Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1200 Tilt-rotor early warning aircraft

Drones have many functions. Reconnaissance and attack are common. Radio relay aircraft are also one of them. They build a bridge between drones and fleets in the sky. Even if they are discovered and attacked, it will not be a big deal. The most problem is the loss of one drone.

Without a communication relay, the drone can autonomously complete its mission according to the pre-entered mission plan and return home. It can also find satellite signals again. At least there will be no casualties.

"Having said this, let's talk about the dock below. As an amphibious assault ship, the dock is very important. The 076 has a larger hull, so the internal dock has also been enlarged, and six ships can be crammed into it. The 726 hovercraft meets the operational needs of cross-sea landings."

Compared with aircraft carriers, the biggest feature of amphibious assault ships is that they can carry amphibious equipment, such as hovercrafts!

The 726 hovercraft is another main equipment of the Eastern Navy for cross-sea landings. This hovercraft is small, 150 tons, with a maximum carrying capacity of fifty or sixty tons. If it is a main battle tank, it can transport one infantry fighting vehicle. It can transport three vehicles.

Those amphibious armored vehicles that can float on the water, whether they are tanks or infantry fighting vehicles, are all thin-skinned and large. If you really want to charge on the front line, you still need 99 and 96 tanks as the main weapons. This can only be done through hovercraft. carry.

The hovercraft blows the side skirts through the gas turbine to form an air cushion layer, thereby achieving the ability to cross obstacles and is the main force for cross-sea landings. However, this kind of weapon is large and can only be carried by amphibious warships.

Six hovercrafts mean six main battle tanks. If you build four, you can pass a tank battalion at one time. These heavy weapons are the backbone, coupled with a large number of amphibious combat vehicles and air power, it is easy to seize the beach and land!

Hearing the six hovercrafts, the guys got excited again.

Big ships are great!

As warships get bigger, they are equipped with more weapons, but the personnel will not increase proportionally. For example, the 40,000-ton Type 075 and the 60,000-ton Type 076 carry more hovercrafts from four to six. However, the number of personnel on the warships will not increase proportionally. There is still only one captain. The deputy captain, aviation wing captain, etc. are all equipped according to the original establishment. They are still the same people, but they can increase the combat effectiveness by half. For the Eastern Navy, which is currently expanding rapidly, this is very important. Yes, because it takes time to cultivate outstanding talents!

"Okay, yes, we need this kind of equipment!" Wu Shengli nodded immediately: "As long as you can build it for foreign customers and we pass the test together, our navy can purchase this kind of equipment and we will place an order for four ships! "

Now that the Navy has money, it no longer has to fiddle with things. Two aircraft carriers are under construction, and it also wants to place an order for four amphibious assault ships. Even Qin Tao was very emotional.

Moreover, I didn't expect that the most important thing for the Navy is this dock. If I had known this, I would have introduced the things that can be stored in the dock at the beginning and not introduced other things. Everything else would be useless.

"Speaking of hovercraft, our 726 hovercraft project has started a long time ago. In the past, it was unable to be built in large quantities due to problems with the gas turbine. Now we use the core engine of our self-developed engine to transform it, which solves the problem. It provides excellent equipment for our navy's cross-sea landing." A leader said.

Of course, the Navy also attaches great importance to the issue of cross-sea landing, so it has already introduced Ermao's Bison hovercraft. This hovercraft is too big to be carried by an amphibious landing ship. Therefore, the 726 type hovercraft developed is slightly smaller, but it still lacks a dedicated gas turbine.

Even though the hovercraft is not big in size, in order to hold up the air cushion, it needs strong power. The previous 726 hovercraft was equipped with a UGT6000 gas turbine. Although it can be used, it is not easy to use. The engine produces strong power when working. Low-frequency vibration makes the hovercraft have high vibration and noise, and the working environment is also very harsh.

It was not until the domestic Taihang engine finally succeeded and the corresponding gas turbine was improved that the power demand of the hovercraft was solved. At the same time, Dongfang also had the only hovercraft production technology in the world, and the other one was the Americans.

Speaking of this, everyone was very emotional, and some people thought of something.

"Our hovercraft is indeed good. By the way, Mingzhou Group's ground effect aircraft is also good. This equipment can also be used for cross-sea landings." Someone said.

Qin Tao coughed twice helplessly: "Everyone, what we are discussing in today's meeting is 076, not our ground effect aircraft."

Of course, the ground-effect aircraft is also a killer, with a higher carrying capacity than a hovercraft. However, this thing also has flaws. When the load capacity is increased, landing on land becomes almost impossible, and the only way to take off and land is at sea. In this way That is to say, it plays the same role as an amphibious assault ship, carrying a large number of amphibious tanks over, stopping after approaching, and releasing the tanks to pass over.

Of course, it is faster and its carrying efficiency will be improved, but it is a bit difficult to fly directly to the enemy's beach or even behind enemy lines.

This means you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Today's meeting is 076, let's not always go off topic.

The big guy smiled and continued talking about the amphibious assault ship.

