
Vol 5 Chapter 76: Boeing is coming

Rolandi Ma may be suspected of accepting bribes from arms dealers in the Lafayette frigate arms sales incident as soon as the media exposed it. It caused an explosive effect in French politics.

The turning point of this matter was completed in a short period of time. In particular, Roland Dima, who was strongly opposed to arms sales to Taiwan, became the strongest support for arms sales overnight. If there is no inside story. It is absolutely impossible.

It's just that this thing was completed very quickly. When everyone did not react. The arms sales to Taiwan have been completed. Therefore, there is no time to consider this matter carefully. I just saw France get a lot of money from it. That's why no one disputed this.

But now it's different. The government has changed. And the interest groups that were harmed in the arms sales incident were also very annoyed at the incident. Hope to get Roland Dima down. And ordinary people also want to see the excitement. Various factors are combined. This created a strong public opinion. Ask Roland Dima to resign and get judicial intervention. Investigate whether there is corruption in this incident as reported in the media.

And those who benefited from the purchase of the Lafayette frigate. It is also a very large group. The high bribes of more than 500 million U.S. dollars were divided by them. At this time, it is natural to jump out or hide in the dark to defend Roland Dima and other persons involved in the case. In case they fall and involve themselves.

Fan in Paris is not ill. I immediately felt this strong atmosphere of struggle. At this critical juncture. Cylar, the second boss of Elf's company, actually ran away!

"This idiot! Running like this now. Doesn't it mean that he has admitted to the account? Roland Dima will feel very passive." Fan Wuyao watched the report on the TV news. Said to his subordinate Dolby.

If we say that Paris is just an investigation of anti-corruption issues. It did not raise the whole incident to a political level. Then Taiwan has already affected the life and death of many people.

It was through the propaganda of the French media that the people knew that the boat they had bought back with so much money was actually defective. And the purchase price is even more expensive. A Bian and others are fanning the flames underneath. Strongly request to investigate the truth of the matter.

Under pressure. Lee Teng-hui did not ask the judicial department to conduct a thorough investigation of this matter.

However, Navy Colonel Yin Qingfeng returned to Taipei with a lot of information. Have not communicated with the boss yet. He was found dead at sea. All relevant information is missing. At the same time, many important generals in the navy died mysteriously. Finally, this information appeared in A-bian's hands. Become a blockbuster attacking the government of the Taiwan authorities.

Vice Minister Jiao’s negotiations have become easier. The French side urgently hopes that the two sides can reach an agreement as soon as possible. But he is not so worried now. Because he has delayed the time a little longer. Very good for your own work. Sure enough, the situation was as Fan Wubing said. The French need too much political success!

Then the news came out. It is said that French Foreign Minister Roland Dima may have received 30 million US dollars in commercial bribes from the arms sales incident. And many senior officials of the Republic were involved at this time. Once the specific list is announced. The fragments that will blow up the French political situation are incomplete.

The Airbus executives can no longer sit still. Look at the current situation. It is difficult for them to guarantee that the Chinese will sit here with peace of mind. Slowly signed the purchase contract. The situation in Paris now is too chaotic. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has become a mess. Airbus believes that it cannot wait for the outcome of the negotiations. Instead, you have to fight for the order yourself.

It's like last year with the front. At a time when Sino-French relations are bad. They still have live orders from Eastern Airlines and Northwest Airlines. Although the number is smaller.

Therefore, Airbus vice president Jean Rebir personally visited Fan Wuyi. It means that the two parties can have more in-depth exchanges.

"Mr. Fan. We feel that business is business. It should not be linked to politics." Jean Birger said to Fan Wuyi.

Fan Wu was not afraid of talking nonsense to him. So he replied. "I also think that business should not be tied to politics. Then. I need a few AWACS. Can your company sell me a few?"

The airborne early warning aircraft integrates command, control, communication and intelligence. Known as the air leader. Late in World War II. The US Navy is to solve the long-range early warning problem of maritime formations. Adopted to install a warning radar on the carrier aircraft. Made the world's first carrier-based early warning aircraft.

Later. The United States, the former Soviet Union and other countries have developed a new generation of early warning aircraft using advanced airborne electronic equipment. Its airborne radar has good down-sight capabilities. Both can detect low-altitude targets. It can also detect surface and sea targets. The aircraft is also equipped with equipment for identification of friend or foe, intelligence processing, command and control, communication and navigation, and electronic countermeasures. Not only can it spot and monitor air intrusion targets in time. It can also command and guide one's own fighters to intercept and attack. Become an indispensable airborne early warning command and control center on the battlefield under the conditions of informatization.

