Warship of Great Power

Chapter 1041 One hundred thousand tons of uranium ore? This is not Chinese cabbage!

"Okay, no problem." Sagastres immediately nodded in agreement. Iron ore exports are also exports, and uranium ore exports are also exports. They are all the same.

However, the person next to him looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" asked Sagastres.

There was embarrassment on Boyet's face: "Currently, our proven uranium reserves are only a few hundred thousand tons, and our annual mining capacity is only a few thousand tons."

This is uranium ore, not iron ore. Even though their domestic uranium ore resources have ranked seventh in the world, the quantity is still not very high. Even the number one kangaroo country has less than two thousand uranium ore resources in total. million tons.

Therefore, Dongfang later announced to the outside world that the total domestic uranium resource reserves are close to two million tons, which is confident, and it is to tell the world that we have never lacked uranium resources!

Now, Krasnopolski said it lightly. After some calculations, he only needs to sell 100,000 tons of uranium ore to make up the two billion US dollars. However, 100,000 tons of uranium ore is not that light. It's easy to get it together!

That's all? Sagastres was also stunned: "It seems that it is impossible for us to fill this hole with exported uranium ore."

"Yes, of course it is not enough to rely on the existing uranium resources, but you can continue to explore and mine. So far, haven't you only explored uranium resources on 25% of the country's land? If you continue to explore, maybe your reserves can be doubled." Krasnopolski said Qin Tao's suggestion.

If we go by percentage, the remaining land may still have hundreds of thousands of tons of reserves. However, mining absolutely does not follow mathematical laws. The remaining 75% of the land may not have uranium resources at all. , or it may be more than ten times the existing resources. Exploring mines is almost like gambling.

He had no confidence, but he knew that Qin Tao must have confidence.

Of course Qin Tao knew that just in 2010, the football country discovered new uranium resources, doubling the domestic proven reserves in one fell swoop to more than 300,000 tons. Qin Tao gave Krasnopols Ji came up with the idea, that is, he wanted to take all the newly discovered uranium resources into his pocket.

He also knows that current uranium exploration and mining are state-owned, but in later generations, the country will still introduce private companies to mine together. Now is a good opportunity. The exploration and mining power of Mingzhou Group can completely integrate the new The uranium ore resources have also been packaged and mined. It is only 100,000 tons and can be finished in a few months. Moreover, because it is a new mine, the outside world does not know about it.

"If we were to explore a new mine, I'm afraid it would take several years to explore." Sagastres was a little worried.

"Yes, it may take several years, or maybe with luck, it will only take a few months." Krasnopolski said: "Our design also takes time, so you explore first, we design first, and then we wait until it is completed. After the design, let’s look at your exploration results. Maybe you will be happy when you have completed the exploration. If not, then we will discuss other methods at that time.”

"Okay." Sagastres nodded, and then thought of something: "In order not to alarm others, we think it is best to invite the Mingzhou Group's exploration team to explore. There should be no problem with this, right?"

Wouldn't the other party refuse the Mingzhou Group's exploration in order to clear up the relationship? If they ask a foreign exploration team to come over, it will leak the secret.

"Of course, you can go find it. It has nothing to do with our African laboratory." Krasnopolski said: "However, in order to be able to work better, we think that you should first give us a deposit .”

"Okay, of course, no problem. We will pay you five million in design fees first." Sagastres nodded. This is the largest amount they can raise at present. Since they have decided to cooperate with Dongfang, there is no hesitation. Yes, after all, there is a basis for previous successful cooperation. As long as Oriental has determined the price, it will never increase the price. It has a very good reputation.

Not as shameless as the French.

Europe, France.

The French were also confused.

how so? We have clearly quoted a price of 1.8 billion, which is already a very favorable price. They should know that there is a difference between self-use and export. The price of export will definitely be many times higher than that of self-use. Do they want more than a billion? Just buy our most advanced Barracuda-class nuclear submarine?

People from the Naval Shipbuilding Bureau waited for several days, but did not receive follow-up news from the football country.

"They want to lower the price for us in this way, which is absolutely not possible!"

"That's right, we won't accept any further price reduction. Our offer is already the cheapest!"

"Should we go to football country?"

"Humph, they are waiting for us to come to their door. If we go, they will definitely continue to lower the price. This is a nuclear submarine. They actually want to buy it at the price of a conventional submarine. We must not go!"

They decided to continue to sit on the Diaoyutai, and then they forgot about it. They were shocked until the football country announced the start of the domestic nuclear submarine project. They did not expect that the football country actually built it on its own!

In the far east, Krasnopolski returned on a passenger plane and hurried to see Qin Tao.

"Mr. Qin, what I recommend to them is a 100-megawatt nuclear reactor with an output of 30 megawatts and a tail drive motor of 20 megawatts." Krasnopolski introduced his design plan: "In this way, their four-thousand-ton nuclear submarine will easily reach a speed of thirty knots. Especially if we increase the aspect ratio to about 10, we will be able to obtain the speed index they want most. .”

