Jinnan Public Security Bureau.

Sitting in the familiar interrogation room, Su He successfully obtained the information of the case, but the price was that before the suspect was caught, his eating, drinking, lazing and sleeping had to be in the public security bureau, and at the same time, his mobile phone was also confiscated.

Outside the interrogation room, Wen Jie stood in front of Director Fu and said in a deep voice: "Bureau Fu, I know this is a violation of the regulations, but I have a hunch that Su He is likely to bring us a breakthrough." I'm willing to accept punishment afterwards. "

Wen team, you are also an old criminal policeman who has been working for more than ten years, what kind of hunch do you have for me? When did the police count on a delivery man to handle the case, this Su He, you have to check it carefully to see what he wants to do, and next time, you are not allowed to make unauthorized claims, and hand over the file to the non-case-handling personnel to check, this is a serious violation of discipline, you go down and write a check!"

Director Fu glanced at Su He sitting in the interrogation room again, and shook his head, only thinking that this matter was too ridiculous, the delivery man could solve the case, what else did the police do?

Su He didn't know that because of his request, Officer Wen was punished, and at this time he was looking through the details of the case, trying to find clues.

However, even the police have not been found, and his hope is slim.

A lot of information is consistent with what he found on the Internet, but there are also many things he doesn't know, the deceased Tian Xiaojuan, the time of death is June 5, 2022, between 8 and 9 pm, the cause of death is suffocation, and there are Zhao Xin's fingerprints on his neck, which was strangled to death by him.

Tian Xiaojuan's pants were taken off below the knee, and she had sex before her death... The evidence left at the scene is conclusive, and the video surveillance can also prove that the murderer is Zhao Xin, however, after Zhao Xin left, the parking lot management did not find the body in the car, and it was not until seven days later, that is, on June 12, 2022, that after Su He fainted at night, that no one called the police.

Seven days is enough time for the murderer to hide or escape, which is also where it is difficult for the police to arrest the suspect.

According to the data, on the evening of the 12th, Zhao Xin went back to school, and invited the classmates in the dormitory to go out to eat barbecue in the evening, and he was drunk like mud. The next day, that is, on the 13th, Zhao Xin went home, because he and his father had a quarrel not long ago, his father did not notice anything unusual, and after eating lunch calmly, Zhao Xin went back to the countryside to visit his elderly grandfather, and the clues were broken in the future.

The police investigated large and small hotels, entertainment venues, stations, subway stations, airports, and retrieved the call records and travel records of Zhao Xin's mobile phone, and finally locked it, when Zhao Xin ordered takeaway, it was in a remote mountainous area in Jinnan City, Lingyin Temple, when the police arrived, Zhao Xin was no longer there.

The clues were interrupted again, and the Lingyin Temple was located in a remote area, and there was no way to start without monitoring.

The case stalled like this, and the police issued a wanted warrant for a bounty, and according to normal circumstances, the police will continue to pursue Zhao Xin only after discovering his traces.

Behind Lingyin Temple, but the continuous mountains, if Zhao Xin finds a remote place to seek death, finding him is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Su He was dumbfounded, no wonder Officer Wen agreed to let him see the information, even if he knew this, what could he do?

Looking up at the cold interrogation room, Su He wanted to cry without tears, I want to go out to deliver takeaways?

At night, Su He was taken out of the interrogation room and locked in the hut where the prisoners were temporarily held, but fortunately, there were beds, quilts, and food deliveries.

It could be seen that this was a VIP private room, because in the room opposite him, there was a man with tattoos on his face and dyed red hair, who could only sit on the cold ground.

The next morning, Liu Wen brought breakfast to Su He, stunned the men opposite, and exclaimed: "Dude, what's the situation, your treatment is so good, what happened to you?"


He sighed and replied: "I was reported because I was too handsome, there is no way, I turned myself in, and I came in and hid for two days." "


At noon, Director Fu walked into the cafeteria and happened to meet Wen Jie, so he asked: "That Su He, when are you going to be locked up?"

Wen Jie thought for a while and said: "I didn't expect him to be too able to eat, one person can eat for two people, I think he will go back in the afternoon, it is not a way to toss like this..."

It's good that you know, by the way, there is a big case in the province, and a task force is going to be set up, and you are designated to go over, and the details have been placed on your office table, and you can go back and take a look after dinner.

In the afternoon, Su He signed a confidentiality agreement, finally walked out of the Public Security Bureau, turned to look at Liu Wen and said, "Officer Liu, thank you so much, did you help me intercede, another day... Eh, I'll go first, goodbye!"

Liu Wen smiled and replied, "Come often!"

"If you don't come, you won't come..." Su He walked out of the door, suddenly ran back again, and asked, "Officer Liu, where is Tian Xiaojuan's body?"

"What, are you still thinking about the 200,000 yuan bonus? Do you want to go in and have a cup of tea and talk slowly?" Liu Wen didn't expect Su He to be a thief, and he hadn't given up catching the murderer.

"Hey, hey... How can it be, Officer Liu, I had a nightmare last night, I was thinking about saying a few words to her face and asking her not to pester me..."

Su He scratched his head and said in a matter-of-fact manner.

"You are a feudal superstition, Tian Xiaojuan's body has been cremated and taken back by her family, you just think about it, go back and sleep well, and forget about it in a few days.

Su He nodded, walked out of the public security bureau, and suddenly, he ran in again.

"Officer Liu, where is my battery car?"

Liu Wen angrily pointed to the battery car under a big tree next to the guard room, and said: "Then what, don't come back, I'll lock you up when you come back!"

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, when the tomb is robbed and dug up.

A figure lay in a cornfield, staring at the new pile of graves not far away.

That's right, it's Su He!

Su He has been lying here for two hours, taking a bite of bread and drinking a sip of milk, he can't take his eyes off Tian Xiaojuan's grave.

I hope I didn't guess wrong!

Su He was also playing a drum in his heart, in the public security bureau, he learned the time of Tian Xiaojuan's death, from 8 pm to 9 pm on June 5th, and the time when Zhao Xin placed an order for takeaway was 8:20 pm on June 12th, and Su He rushed to the parking lot at almost 9 o'clock, with a time interval of exactly 7 days.

Is this a coincidence? Su He didn't think so, he watched ghost movies before, and they all said that on the seventh day after the death of a person, the soul of the deceased would return to the place of death, Zhao Xin calculated the time and ordered Tian Xiaojuan's favorite yellow stewed chicken, which was definitely intentional!

Zhao Xin felt guilty and had a plan to seek death, but in the choice of the system, it was implied that Zhao Xin was not dead, and he wanted to die but did not die, what was Zhao Xin thinking?

A bold guess appeared in Su He's mind, Zhao Xin wouldn't want to die with Tian Xiaojuan, right?

So as soon as Su He got out of the Public Security Bureau, he went straight to Tian Xiaojuan's hometown.

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