Warhammer Throne

Chapter 37: , Urik's message

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That night, the caravan camped in the valley.

The guards and mercenaries came and went. Compared with the previous day, the mercenaries were more interested. Ryan guessed that this was because today's battle went smoothly, and most of the mercenaries should have gained something from the goblins.

In comparison, the merchant’s interest is not so high. When going downhill, a carriage overturned under the influence of the wolves, and the black fierce oil drum placed in it was overturned. Mats knew that he was only after a little calculation. The loss was more than one hundred gold dinars.

The night sky is dotted with stars, and in the distance, the densely forested Scavier Mountain is showing a foot under the veil in front of everyone-the wildly growing forest and the white bones beside the road all tell terrible past events.

"Hurry up!" The guards were loading and unloading, and a large wooden box was lifted from the carriage with the help of two people.

"Ouch!" The exhaustion that lasted for a day made the guard a little weak, and the wooden box fell to the ground, and a few pieces of ore in it were thrown out.

This kind of stone is made of a mixture of sea-blue crystals and rough rocks. It is obviously an unrefined magic ore.

"Sea Heart Stone?" Teresa approached with her staff. After half a day's rest, her complexion had recovered: "Mr. Oliver? Is this your cargo?"

"Oh, oh! What are you doing? Clumsy, hurry up and put things away!" Mats rushed over, motioned to the guard to pack things up, and then smiled awkwardly: "This is...this is my cargo, Tello. Ms. Vic."

"What's the matter? Mr. Mats?! We Jialan has issued notices in the Royal Nord Court many times. We are willing to offer high-priced purchases of any sea heart stone. Why is there still sea in your goods? Things like heart stone?" After seeing the ore in the wooden box, Teresa's expression changed obviously. Sea heart stone is a very precious magical mineral. It is necessary to make many magical items. The ability to assist the descendants of wizards to awaken the magical talents, and at critical moments, the casters can even directly absorb the energy contained in them to restore the magical power.

"This...I..." Mats looked around very awkwardly, and he found that everyone in the caravan was watching him, and he couldn't say anything.

When Ryan saw this, he came up to relieve the siege: "Well, Teresa, the merchants also have the freedom not to sell to you, don't they? The Nord Kingdom does not have a law to prohibit the export of these things. After all, if the export of these things is prohibited, I am afraid the King. Are you about to worry about military pay?"

"But the sea heart stone is too precious, and our Jialan also urgently needs this magic ore. We have already given such a high price..."

"But the imperial Royal Wizarding Academy is willing to offer a higher price, isn't it?" Ryan interrupted Teresa, then said to Mats with a chuckle, "Am I right? Mr. Mats?"


"It seems that we have always been too tolerant of you businessmen. It's time to give you a little... Hmm~" The female warlock was about to get angry, and soon a pain in her abdomen reminded her that something was wrong, and Ryan walked up when she saw it. Hugging the female warlock up her waist: "Okay! Don't be angry, you can't do this. Just turn around and talk to Ms. Aurora!"

After that, Ryan didn’t give the female warlock any chance to say anything. He hurried away while holding her. To his expectation, the female warlock did not resist in the process, and let him pick it up, which saved him. A lot of trouble.

It's half past seven in the evening.

Lifting the tent curtain, Ryan saw Emilia taking out a pot of hot water with a dull look. Ryan stepped away and walked away, and then asked, "Is it better?"

"It's better, and don't you know that you will have to knock at least when you enter the lady's room at night?" The sorcerer was lying halfway on the padded backrest, looking in a bad mood.

"...Sorry, then you have a good rest, good night!" Ryan sighed, nodded, turned and left.

The tent fell into silence again.

The sorcerer thought that Ryan was angry, but he really never appeared again. After waiting for a long time, Teresa did not see him come back, and a deep sense of loss rose in her heart.

I didn’t mention anything in the tent for the time being. After speaking with everyone in the caravan, Lion came to a nearby clearing alone. He took out the magical scroll he had previously bought in Wulan Town, the zero-level magic light technique. , Fell into contemplation.

Unfolding the divine art scroll, Ryan followed the energy patterns and symbols on the scroll to walk around with psychic energy, and then raised his hand: "Lighting!"

A ball of light smaller than a fist shot from Ryan's hand, lighting up the gloomy and cold surroundings, and then about ten meters away from Ryan, the ball of light suddenly disappeared without warning.

"It's different from the normal divine art. After the normal light art is shot, it can fly at least 20 meters and then gradually disappear, but the light art I simulated can only fly 10 meters." Ryan thought for a while and murmured: "Is it because of the god's supernatural power?"

"Try this again." Then, Ryan took out another magic scroll, which cost him a lot of money, and sealed the first-level basic spell-magic missile.

Compared with magic scrolls, the number of magic scrolls is even rarer. Like other magic items, making such scrolls is extremely difficult, and only high-level wizards know how to make them. In order to complete a scroll, the mysterious spell pattern must be carefully copied onto parchment paper, and then the spell required for the spell must be copied.

Then the wizards will inject magic power into the scroll, which is a very technical job. If the magic power is injected too much, the scroll will be in danger of exploding and self-initiating, especially destructive spells. If the magic is injected too little, It may happen that the spell cannot be activated.

A three-level wizard can only make one-level magic scrolls, a six-level legendary wizard can only make four-ring magic scrolls at most, and so on. It is worth mentioning that if you want to use magic scrolls, users You must also have a little magic talent and be able to read the text above, which also makes the audience of the magic scroll even narrower.