Just like surface ships, with the same power and displacement, submarines have different shapes and different maximum sailing speeds.

The first submarines that appeared evolved from surface ships. The hulls were slender and the aspect ratio could even exceed 11. Later, in order to adapt to the needs of underwater navigation, the drop-shaped submarine appeared, which resembled a drop of water and had a thick bow. As for the round shape, the stern is thin and pointed, and the aspect ratio is between seven and eight. Generally speaking, 7.8 is considered to be the most appropriate number. Advanced attack nuclear submarines, such as the Seawolf class, fall within this range.

However, many submarines cannot meet this requirement, so they have to be made into an elongated drop shape. Especially ballistic missile nuclear submarines, the hull has to be elongated to install mushroom bombs. Finally, there is a special whale shape with a streamlined front. The hull, the rest of which is similar to a teardrop-shaped hull, is mainly suitable for conventional submarines.

Now, what Krasnopolsky is thinking of is an elongated teardrop shape, increasing the aspect ratio to about 10. Under the same displacement, the submarine needs a smaller pressure hull diameter, and the Mingzhou Group's set of eliminated equipment is It can be used. On the other hand, it can also save power and increase the speed. As for whether the sailing noise is loud or not, it is not a consideration for him. Anyway, the speed of the submarine will not be too high during the silent sailing stage. In fact, for For nuclear submarines, the pursuit of high speed does not make much sense. The main pursuit is the ability to sail silently with low noise. In this regard, the Chinese navy has completely taken a detour.

Of course, we will build whatever customers need, and we will never refute the customer's face.

Qin Tao nodded: "You design the nuclear reactor first, and the diameter must be within eight meters. As for the design of the nuclear submarine hull, we can leave it to relevant units for research and development."

"Related units? Aren't they my old friends?" Krasnopolsky asked curiously.

Qin Tao smiled: "Kvasa is currently busy in the shipyard. Where can I take care of such a small toy submarine project? Leave it to our relevant units and modify the old submarines, so that the design can be improved." The pictures are exported to football countries, and it’s easier to earn these US$100 million.”

An old submarine from before? Krasnopolski opened his eyes wide in surprise: "Mr. Qin, you mean 091?"

The 091 nuclear submarine is the first generation nuclear submarine in the East, and its performance has long been outdated. Therefore, with the completion of 093 and 095, the first batch of 091 submarines have been retired one after another. The design drawings of this nuclear submarine will be modified and sold to the Chinese navy for construction. Nuclear submarines certainly do not pose a risk of leaks.

"I didn't say anything." Qin Tao shook his head: "What does your African laboratory project have to do with our Eastern 091?"

Krasnopolsky nodded: "Yes, Mr. Qin, you are right. The entire project belongs to our African laboratory and has nothing to do with 091. Is there anything else you want to explain? If not, I Just go get busy.”

"The concentration of enriched uranium used in this nuclear power plant cannot exceed 20%. This is also suitable for the nuclear industry conditions of football countries. What do you think?"

Krasnopolski nodded: "Of course, they can't make weapons-grade enriched uranium. And if they need to change fuel midway, they still need technical guidance."

Many third-rate tabloids will report that a certain genius child built a nuclear reactor in his own garage using materials purchased on the Internet. This is of course nonsense. At most, it is just a nuclear battery with radioactive materials, and it is worse than a nuclear reactor. Very far away, and even more outrageous, there are reports of making mushroom bombs, which is even more nonsense.

Many countries want to make mushroom bombs, but they cannot break through the relevant technologies. One of the biggest problems is the concentration of raw materials.

Natural uranium ore contains a large amount of uranium 238, with a concentration of more than 99%. However, unfortunately, the nucleus of uranium 238 is not easy to split. What is easy to split is that it only accounts for a few tenths of a percent of the uranium 238. Uranium 235, this requires separating the two raw materials.

Because they are isotopes, they have the same chemical properties and can only be separated by physical means. The two have different atomic weights and different densities, so they need to enter a centrifuge. The heavier uranium-238 is thrown outside, and the lighter uranium-235 remains inside. .

Is this a complete separation? Of course it's impossible.

Throw it out many times, and the concentration of uranium-235 inside only increases a little. Then take out this little bit, build a machine, and then throw it out, throw out the previous one, and then throw it out again!

As the first level progresses, the concentration of uranium-235 inside becomes larger and larger, from a few tenths of a percent to a few percent, and then to more than ten percent. This has already consumed the entire resources of a medium-sized country. The amount of electricity generated.

Weapons grade? That requires a concentration of more than 99%! A centrifuge may only be able to throw out a few grams after running for decades, so the person who was beaten was very unjust. With the little power generated in their country, they couldn't throw out the electricity at all, but a shameless guy used a test tube of washing powder. Fooled. This is true to the old saying, there is no need to blame someone if you want to.

