this, Su He was a little excited, got out of bed and pulled out the needle, dried up the remaining glucose in the hanging bottle, changed into his own clothes, walked out of the door and said: "Officer Zhao, send me to a mental hospital..."

Zhao Shaoyang was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Didn't the doctor say that the concussion has become serious?"


On the way, Zhao Shaoyang said while driving: "In the capital area, there are a total of 19 hospitals related to mental illness... There are two within 10 kilometers of the Deyuan Grand Theater, and one of them meets your criteria... No, it is a public welfare hospital that meets the conditions you described, and accepts patients who have been diagnosed with mental illness for long-term recuperation. "

Let's go to that house first!" Su

He wasn't sure if his guess was correct.

When they came to the hospital, after Zhao Shaoyang showed his documents, a nurse led the two in.

"Our hospital now has a total of 238 patients, 205 in Zone A and 33 in Zone B... Two police officers, what can I do to help?"

Zhao Shaoyang looked at Su He, Su He said: "Is there a man who often sings?"

The nurse looked up at Su He, his eyes were a little flustered, and he waited for a long time before replying: "I'm sorry, two police officers, about the patient's situation, I have to ask the dean's opinion, you wait for me for a while..."

It didn't take long for a middle-aged woman to rush over and ask, "Officer, do you have Chang Wu's whereabouts?"

Su He didn't speak, Officer Zhao asked, "Who is Chang Wu?"

The middle-aged woman replied: "Officer, I won't tell you, our hospital lost a patient, he is an old patient of ours, he has been thirteen years, he is usually normal, only occasionally crazy, and often sings opera in his mouth..."

"Over the years, Chang Wu will sneak out every once in a while, at the beginning, we also called the police to find him, arrested him, and then he sometimes came back by himself..."

"We also thought of a lot of ways, and locked him up in Area B for a few months, and then he has been doing well, so he was transferred to Area A, but I didn't expect that a few days ago, he ran again..."

Su He immediately asked: "What time did you run?"

"On the night of May 16th... When our nurse was doing rounds, he was gone..."

Officer Zhao said: "Is there a photo of Chang Wu here?"

"Yes, yes, officer... Wait a minute..."

When Su He took Chang Wu's photo, he was stunned, Chang Wu's face was full of pimples, and he couldn't see his original appearance clearly.

"Does Tsunetake have any relatives?"

"No... When he came, I hadn't worked here, and no one had come to see him over the years..."

At this time, Officer Zhao's mobile phone suddenly rang, he opened it, handed it to Su He and said, "Look, it's wearing a costume." The

middle-aged woman glanced at it and said, "That's Chang Wu! I don't know where I got that costume, it's always been his baby... A few days ago, he ran together with a costume..."

On the roof of the Taijing Mobile Building, Chang Wu stood on the edge of the roof, dressed as the overlord of Western Chu, with words in his mouth, left and right, and almost fell down several times, which made people tremble.

"I'll drive!" Walking

out of the mental hospital, Su He snatched the car key from Officer Zhao's hand and went directly into the driver's seat.

Officer Zhao patted the car door and said, "Come out, don't think I don't know you don't have a driver's license... You're driving without a license... I'll drive!" Su

He honestly sat in the passenger seat, and Officer Zhao sounded the siren and drove towards the Taijing Mobile Building.

As soon as the car stopped, Su He opened the car door and rushed out, but the police stopped him and didn't let him in, and finally Officer Zhao came and took him in.

In the elevator, Zhao Shaoyang looked at Su He and said with a smile: "Do you want to consider joining the criminal police team, there are special recruitment places in the bureau, and you don't even need to take the written test, and there will be no police to stop you next time..."

"Then can you do without a salary?" Zhao Shaoyang rolled his eyes.

Su He thought about it seriously and replied: "Yes!" No

need to go to work, no need to punch in, a white-collar criminal police card, no salary seems acceptable.

"Dream on you!" The

Taijing Mobile Building has 33 floors, and when the elevator is released, there are already police officers from the police station doing ideological work for Chang Wu on the roof of the building.

Su He followed Officer Zhao over, only to see Chang Wu stepping on the edge of the top floor, singing:

"The gun picked several generals in the Han camp,

how can you beware of burying on all sides,

and the general ordered Hugh to send troops to return to the camp tent..."

Suddenly, a crisp and loud singing sounded, and Su He stepped on small broken steps, pinched his orchid fingers, and walked over.

"King!" Several

policemen were stunned, Su He's head was still wrapped in gauze, one madman was not enough, another one?

Chang Wu turned his head to look at Su He, and then read:

"You are so panicked this time."

Su He also continued:

"King, how will you win today?"

Chang Wu gradually relaxed his vigilance and read:

"The gun picked several generals of the Han battalion, how can the enemy be outnumbered, and it is difficult to win." This is the death of the heavens, and it is not a crime of war..."

Su He moved lightly, slowly approached Chang Wu, looked into his eyes and said: "The victory or defeat of the soldier is a common feeling... I'll fuck you..."

Su He grabbed Chang Wu's foot and pulled it down, so violently that Chang Wu fell to the ground.

"Just you're the overlord of Western Chu... , do you dare to block..."Su He rushed up with punches and kicks, Chang Wu didn't react at all, and he was hit several times.

"Su He, stop fighting!" Officer Zhao hurriedly grabbed Su He, and the other policemen controlled Chang Wu.

Su He kicked Chang Wu in the stomach and roared angrily: "Why the did you kill Gu Chang!"

Su He's kick was very powerful, Chang Wu bowed his body, and only looked up at Su He for a long time and said, "Concubine, don't look for such a short time!"

Su He violently broke free from Officer Zhao's restraints, rushed up and pressed Chang Wu is few punches.

"Sing your sister, sing... Lao Tzu asks you... Why do you want to kill Gu Chang!".

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