In a big hotel in Jinnan City, Ah Cai was introducing the dishes on a live broadcast, and he and Anne received an invitation to check in to the hotel and promote the hotel.

Suddenly, several policemen approached, and Anne showed a hint of panic in her eyes, and the spoon in her hand fell to the ground.

"Mr. Song, hello, we are from the Criminal Police Detachment of the Jinnan City Public Security Bureau, and we now suspect that you are related to a homicide case, please come with us.

Officer Yang showed his ID, then looked at Anne on the side and said, "Miss Zhao, please come with us too."

Ah Cai didn't panic at all, and continued with his mobile phone: "Fans and friends, a few police officers have found me now, but don't worry, we'll see you at the live broadcast at eight o'clock in the evening!"

After turning off the live broadcast, Ah Cai turned to look at Officer Yang and said in surprise: "Officer, may I ask what happened? I'm very busy, why don't you contact my lawyer directly!"

Officer Yang took out the criminal detention certificate and put it on the table, and said solemnly: " Mr. Song, please cooperate, otherwise I will take coercive measures.

Ah Cai stood up, cut his hair, and said with a smile, "Let's go, officer."

At the same time, he patted Anne on the shoulder and said, "Baby, don't be afraid, the police are just looking for us to cooperate with the investigation, it's okay


..." On the other side, Qiu Qiang came to the B&B rented by Song Shan and his girlfriend with a search warrant, but after searching every corner, there were no clues related to the murder.

In the interrogation room, Ah Cai looked at Officer Wen calmly, still smiling, and said, "Officer, I don't know what you're talking about?" I asked to see my lawyer, but refused to answer any questions before the lawyer came.

Wen Jie looked at Song Shan's appearance, and confirmed that he was related to this case, took out a few pieces of paper and put them in front of Song Shan, and said: "Du Chunyan, ten years ago, it was your girlfriend, you told her about the murder and robbery of you and your brother Song Lin, but she called the police, your brother was sentenced to death, and you were imprisoned for eight years because you were under the age of eighteen... After you were released from prison, you found Du Chunyan and killed her..."

Hey, officer, what story are you telling? Why can't I understand it?"

Song Shan interrupted Officer Wen's words, looked at him with disdain, and said with a smile: "Shouldn't the police tell evidence when handling cases? Why is it popular to tell stories now..."

At this time, Qiu Qiang's voice came from Wen Jie's headphones: Wen Team, no evidence was found at Song Shan's residence, and I have notified the Public Security Bureau where Song Shan was located before to assist in investigating the surveillance video of the hotel where Song Shan was staying at the hotel.

"Officer, please be professional, I have a live broadcast in the evening, the money has been collected, and the liquidated damages are very high..."Song Shan looked at Officer Wen impatiently.

Next, as soon as Wen Jie mentioned that it was related to the case, Song Shan either said that he wanted to see a lawyer, or he simply kept silent.

Walking out of the interrogation room, Wen Jie and Director Fu glanced at each other and said, "It seems to be a hard bone, let's start with his girlfriend and see if Team Qiu can find evidence." "

Song Shan's fingerprints and NDA were not found at the scene of the murder, and Song Shan's residence did not have evidence to accuse him of murder.

Song Shan is very smart and cautious.

In another interrogation room, Anne, whose real name is Zhao Qi, also didn't know anything, and seemed to be very cooperative, but she kept going around in circles.

It didn't take long for Song Shan's lawyer to come, Ding Lei, a notorious lawyer in the industry, who specializes in defending the rich, in his eyes, no matter whether you break the law or not, as long as you give money, he will defend you.

Because he has won several highly controversial cases, he has been trusted by wealthy people.

This is a lawyer who is recognized as having a conscience bought by money.

In a small room, Ding Lei looked at Song Shan, who looked indifferent, and said: "The police can only detain you for twenty-four hours, regarding the issue of compensation for your live broadcast, I have already negotiated with the other party, here, you just need to remain silent, and leave the rest to me..."

The corners of Song Shan's mouth rose, and he gently leaned into Lawyer Ding's ear and said, "Help me take care of Annie, girl, I'm a little nervous." On

the other side, Qiu Qiang was in full swing to collect evidence, and the video surveillance footage transferred back from the local public security bureaus showed Song Shan's accommodation in the hotel, however, Song Shan did not leave the hotel on the night of the incident.

However, it is not without gains, Song Shan's girlfriend Zhao Qi, when she books a hotel, always chooses the second floor, and there is no protective fence in the room.

This also means that Song Shan is very likely to leave through the window, and during the visit to the hotels, it was found that there was no surveillance behind these hotels.

The police expanded their area and all found suspects wearing masks and hats near the hotel.

But even so, it cannot be proved that Song Shan is the one wearing a mask and a hat.

"Scum!" Yang Lin angrily threw the transcript on the table, looked at Wen Jie and said, "Master, do you want him to leave with a swagger? Thirteen lives! He is simply a devil!"

Officer Wen's face was also ugly, he glared at Yang Lin, and replied: "No matter how cunning the fox is, there are times when his tail is exposed, as a criminal policeman, what we have to do is to find a breakthrough, find evidence, and let him receive the punishment he deserves!"

Check Song Shan and Zhao Qi's call records, online shopping records, and chat records on the short video platform, expand the scope, and don't let go of any detail!"

"Wait! Contact the short video platform and send all the victims' account chat records, how did the murderer know the victim's address?

The last thirty minutes.

Suddenly, Officer Wen walked in and said solemnly: "Song Shan, you are suspected of killing thirteen women, and we will initiate criminal detention against you in accordance with the law... Rest assured, we have already notified your lawyer..."

"Zhao Qi, you are suspected of assisting Song Shan in killing thirteen women, and we will initiate criminal detention against you in accordance with the law..."

Song Shan raised his head suddenly, looked at Officer Wen and laughed: "Hahaha, it's impossible, you are cheating me, I have the right to sue you, I want to see my lawyer... You're breaking the law!"

Wen Jie ignored Song Shan at all, directly handcuffed him, and said: "No matter how cunning the fox is, he can't fight a good hunter, and you will be greeted by the law!"

"I'm not leaving, I want to see a lawyer, you have no evidence..."

"You're smart enough to destroy all the evidence, but there's one thing you won't destroy," Wen Jie said.

"What?" Song Shan raised his head and looked into Wen Jie's eyes.

"The person who will help you find your target!" Song

Shan's face turned pale in an instant, and he collapsed to the ground, and then laughed maniacally: "They all deserve to die, okay? Am I not good to her? She should be punished for doing something wrong..."

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