Way of the Devil

Chapter 360: Important person four

"This hand" with this careful observation, Lu Sheng discovered that this black hand is not the person behind the wall, but the wall itself grows.

On the gray-black rectangular wall, it looks very clean and has no scratches. There are no flaws at all. In this environment, there is no flaw, clean to abnormal, which is itself a wrong.

After discovering this, Lu Sheng began to move away from the wall and walked along the center of the street. This time there was no black hand attack.

He traveled forward two or three miles in the road, and finally, there was a sneak peek at the front of the fighting weapon.

Lu Sheng stepped up and bypassed a two-story dome temple and immediately saw the area where the fight was.

Xie Yuqiong’s younger brother is fighting with a few black ingots and two black iron giants who are two meters tall.

All the soldiers were cut off on the black iron giant, and they issued a continuous metal crossfire. But every time they cut the black iron giant, their offensive can only make a little bit of scratches.

Xie Yuqiong quickly squeezed a handful of decisions, from time to time to adjust the infuriating, with the throwing out a one-time large power of the paper.

The pale white flame continually shot from her front, fluttering on the black iron giant, burning a shallow pit of different sizes.

Xie Yusheng is holding a long sword, sitting cross-legged on the ground, surrounded by three white flags around the body, is constantly flying with the wind. A faint white glimmer of light, centered on him, spreads in all directions.

Lu Sheng carefully looked at the black iron giant. When he looked closely at him, he discovered that this was not an iron man at all, but the closed-eyed monk he had met at the Heinyin Temple. It was just that he seemed to have worked hard, the whole person. The swelling becomes larger and the skin is hard as iron. However, the eyes are still bleeding continuously, and this feature is visible at a glance.


A woman in a secluded indium was punched in the right hand, and her arm slammed into an odd angle on the spot. She snorted and quickly pulled her arm back and fixed it. After a few breaths, the right arm was ready to use.

"It seems that there is no energy to curb the resilience of the black film. It can also be wiped out by the water mill." The road wins.

"Here, fast!!" Suddenly there were footsteps coming from far away, accompanied by shouts, and the shadows of the people jumped from the roof and fell to the field.

These people are carrying the signs of the Lingzong, and they are all looking gloomy. It seems that they have encountered something extremely troublesome.

One of them was a dragon scorpion. He was holding a big knife with a blood, carrying a long-handed golden hammer on his back, and a mess was moving with the wind.

"Let them stop first, we continue to withdraw!" He said loudly.

The voice did not fall, and the wall behind the crowd exploded.

boom! !

Gravel under the splash. One lower body is a spider, and the upper part is a silver-black monster of apes, rushing in.

hiss! !

The monster screamed at everyone, and the line of sight immediately stared at Bin Ling and other people. The body of more than three meters continued to chase after Long Hao and others.

"Go!" The dragon's face was swayed by the monster's snoring. His eyes were dignified and he turned and fled the first far away.

"Stand up!" Suddenly tied to the front of Lingzong and others, I don't know when to have a tall figure.

It was Lu Sheng, and he held the sword to block everyone.

"The woman left, the man's own roll!"

The dragon stunned and immediately became angry. "Go to your mother, think that women want to go crazy, why don't you die!?"

"Then you will die." Lu Sheng's slamming sword, the infuriating madness, the head is a dozen meters long sword slammed down.

Hey! ! !

The white sword sighed straight to the dragon's head.

Under the eagerness of the dragon, raising his hand is a knife. The infuriating two defensive runes are drawn next to the blade. The green runes are fleeting, and the blade suddenly becomes thick and hard.

clang! ! !

In an instant, the sword fell and slashed on the big knife.

The sound of the great shock spread, and the neighboring spirits who had been close to each other did not have time to react. They were shocked and shocked, and their eyes were unable to fall to the ground.

The ape spiders that they caught up behind were also shocked by the huge waves.

Hey, the big knife in the hand of Long Hao suddenly broke into several pieces and fell to the ground. A Jianguang suddenly fell and crossed his body.

Long Hao suddenly stood still, so he stood in the same place. After counting the interest, he slowly cracked a blood mark in his body. He smashed it. He split the whole person into two halves, and fell to the ground. Blood and internal organs have scattered.

Lu Sheng retracted his hand and looked at the rest of the Lingling Clan.

"Dragon brother!!" Several brothers and sisters who were close to Long Hao were red-eyed and slashed toward Lu Sheng.

At the same time behind them, there are all kinds of fuzzy illusions, which seem to be similar to the sorcerer. These ghosts attached to them, and as several people went out, they flew out and flew toward Lu Sheng.

For a time, three or four black air flew out of the courtyard, turning into a snake-shaped, cow-shaped, human-shaped, smashing toward the road.

"The sword of the day is clear." Lu Sheng's random blade flashed, and suddenly the Jianguang Peacock opened the screen in general, and easily scattered all the black gas.

Several people who released the horror suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground, and they could not afford it.

