When Su He saw Liu Wen again, she could already see from her eyes that she knew.

Liu Wen looked at Su He, who had a flat look in his eyes and a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly: "Uncle Shen has gone back, Aunt Xiang's injury is not serious... Shen Yue is fine..."

Su He smiled: "Officer Liu, thank you!"

When Liu Wen handed the transcript to Yang Lin, Su He's lie was exposed, but Yang Lin did not get angry, but suddenly fell silent.

The female anchor was killed, the taxi caused the accident, the female corpse in the parking lot, in every case, Su He can always be heard asking: How much is the bonus?

For the sake of righteousness and bravery, Su He rode a battery car to hit the taxi, and for a reward of 200,000 yuan, he squatted next to Tian Xiaojuan's grave late at night and fought with the suspect.

recalled his attitude towards Su He, every time he was skeptical, but Su He did not refute, but just kept trying to solve the case.

Walking into the interrogation room, Yang Lin looked at Su He, who was sleeping on his stomach, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Officer Yang, I'm sorry, it's so boring, I accidentally fell asleep. Su He sat up straight.

"According to the doctor's diagnosis, those four people were all slightly injured, in view of the special circumstances at the time, your actions are in line with legitimate defense, Su He, you can leave.

Hearing Officer Yang's words, Su He hurriedly thanked: "Thank you, Officer Yang, thank you so much." Walking

out of the Public Security Bureau, Su He didn't see Liu Wen, his battery car was still parked in the Xingfuli community, it was already late at night, and the bus was also suspended.

Halfway through, Su He suddenly wanted to go to the toilet, but when he ran to the toilet, he found that he didn't bring any paper, but fortunately, there was a small supermarket nearby with the door open.

"Boss, is there anyone?" Su He shouted inside.

I couldn't hold it back, Su He slowly pushed the door open, and at this time, a man's voice came from inside: "What do you want to buy?"

"Boss, come and wrap toilet paper... Hurry up, you can't hold on!" Su He was really uncomfortable, and a man wearing a peaked cap and a mask came over with a pack of paper.

"How much?"

Su He took out his mobile phone and prepared to give money.

"I've sent you... Go to the toilet and don't pull your pants. The boss said directly.

Su He thanked him repeatedly, picked up the toilet paper and ran wildly, and finally, only pulled a little bit on his pants.

"Fortunately, no one saw it..."At night, only Su He was alone in the toilet to wash his underwear, and after washing his underwear, he came out and hung it on the shared bicycle, Su He continued to hurry, and when he passed by the small supermarket, the boss just came out and closed the door.

"Thank you, boss!" the

boss nodded and walked away quickly.

When I came to the Xingfuli community, it was already one o'clock in the morning, Su He didn't go upstairs, and rode back to the Gangwan Youth Apartment on the battery car.

"Sons, Daddy... I'll go!" As soon as Su He opened the door of the dormitory, a quilt came over him.

"Tell me honestly, where are you fooling around tonight!" Ma Mingzhe rode on Su He, and Pan Zhigang and Dong Yong pressed his hands and feet hard.

"Deliver takeaways!" Su He replied loudly.

"Don't be honest, go to the torture instrument!" Dong

Yong came over with a feather duster, took off Su He's shoes, and scratched his feet.

"Hahaha... Hold the grass you guys... I'm really delivering takeaways... Brother Yong, don't scratch..."Su He laughed so much that tears came out.

"It's not honest, Su He, at two o'clock in the afternoon, someone in the group posted a leaderboard, you ran 72 orders, and in the evening, you still only have 72 orders, hurry up, be honest, where are you fooling around?" Ma Mingzhe showed a smug expression, he knew Su He too well, and he didn't even blink his eyes when he lied.

"Huh, what is this?" Pan Zhigang snatched the plastic bag from Su He's hand, opened it and saw a pair of wet underwear!

"Yes, Su He, you had a good time, I mean you have been working so hard to deliver food recently, earning money during the day and spending it at night, and my brother earns money and my brother spends it, and I co-authored it to find a secret base, and I dared to eat alone, saying, which store? How much does it cost?"

"It's not easy for them, they are all trying to survive in the cracks, begging for a living under the stick, we can help if we can." "

The three of you, you say a word to me, and ask Su He's address.

"Shouting Dad, I'll tell you!" Su He said.

"Hey, you dare to talk to us about the conditions!" Ma Mingzhe glared at Su He angrily.

Pan Zhigang: "Dad!"

Dong Yong: "Dad!"

"Brother Ma, please avoid it..."Su He smiled proudly.

"You two traitors, where is the dignity of a man!" Ma Mingzhe turned his head and glared at the two of them, and then smiled and said, "Dad!"

"Hey, good son, don't get off your father soon."

Su He stood up, cleared his throat, and said, "It's the store you went to last time." "


The three of them suddenly lost interest, returned to bed and began to play with their mobile phones.

"Welcome Brother Ma to Jiumi's live broadcast room~"

"Three with one, don't, over..."

"amazing... good... unbelievable..."

After Su He washed up, Ma Mingzhe watched the live broadcast again, Pan Zhigang was playing against the landlord, and Dong Yong was actually having fun.


The next day, Su He came to the bank early in the morning, and the reward of 200,000 yuan was also received, and after taking it out, Su He came to Shen Yue's house.

The door opened, Xiang Wanrong looked at Su He at the door, and took the initiative to speak: "Su He, come in."

Su He was stunned, since Shen Yue's accident, Aunt Xiang had never given him a good look, nor had she ever dealt with him, and she took the initiative to speak today.

"What are you doing in a daze, don't you come in quickly..."Xiang Wanrong continued.

"Okay, Aunt Xiang, what about Uncle Shen?" Su He walked into the house, but didn't see Shen Yuanzhong.

"He has an old classmate's son who works as an intermediary, and he went out early in the morning to sell the house early, so that he could take Yueyue to the capital for treatment. After Xiang Wanrong finished speaking, she walked to the statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva and knelt down, and said, "You go in and see Yueyue, when we go to the capital, it will be difficult for you to see her." Walking

into the house, Su He patiently gave Shen Yue a full body massage as usual, telling her stories and jokes on the side...

It wasn't until it was almost noon that Shen Yuanzhong came back, and his face didn't seem to be smooth.

Su He stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Shen, how is it?"

Shen Yuanzhong sighed and said: "Our community is an old community, the house is not easy to sell, it can be sold for more than 500,000 according to the market price, and I am in a hurry to make a move, I am afraid it will be a lot cheaper... ran a few intermediaries, all said 400,000, at this price, it is not easy to find a suitable buyer for a while.

Su He took the takeaway box, opened it and put it in front of Shen Yuanzhong, and said with a smile: "Uncle Shen, the house doesn't need to be sold, I have 450,000 here, you take Yueyue to the capital for treatment first." "

There are still 200,000 left in Su He's system space, but he can't take out this money now, after several times in and out of the Public Security Bureau, his details have been clearly investigated, and there are 200,000 more for no reason, and if he can't explain the source clearly, he will cause big trouble.

Shen Yuanzhong was not happy because Su He took out 450,000 yuan, glared at Su He, and said solemnly: "Su He, we are short of money, but we can't break the law, do you go to the police station to surrender yourself, or I will take you there!"

"Old Shen, the child is also kind, Su He, you hurry up and return the money to others, maybe others will not pursue it." Xiang Wanrong was also frightened by this huge amount of money, Su He delivered takeaways, only a few thousand yuan a month, and this time she took out 450,000 yuan, which made her panic.

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