Of course, the centrifuges in the football country are not that powerful. It is enough to enrich uranium by more than ten percent and install it in a nuclear reactor. This means that the nuclear fuel will have to be replaced after about ten years of burning. This is how the five gangsters came here. , Only now do we have nuclear reactors with the same lifespan as nuclear submarines. It is absolutely impossible for a football country to reach the sky in one step.

And in this way, the threat from football country's nuclear submarines can be controlled to a minimum. This kind of nuclear submarine is symbolic and has no practical significance, and it will take ten or eight years to start construction. It will take another ten or eight years to complete the training and serve. When it matures, it will be time to change the nuclear fuel. Once again, it will be in the dock. Stay there for a few years.

Qin Tao has made money without breaking industry rules. Qin Tao has taken care of everything.

Watching Krasnopolski leave, Zhao Ling, who had been silent next to her, said, "Brother Tao, is this how we write the secret report to the navy?"

"Well, our deal with the football country is mainly to make money. Moreover, the US$100 million design fee for the nuclear submarine will go directly into the Navy's account to support the construction of the Navy. At the same time, we can also obtain a large amount of uranium ore. This This cooperation will be very profitable for us.”

Over the years, the country has been importing uranium ore. Although it is said that those close to the water are on a first-come-first-served basis and mainly imported from neighboring countries. Kazakhstan has the second largest uranium ore reserves in the world, more than 900,000 tons. However, it is still difficult to rely solely on the supply of one country. Dangerous, supply channels must be diversified.

Zhao Ling nodded, and then thought of something: "The French are very honest and did not go to the football country to confront him."

If the French pass, the secret will be exposed, and the price of 180,000 will definitely be raised again. When the time comes, how will the Chinese football people react when they find out that there has been a misunderstanding?

Qin Tao smiled: "If they didn't pass, that's their luck. If they did, hum!"

Qin Tao did not continue, and Zhao Ling did not ask any more questions, but she could guess something. In the past few years, the Mingzhou Group has become more and more powerful there. With the continuous development of the mines, it has already formed an intricate network. Needless to say, a local mining truck driver drove drunk and smashed the French cars into pieces. It should be a normal traffic accident, right?

As for other things, Zhao Ling doesn't need to think so much. In short, the world is like this, with worldly relationships and fighting and killing.

"Brother Tao, if we use smartphones to monitor, will there be any problems if it takes a long time?"

"What can go wrong with this? It's very common for smartphones to have mobile phone viruses. They can only blame themselves for not being careful. Even if it is exposed in the future, the most they can do is update the anti-virus software on the smartphone and don't bring it with you during important meetings. With smartphones, everyone has a little ear listening all the time. Over time, people will get used to it.”

Qin Tao said it very easily.

In my original time and space, it is not safe to turn off the mobile phone, and some programs may continue to run. When having an important meeting, you must collect all the mobile phones together and lock them in an iron box. This way, a static electricity shield will be completely eliminated. It's safe.

I was talking unconsciously at home. I wanted to change my car recently. I looked at my phone again. There were ads selling cars on various apps. Even if I coughed a few times, ads selling medicine would appear on my phone. That era was really rampant. , under the banner of so-called big data, the monitoring customers are completely shameless, and they will not be punished in any way!

The present is nothing compared with future generations. Besides, with Western technology, it would not be easy to discover these problems overnight.

"Brother Tao, the shipyard in Goudahu is about to break ground. They have invited you over several times, but you have been..."

Qin Tao raised his suspicious eyes: "You pushed me away? Out of concern for my safety?"

"I didn't turn it down, it was the Navy that turned it down. They felt that the war there has not stopped yet and you are not suitable to go there." Zhao Ling quickly explained: "If you want to go, of course I will go with you. Go, you are not afraid, and neither am I."

Qin Tao shook his head: "They wouldn't be that stupid. If they kill me in that kind of place and under that kind of situation, their reputation will be even worse."

"Their reputation is already ruined." Zhao Ling said: "Now they hate you to the core. The warships built by our Mingzhou Group are of good quality and have advanced performance, but the American warships have exposed serious quality problems and actually use They have received a large amount of substandard materials. In comparison, they are even more embarrassed and their hatred for you is even deeper, so you'd better not go out, otherwise they are likely to jump over the wall."

Qin Tao sighed. It was indeed the case. The Yankees' warships actually used substandard steel. This scandal has been exposed and confirmed. The US Navy is investigating, and a large number of reporters are constantly digging into the dark materials. , which made them feel shameless, and at the same time their hatred for Qin Tao became deeper and deeper.

At this time, if Qin Tao goes out, he will still be in such a chaotic place. No matter how much security force is added, it may be completely sparse.

Qin Tao thought for a moment: "Then, what if we use our most advanced electronic technology to project me onto the scene?"

"Projection?" Zhao Ling thought for a moment: "I don't know about this either. I have to ask the technicians at the Goose Factory to ask."

Qin Tao nodded: "When the time comes, we can set up a shed at the groundbreaking ceremony, put three projectors on the top of the shed, and play out the images I recorded in advance. This way, I will feel like I am at the scene."

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