The meeting lasted a whole morning. Qin Tao yawned and listened to the whole meeting. Then he looked at his father-in-law: "Dad, even if our matter is finalized? From now on, the Navy will not need to bid for it?"

"Of course we still have to bid, and we have to follow the formal process." Wu Shengli said: "However, the Navy still trusts your Mingzhou Group and is very satisfied with your 076 plan. Of course, you must continue to work hard. , By the way, we still need to take a look at the development of tilt-rotor aircraft, especially the early warning Z-30. Our navy will no longer have to worry about the long-range early warning capabilities of ocean formations in the future."

"Okay." Qin Tao nodded: "I will go to the aircraft factory with you."

"No, we shouldn't go to the aircraft factory to see the early warning aircraft."

"Oh, that's the electronics unit. Let's go to No. 14?"

"38." Wu Shengli said.

Speaking of the big brothers in domestic radar research and development, it must be 14. Whether it is on the ground, in the sky, or in the sea, they are involved in it. However, this does not mean that they can do it all.

There are other research institutes developing similar technologies, and the 38th Institute is one of them. In fact, Mr. Wang, who developed the early warning aircraft, also came from the 38th Institute.

Now, it is normal to add an early warning radar to the tilt-rotor aircraft and place it in the 38th station.

Qin Tao nodded, not feeling much about this arrangement. It wasn't until he went there that he realized how awesome things 38 Institute had produced.

South, Hefei.

This city does not look very eye-catching and seems to be unknown. It is not high-profile or public, but it is also developing continuously. The buildings in the city are changing with each passing day. It is located near the 38 buildings in the high-tech development zone, and it has the characteristics of a modern city. feature.

"Mingzhou Feiyuan, the first project developed by your Mingzhou Group in Hefei was sold out after it opened." When the car passed by a community, the local leader who received them in the car said: "The other projects have all been sold out. If it can’t be sold, and only your project can sell like hot cakes, the big guys will look for the Mingzhou Group and not deceive the common people.”

"We are just taking the lead. If all developers can put the interests of the people first like us, then our real estate can form a healthy development." Qin Tao said: "It is not easy for ordinary people to buy a house. , you must not fall into the trap.”

"Yes, some developers have decided to learn from you. They also build houses and then sell them. It is not easy for ordinary people." The local leader continued: "By the way, one of the buildings was sold to 38 houses as a whole. , their family homes were no longer enough, and they began to buy commercial housing.”

While talking, the car had already driven into No. 38 House, which was surrounded by green trees and small buildings. On the small playground in the house, a large shed was set up. If nothing unexpected, it should be a temporary tilt-up house. The place for gyroplanes.

If it is other aircraft modifications, you can only go to the aircraft factory, because 38 does not have a runway, but the tilt-rotor aircraft is different. It can land vertically, directly to the playground, set up a greenhouse, and then modify it inside. In this way, 38 The institute's technicians don't have to run back and forth, they can modify the aircraft right at home, which is the easiest.

However, the moment he walked in, Qin Tao frowned.

"Have you just started the modification? The radome on the back of the aircraft hasn't been installed yet?"

From the appearance point of view, this is an ordinary Z-30. The fuselage is short and thick, and it looks like a helicopter. The wings are not wide. The engines and propellers on both sides are extremely huge. The twin vertical tails, everything looks like So ordinary, yet so unique.

If you want to modify an early warning aircraft, the first step is to install the antenna. After all, the internal airborne equipment can be installed slowly later, but you must first verify whether the installation of the antenna is appropriate. If there is a problem with the antenna, you must continue to improve it. , in particular, according to the plan, the radar antenna installed on this aircraft is still triangular in shape, with phased array radar components installed on three sides to achieve full coverage of electromagnetic waves.

The aerodynamic situation of a tilt-rotor aircraft with vertical take-off and landing capabilities is inherently complex. The rotation of the propeller between the horizontal and vertical directions will cause a lot of airflow disturbance, so the shape of the radome is even more important. , if an unqualified radome is used, it is likely to cause a flight accident, and ultimately it will not be finalized and equipped for the troops.

No, the task of installing the radome should be completed before flying here. After all, Institute 38 is an electronics institute. The plane flew here to install electronic equipment, which means that the preliminary work has been prepared.

What exactly is going on?

Qin Tao's eyes were full of doubts. At this time, among a large group of people busy around the plane, a fat middle-aged man came over: "I'm very sorry, leaders, because the work is too stressful, so there is no I’ll pick you up at the door.”

"It's okay, Chief Ouyang. I hope your work has not been delayed because of our arrival." Wu Shengli was very familiar with this Chief Engineer, with a kind smile on his face: "How is the progress?"

"The progress is very good. It is estimated that in another week, it will be able to fly to the sky for testing."

"What are you testing? There is no radome. Are you planning to spend a week installing the radome?" Qin Tao couldn't help it.

"Radar dome?" Chief Engineer Ouyang looked at Qin Tao: "Are you Mr. Qin? I have not seen you when I went to the capital several times to report on work. You probably don't know the technology used by our early warning aircraft. We don't need mushrooms on our heads. There is no need for a triangular plate.”

