The next morning.

When Su He got up, he found that Ma Mingzhe was gone, and when he opened the order receiving background, Ma Mingzhe had already sent eight orders.

"Brother Ma has been a little strange lately... I started delivering food early in the morning, and I don't watch the live broadcast at night... He can't be evil, right?" Su He said as he washed.

Pan Zhigang walked into the bathroom to pee and replied, "Hi... It's not because his daughter wants to study here in the capital... I'll tell you a secret, don't tell anyone else... Brother Ma's wife was abandoned by the adulterer before, and his wife now wants to remarry him..."

Su He rinsed his teeth, turned around to pee, and wondered: "Brother Ma agreed?"

"Then I don't know... Anyway... , Su He, you pee and fork, nourish my feet!" Walking

out of the bathroom, Dong Yong was getting dressed, Su He leaned up and said, "Brother Yong, do you know about Brother Ma?"

"I don't know, except for drinking, he didn't tell me, what's wrong?"

"His wife wants to remarry him!"

Su He, I said that it would be confidential..."

"It's okay, Brother Yong is not an outsider..."


Downstairs for breakfast, Su He had just put on his helmet and was about to start taking orders, when suddenly, Gu Chang's phone called.

"Hey, hello, I'm Zhou Bing from the criminal police detachment... What is the relationship between you and Gu Chang?... Feed... Hello... Is it there?"

"Officer Zhou... I, Su He..."

Su He's mind was blank, something happened to Gu Chang, the call from Officer Zhou, can she still be alive?

On the other side, Zhou Bing took away the phone in surprise and looked at the remarks written on it: No. 2.

This No. 2 turned out to be Su He!

"Hey... Su He, how did you know Gu Chang... Hey, Su He..."

"Officer Zhou, how did she die?"

"The preliminary forensic diagnosis was that it was a suicide...""


Su He yelled, causing the people next to him to look sideways.

Yesterday, Gu Chang was fine, telling him the glorious story of her grandfather, saying that she started learning opera at the age of four, and that the Deyuan Theater would definitely restore the lively scene of the past.

She loves life and has dreams, how could she suddenly commit suicide?

"You can't walk, you hit porcelain in the middle of the road!" The car behind honked wildly, and a man stuck out his head and scolded.

Su He turned his head to look at him, raised his middle finger, and rode towards the Deyuan Grand Theater.

Deyuan Grand Theater, at the door, looking at the poster recruiting Peking Opera actors, Su He was a little distracted, Gu Chang died, she still had a lot of dreams unrealized, when she died, she must be very regretful, right?"

You can't be involved in this case, and those three friends of yours are already in the Public Security Bureau... The fingerprints and footprints of the four of you were found in the theater, I hope you understand..."

Zhou Bing walked out, looked at Su He and said.

"Understood? Officer Zhou... Didn't you say it was a suicide? There are our fingerprints and footprints... Are you suspicious of us?"

"Gu Chang didn't commit suicide... I dare to guarantee that she will not commit suicide, I hope you can find out the truth!"

Su He turned around and walked into the police car, looked at the police in the car, and said, "Let's go, go to the Public Security Bureau... I'm a suspect..."

Zhou Bing sighed and waved his hand for the police to drive.

On the road, the policeman who was driving looked in the rearview mirror and said: "Su He, Team Zhou, he can't help it, this is the meaning of the bureau, some people speculate that you are for... In order to achieve the perfect crime..."

"Perfect crime, I'm sitting in a fucking police car, on the way to the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau, is this perfect? The theater is full of my fingerprints and footprints, is this perfect? My girlfriend... , I'm too lazy to tell you... Drive faster, I'm in a hurry..."

Another policeman in the co-pilot said: "Su He, please pay attention to your words, we believe you, it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want, the police have police rules..."

Do not say... Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, turning the face ruthlessly, unloading the mill and killing the donkey, the rabbit and the dead dog cooking, the bird hiding the bow, forgetting the fish, going to the house to draw the ladder, falling into the well and going down the stone... Eh, if I hadn't only studied vocational high school, I'd give you a few more words..."

The two policemen sighed helplessly, Su He's goods are too good to toss, where there is a murder, where there is a figure, the key is that in the end, he is also anti-customer-oriented, assisting the police to solve the case, and let him be a policeman, but he does not agree, and wants to deliver takeaways.

After a few minutes, Su He said again: "En will take revenge... ungrateful..."

The police turned their heads and saw that Su He was actually a synonym for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge in Baidu.

"Ahem... Su He, hand over the communication tools..."

"Take it... Anyway, there are no words..."

Coming to the Public Security Bureau, Su He walked to the interrogation room with a familiar car, and the police hurriedly stopped him and said: "Su He, Team Zhou said that you don't need to go to the interrogation room, just make a record outside."

"Don't mind, the police have police rules... I'm still very familiar with the process, besides, on such a hot day, how can it be cool outside and inside..."

Su He opened the door of the interrogation room by himself, sat on the chair, locked it, handed the key to the police, and said: "Take it, don't let me run away..."

For this reason, he also sang a passage from "Chisang Town" to the police:

"The scolding is ungrateful! I will order Bao Mian Changting to go to you and express my heartfelt behavior with you, who knows that you will lose your conscience!"

Walking out of the interrogation room, the police took out their mobile phones.

"Hey... Team Zhou, Su He is very angry..."

Okay, I know, let him drink more hot water..."Zhou

Bing hung up the phone and said to the forensic doctor next to him: "When is the time of death?"

"3 to 4 o'clock in the morning.

"What is she doing in a costume on a big night? I checked my whole body three times, and there was only one wound on my wrist, and only her fingerprints on the knife, from the perspective of the direction of the fingerprints and the wound, it is consistent with the situation of suicide... Team Zhou, after so many years, don't you still believe my eyes? He killed and committed suicide, this wound is different..."

"Take the body back first, and then examine it carefully..."

Zhou Bing stood on the stage, looking at the empty courtyard, a woman committed suicide by cutting her wrists on stage at three o'clock in the morning, wearing a costume, what is the secret behind it?

It is impossible for Su He to say that it is suicide, why does he say that? What does he know?

There are half footprints in this..."

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