August of the 38th year of Konoha.

One year has passed since the Second Ninja War ended.

Each ninja village has entered a period of relative peace and has begun to recover.

About dozens of miles away from the east gate of Konoha, there is a small mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, underground laboratory.

Bai Yu and Orochimaru were wearing green surgical suits and white gloves, standing on the left and right in front of the operating table.

Lying on the operating table was a young man with his upper body exposed. Surprisingly, the young man’s right arm had a pale complexion, and there was a clear difference in skin color starting from the shoulder.

The two of them stared at the young man closely, paying attention to his physical condition and the changes in data on the instrument.

When the scheduled time passed, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Orochimaru used a scalpel to cut off a small piece of flesh from the young man’s arm and gave it to Bai Yu.

Bai Yu put it under the microscope and observed it carefully

“How about it?!”Orochimaru did not step forward to observe. There was a hint of nervousness in Bai Yu’s eyes, obviously he attached great importance to the results.

“The cells have basically completed the fusion without any rejection reaction. It was a success!”

There was a hint of excitement in Bai Yu’s eyes.

Orochimaru was also a little excited, but then he calmed down and frowned slightly:”The success rate is still too low a>”

“really. Bai Yu also regained his composure and analyzed:”Counting the number of failed experiments before, the success rate of cell fusion is less than 5%. However, as long as you succeed once and continue to eliminate variables, the success rate will definitely increase.”

“Um. Orochimaru nodded in agreement, with a smile on his face:”Thanks to you this time!””

“This is mainly due to you, Orochimaru-sensei. If this continues, sooner or later we will be able to develop the perfect regeneration technology for severed limbs.”

Bai Yu said with a smile.

Orochimaru glanced at the young man lying on the operating table, and said calmly:”You go to rest first.”

The young man stepped down from the experimental table and bowed respectfully to Orochimaru and Bai Yu:”Yes, Lord Orochimaru, Lord Bai Yu.”

After saying that, he left the laboratory and returned to the prison next door.

“Bai Yu, I’ll give you two days off. You should also have a good rest.”Orochimaru looked tired, but there was uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

“Yes.”Bai Yu took off his surgical clothes and gloves and left the laboratory.

He did not persuade Orochimaru to rest, because it was of no use.

Walking out of the laboratory, passing by When he entered the prison in the corridor, Bai Yu glanced at the few experimental subjects left inside, and frowned slightly. The recent consumption was a bit heavy.

However, everyone inside stayed quietly, and There was no commotion.

These are the death row prisoners provided by Genbu to Orochimaru for human experiments.

Orochimaru’s promise is that as long as he cooperates with him for two rounds If you don’t die in the experiment, you can gain freedom.

I have to say that Orochimaru does have a magical charm.

Sometimes, Orochimaru will also bring people from the outside world Come in, everyone who comes here knows that they will be used as experimental subjects, but every one of them is very excited and more cooperative than a death row prisoner.

The young man just now has successfully survived two rounds. experiment, but strongly requested to stay in the laboratory and did not want to leave at all.

Now, the technology of regenerating severed limbs has completed the first stage, although there may be a second, third, or even third stage later. Fourth and fifth stage, but this success is very critical.

Among them, the most important thing is the white humanoid biological cells provided by Bai Yu.

Bai Yu obtained it last year After studying the first-generation cells, he made a major discovery.

The cells in the white creature he caught from the Country of Grass were very similar to the first-generation cells.

And when the primary cells with lower activity were transplanted into the body of the white creature, the two cells were successfully fused together.

In addition to the decrease in cell activity, There was no phagocytosis of cells.

However, the progress of Bai Yu’s experiments came to a standstill after that.

So he brought the body tissue of the white creature to Orochimaru , the two of them conducted research together.

During this period, Orochimaru also made a special trip to the Land of Grass, as if he wanted to see if he could catch another white creature.

Of course, the final result was no success.

But this part of the body tissue was enough.

The two spent nearly a year After repeated experiments, the cell cultivation and transplantation of the white creature was finally successfully completed.

The cells of the experimental subject were fused with the cells of the white creature, and then transplanted into the experimental subject. < /span> Coupled with the breakthrough in regeneration technology for severed limbs, it can be said to be a double blessing Promotion to third-class apprentice is just around the corner. Even so, in more than half a year, Bai Yu’s mental power has improved by leaps and bounds. Even though Kushina’s”money power” cleared the way, it was still not a simple matter to collect raw materials and then make medicine. But this may be related to the fact that he did not take enough doses. At present, Bai Yu’s body has not yet developed drug resistance. The efficacy of the new”Dark Blue Potion” is not worse than that described in the original version, on the contrary, it is more effective. If Newton did not start thinking after being hit by an apple, but instead picked up the apple and ate it, then I am afraid that for a long time, students would have to learn much less physics knowledge. This is absolutely correct. Many major discoveries and inventions in science are sometimes made through play or accident. Unexpectedly, an accident allowed him to successfully develop a new type of”Dark Blue Potion”. Since the”active potion” completely failed, Bai Yu’s practice speed has slowed down greatly. Bai Yu used the test subject provided by Orochimaru to conduct potion experiments. After repeatedly confirming its safety, he took a small dose of”Dark Blue Potion” and found that the effect was amazing. However, the new version of”Dark Blue Potion” is quite different from the potion described in the original version. However, he suddenly came up with the idea of using the powder ground from tree trunks to make the”dark blue potion”. Unexpectedly, he actually succeeded. Bai Yu intercepted some branches of a small tree for research, but found nothing special. In an experiment half a year ago, he accidentally knocked off the petri dish, and the white biological body tissue contained in it fell to the ground. After it came into contact with the ground, a branch actually grew. The small tree, which is as tall as a person, exudes a special energy field. In addition, Bai Yu has another major breakthrough. Although less than 5% of the cases were successful Efficiency, but everything is difficult at the beginning, and the success of the first step is very critical.

The young man just now is the only experimental subject who successfully survived the experiment, and the cultivated arm can also be used normally.

【Spirit: 5.71】

【Physique: 2.01】

【Conditions for promotion to third-class apprentices: 1. Spirit ≥ 6, constitution ≥ 2.0, not completed; 2. Powerful radiation of biological cells or tears (3/3), completed]

After taking a glance at his attributes, Bai Yu’s footsteps became a little brisker.

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