No? Qin Tao was even more confused: "What to use? Balance beam? There are blind spots in the front and rear of the balance beam. For the navy, the enemy can come from any direction, so there can be no blind spots."

"Of course there are no blind spots."

"what is that?"

At this time, Qin Tao became more and more curious. There was no mushroom disk, no triangular disk, and it was not a balance beam. Suddenly, Qin Tao thought of something: "Could it be that we already have conformal antenna technology?"

Isn’t our technology developing too fast? I can’t even react, I can’t keep up with the rhythm!

"Sure enough, Mr. Qin is so powerful. Even if he has not heard our report, he still knows what we are doing!" Chief Engineer Ouyang said with emotion: "That's right, Mr. Qin, we use conformal antenna technology. , this technology achieved a breakthrough three months ago, when our vertical take-off and landing early warning aircraft officially started to be developed, so we decided to use conformal antenna technology and remove the radome to avoid any aerodynamic defects."

Even if it is an early warning aircraft that takes off and lands normally, the aerodynamic shape is greatly affected by the large plate on the top. The flight of this early warning aircraft is very unstable and can only be controlled by experienced veterans, and when flying , do not make any movements that significantly change the flight status, otherwise it may cause an accident.

As for the tilt-rotor aircraft, it would be even more difficult to add a large plate on the top. During vertical takeoff and landing, various accidents may occur. Therefore, the team has been worrying about the shape of the antenna, regardless of whether it blows or blows. No matter how many times you go through the wind tunnel, you can never achieve the perfect state.

Now, let’s just use the conformal antenna!

This is the latest technology. Conformal antennas, as the name suggests, can be consistent with the shape of the object. The biggest advantage of this is that it will not destroy the shape of the aircraft and will not bring about aerodynamic changes. How it was before, how it is now In this way, compared with the early warning aircraft with a large plate, it is simply easy.

In the past, because the Davidians could not make the mushroom disk cover and did not have the ability to research aerodynamics, when manufacturing the Falcon early warning aircraft, they directly installed radar antennas on the nose and sides of the fuselage. The purpose of turning the passenger plane into an early warning aircraft with a big nose and big cheeks is to reduce changes in aerodynamic shape. However, the internal antenna is still flat, and there is no antenna at the tail, so it will create a large blind spot.

In a phased array radar, the radiation of electromagnetic waves has been assigned to a separate T/R unit, but this does not mean that the unit can be placed anywhere. If the unit is placed differently, the phase of the radiated electromagnetic waves may change. , must be precisely placed and integrated into the system. In order to reduce the complexity of the system, these units should be placed on a flat panel.

The conformal antenna must be based on the shape of the aircraft. The general shape is arc-shaped. In this way, when the components are placed, they will be curved. Each component has its own separate position, so it must be integrated. ,too difficult.

Advanced computers are necessary to complete complex data calculations. Only the East in the world has this ability!

It is on this basis that the 38th Institute made a breakthrough in conformal antenna technology.

Qin Tao knew the principles of these technologies, but did not understand the details. This requires professional people to do professional things. He just briefly talked about the general outline of this technology. Chief Ouyang had an expression of admiration on his face, and Qin Tao was also a little bit dissatisfied. Sorry, I really only have half a bottle of water.

"Does the surface skin of our aircraft have these T/R components?" Qin Tao looked at the aircraft with interest.

"Not entirely." Chief Engineer Ouyang said: "Our conformal antenna technology is still very primitive. We found several positions on the fuselage, tried to be mainly flat, and buried these positions into the antenna components, and then Integrate the antenna system.”

The shape of this tilt-rotor aircraft is closer to that of a helicopter. The cross-section of the body is not like a cylinder, but square. This can maximize the utilization of the internal space. As for air resistance? It can't fly very fast anyway, as long as it's faster than a helicopter.

In this way, some conformal antennas can be buried on the upper, lower, left and right sides of the fuselage to achieve detection in four directions. Then, some more conformal antennas can be buried in the radome in front of the nose and in the hatch behind the fuselage that originally used to enter and exit the cabin. The antenna has the ability to scan in all directions.

There is still a certain gap between the real skin antenna, which is to directly make the skin into an antenna and rivet it directly, but this is already a big technological breakthrough.

The food needs to be eaten bite by bite, and the technology needs to break through bit by bit.

"Yes, well done. This way, our early warning aircraft will be even more advanced, and we can charge higher prices when exporting." Qin Tao was very satisfied.

Aircraft such as early warning aircraft are originally high-tech aircraft and are expensive. Now that they have the blessing of conformal antennas, they have to be sold even more expensively. If they are given to a big business, 500 million US dollars for one should not be expensive, right?

"Mr. Qin, can our aircraft be exported?" Chief Ouyang was very excited.

"Yes, of course it can be exported. We can only equip a few of them for our own use. We have to export them in large quantities. All the aircraft carriers we export in the future can be equipped with a certain proportion of these early warning aircraft. As long as you develop them, you can leave the export to me in the future. .By the way, your technology has been verified, right?"

"Of course, we modified a drone." Commander Ouyang said.

Qin Tao's eyes lit up again.

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