During the Gulf War. Thousands of aircraft from all over the world have flown more than 100,000 sorties. There were no major collisions and accidental injuries. Thanks to the tireless work of more than a dozen early warning aircraft. The early warning aircraft can be said to be a multiplier that enhances the combat effectiveness of the air force. In modern warfare. Large-scale air combat without AWACS is unimaginable.

but. This technology is blocked to the Chinese. And it is impossible for the Americans to sell this kind of thing to China. Even some countries that have the ability to produce early warning aircraft. Such as Russia and the United Kingdom, Israel and so on. Also threatened by the Americans. It is not allowed to sell airborne early warning aircraft to the Chinese.

Fan Wubing said so. It was pure embarrassment to make Birger.

Bigel replied a little embarrassingly. "If our company produces airborne early warning aircraft. I would be happy to sell you a few. Unfortunately, the French airborne early warning aircraft are also purchased from Americans. The e-3 series produced by Boeing."

Fan Wubing certainly knew that the French were also buying early warning aircraft from the United States. This is just to make trouble. So he smiled. "Look. It's not that I don't take care of your business. It's because your product types are too few. They don't scale."

"But the quality of our airliner is excellent. The medium-sized airliner has technically passed Boeing's airliner!" Let Beer throw a voice to Fan Wuyi, assuring that his Airbus a-340 series airliner can fully meet the requirements. Fan has no need of disease.

"However, we have also noticed. The safety performance of Boeing's airliner seems to be better than that of your Airbus airliner." Fan Wuyao immediately pointed out a drawback of the Airbus airliner.

"Oh. Mr. Fan. You should still consider it comprehensively. Not a one-sided comparison." Jean Birger replied.

The two talked for a while. They are all practicing Tai Chi. Pulled a bunch of useless words. Just stick to each other's bottom line. At this moment Sanchez walked in. Said to Fan Wuyao. "Boss. Mr. Maximus, Senior Vice President of Boeing, has arrived at Charles De Gaulle International Airport. Are you asking about your location now?"

"Maximos? What is he doing? When did he become a Boeing company again? Isn't he a Hughes company?" Fan Wuyao looked at Sanchez in confusion. In the end, he also looked blank. So Fan Wuyi said. "Okay. Get on his phone. Let me have a few words."

"Hi! China Fan. I really miss you very much!" As soon as he answered the phone. I heard the enthusiasm of the old Jewish man.

Fan Wubing responded with two sentences. Asked a little curiously. "When did you jump to Boeing?"

After the old man explained. Fan Wubing understood what happened. It turned out that Boeing had already acquired Hughes at this time. So the old man changed. Became an executive of Boeing. Originally, his contacts were very wide. The mind is flexible. Four satellites were successfully sold to the Chinese. And some other little things. Therefore, the board of directors specially appointed him as senior vice president of Boeing. Specifically to open the Chinese and Southeast Asian markets.

"Well then. I'm at the George V Hotel. The occupancy rate here is not high. You might as well live here." Fan Wuyao suggested to Maximus.

"Okay. Half an hour later. Let's meet and talk in detail." Maximus replied.

Fan Wubing put down the phone. Then he looked at Jean Birger with a suspicious look. Smiled and said. "No way. It's all friends. Now I'm the senior vice president of Boeing. I heard that I'm in Paris. I have to come over and take me to a drink to celebrate. I really can't help him."

Is it just as simple as drinking? ! That makes Biger not believe this statement! The senior vice president of Boeing ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ flew from the United States to Paris eagerly. Is it just to pull Fan Wuyi to drink? ! Do not! This is absolutely impossible!

Bigel immediately felt the great crisis. Probably the news that the Chinese were preparing to purchase Airbus planes leaked out. Now Boeing also wants to make a cross!

But Jean Birger couldn't say anything to Fan Wuyao on this matter. When he left. I saw Maximus's convoy stopping at the gate of the George V Hotel. Look at that lineup. It is definitely the size of a business delegation. It's definitely not as simple as drinking alcohol!

Could it be because the French arms sales to Taiwan affected the interests of Americans? Are they coming over to find face at this time? Let Birger speculate in his heart. Or there is such a possibility. After all, Boeing's position in the passenger aircraft manufacturing industry is also very important. They are fully capable of taking away Airbus orders.

and. It seems that this is a senior vice president called Maximus. The personal relationship with Fan Wuyi is good.

"I need to inform the board of this matter. Let them make plans early!" Bigel felt very heavy.

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