"But the four lines dare to participate in the battle for the battle? I don't know what it is." Lu Sheng swept the body of the dragon and saw it was quickly dissipating.

This group of Lingling sects, this brawny is a bit of a foundation, the knife before the shot, almost six lines and seven lines. But that's it.

There are only three men and two women left in the remaining bounds.

The five people hold the weapons in their hands, they are not put, they are not, they can only stand in the same place.

"Be careful!" Suddenly Xie Yuqiong's voice came from afar.

Roar! !

The ape spider suddenly swooped from the left side of Lu Sheng. The black iron giant swooped from the right side.

The two actually joined together, and they chose to kill Lu Sheng, the most threatening opponent.

"The empty hand wins the white blade!" Lu Sheng sighed low and slammed his body, just to avoid the black iron giant's slam, just in the moment when the black iron giant was about to overshoot. Lu Sheng took the lightning and shot his right hand with the black iron giant's right calf.

"Sunrise of the sword every day."


He slammed the black iron giant, as if he was holding a giant sword, and he was a glimpse of the ape spider.

boom! ! !

Just before the ape spider appeared a shield of green smoke, the shield was not fully formed, and he saw a black shadow on the top of the mountain, quickly covering his entire field of vision.

The ground cracked a large crack, and the black iron giant only had half of the body caught in Lu Sheng's hand, and the other half, thoroughly mixed with the ape spiders, could not tell each other.

Lu Sheng nodded slightly with satisfaction. The move was not a move in the sword every day, but something he felt when he pondered the clay.

"It turned out that this is all things can be swords, it is really powerful." He recalled the moment when he had touched his hand, the flash of light flashed, and for a time he was inspirational.

"Perhaps the knife marks on the mud board, I have been able to find out some directions." For a time, the road to the heart of the mind spread, before the various directions have never been thought of, and he even has to give up immediately Fight, go back to the retreat and feel the impulse of the mud board.

But this impulse was quickly suppressed by him.

Looking back, his eyes were awkward and he looked at the Linglingzong.

"It turned out to be so." He seemed to understand what he really understood.

"You can sword."

"You can sword."

"You can also sword."

He pointed to a few people who bound Lingzong, and his mind was full of ideas. The face is also more and more joyless and sad.



A few of them were inexplicable and felt that they had encountered a madman.

Xie Yuqiong’s younger brother, and several people in the previous secluded indium, also looked at Lu Sheng with caution, not knowing what he suddenly made crazy.

Lu Sheng quickly began to scan the rest of the people present. Suddenly his figure flashed, and several jumps, he fell to the front of the Ling Lingzong, and he was forced to play out the sword.

After a few squeaking sounds, I still haven't figured out what happened. These people have all their hands and legs broken and fell to the ground. And a few real gas squats on the knees of several people, preventing them from healing again.

Xie Yuqiong and others jumped in the eyelids. They originally planned to go forward and greet Lu Sheng. At this time, when they saw this scene, they also had a tight heart and some hesitation in their footsteps.

I didn’t expect Lu Sheng’s strength to be so strong before, and I didn’t see him coming in the first time.

Now it is because of the inexplicable action of Lu Sheng, and Ling Zong and others have given up their resistance, but they are still abolished by his limbs, and they use the infuriating atmosphere to prevent their limbs from regenerating.

This is a bit strange.

"Who is wearing a mask? It's best to expose your face, otherwise I don't mind peeling." Lu Sheng glanced at the few people who tied Lingzong, and his eyes were especially on the faces of several female disciples.

"Chiang Yangzong's brother, the priest can kill and can not be humiliated, even if you leave the dragon 鹫 brother out, even for us, you have to kill and kill, why should you humiliate me, etc." One of the exquisite female disciples .

"I am looking for someone. In addition, I have seen people who are bound to Lingzong feel bad.

Don't blame me, blame your parents for not knowing what to do. I can't move them, can you still kill you? Lu Sheng’s face gradually calmed down, and there was an inexplicable forest in his tone.

When the public killed a prefectural elder who was bound to Lingzong, the impact was somewhat large and it was not easy to deal with. If it was a dark place, it was obviously not allowed to directly start with Yuan Chengdao.

Therefore, when Lu Sheng entered the door, the mood was very uncomfortable.

Seeing the dragon shackles of the Lingzong, the mood is even more uncomfortable.

"And you." Suddenly Lu Sheng looked up and looked at the direction of the secluded indium. "Women's stay, the man's dare to run off the limbs."

Xie Yuqiong and others immediately stunned, and then the heart was cold.

They also did not expect that Lu Sheng actually turned their eyes and even they turned their faces.

In particular, a few people in the secluded indium sect, one by one, worrying about what happened.

"What do you mean by this brother?" A tall, thin man in a secluded indium squatted out of his voice. "Our Miyachi Sister is also nearby, or we should pass your meaning to her."

"Miyachi?" Lu Sheng broke the sword into the ground around him. "No, do you have a letter of help? Send her up."

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