"Magic missiles, a ring of plastic energy spells that shoot three beams of energy bombs towards the target. They are the basic spells that every wizard apprentice can master." Ryan muttered to himself.

The principle of this spell is very simple. The magic is condensed into an energy projectile and aimed at a target to strike. Ryan quickly uses psychic energy to analyze the spell, and then builds it in the same way according to the magic structure: "Magic missile!"

Exactly as he had imagined, psionic energy could also simulate the release of magic missiles, but similarly, magic missiles with a range of at least 50 meters were completely dissipated in the air after flying about 10 meters.

"In other words, the magic of psionic simulation cannot be more than ten meters away from my body." Ryan recalled his father’s teaching in his dream: "Psionic power is extremely powerful and the source of depravity. You must make good use of it. This power."

"So, how about this?" Ryan gathered the psychic energy on his body in the center of his hand, then spread his five fingers, and the psychic energy gathered into a silver-white light, instantly lighting up the dark forest, under the blazing psychic glow, nearby The dead wood eroded by the chaotic energy suddenly produced some kind of abnormal change, the black chaotic energy faded, and branches and green leaves grew again.

No, it's not that the black chaotic energy has faded.

It was Ryan's psychic energy that completely shattered those chaotic energies!

But soon, the strong light of psychic energy not only drove away the chaotic energy, but its own strong destructive power quickly burned all the trees that had finally escaped from the chaotic energy torture into charcoal.

The burning smell passed into Ryan's mouth and nose, which made the White Wolf Knight feel very uncomfortable.

"It's too late. My psychic energy can purify and corrode, but it is still a terrible destructive power in nature. I need to practice how to control it. Maybe this is my father's tempering." Ryan nodded, and he planned to get up from the depths of the forest. Suddenly a gust of wind blew around.

The white sacred fire appeared in the forest again, the wind was flying, with dead branches all over the ground, Ryan suddenly widened his eyes, and then subconsciously knelt down on one knee: "My lord!"

The white flames in the midwinter time are the will of the white wolf war **** Urik coming!

The divine fire did not materialize, it just hung high in the air, and then slowly entered the sea of ​​consciousness of Ryan.

"Boy, we meet again." In the sea of ​​consciousness of Ryan, the white fire said.

"I pay my respects to you, the great wolf god, White Wolf Knight Ryan is here to listen to your teachings!" Ryan's face was surprised and happy. As we all know, the white wolf war **** Urik rarely responds to the prayers of believers. Very few oracles were handed down, and very few descended on the main material world. His only action to descend on the main material world was to personally come to the world to fight against the chaos during the first chaotic invasion.

Since then, this wolf **** has never even sent an avatar to appear on the main material plane. He treats believers more cruelly, especially when the weak ask him for refuge, he often ignores them. Only the leader of his beloved White Wolf Knights and his The Archbishop of the White Wolf Church will occasionally have the opportunity to communicate with him.

After Charlemagne killed Moka the Chosen of Chaos and repelled the Chaos army, Urik blessed Charlemagne and his empire and asked him to build a "seeable" temple for himself in the north of the empire. The empire couldn’t find a reason to refuse—after all, the wolf **** had personally come to the world to fight against the Chaos army. Therefore, one of the most spectacular temples in the world, the White Wolf Temple, was established in the northern part of the empire by the elector of Wallrich. After thousands of years of development, human beings rely on the White Wolf Temple to build the White Wolf City, one of the few major cities in the main material world.

"Are you Ryan, the adopted son of that bald Norman? You want me to say that you don't look like him." Urik's first sentence turned over Ryan: "I have a chance to tell your adoptive father, don't When praying, I always hope that I can help him grow his hair again. He should pray to Saria for this kind of thing, not me."

Saria, the goddess of mercy, is also known as the goddess of medicine.

Ryan couldn't say anything other than a smirk and a gesture of compliance: "Understand, I will follow your oracle, my lord."

"Come on! I didn't send the avatar to tell you this, boy, your previous sacrifices indicate that the mountains here are haunted by impure chaotic creatures. Go, go and bring its head to me. This is for me. It's the best Winter Veil gift." The white **** Huoyan was about to disappear, and Ryan quickly said, "That... I encountered something that I didn't understand."

"Say!" The white sacred fire shook.

"...Understand." Ryan lowered his head and said that he knew it, and then in hesitation, the White Wolf Knight said: "I have heard that the great Lord has a long life and rich experience. I don't know if you know... Gu Holy things?"

"You actually know the Old Sage? I thought that after thousands of years, no one knows the Old Sage anymore except for long ears and a handful of nerds." Urik's tone fluctuates for the first time.



"Boom!" The heavy throwing axe cut through the entire tree, cutting the trunk from the middle, all the thorns and branches crumbled in an instant, and the giant tauren could feel the trembling of the earth every step he took. Its face was covered by a white skull and its expression was unclear, only a large amount of mist sprayed out from its mouth and nostrils: "Hoo...Kill!"

"The soul of the jungle!" Elderrad's staff waved, and the trees next to him changed in the emerald green light. They rose from the ground and rushed towards the tauren.

The giant tauren’s movements were not slow in the slightest. It walked towards Elderrad step by step. A tree man rushed from the left. It didn't even look at it. The tomahawk swept the tree man in two. In the paragraph, the treants summoned by Alderrad can't stop it at all.

The sturdy hoof stepped on the forest floor, and Alderrad felt heavy pressure every time he approached.

Is it the Minotaur?

Unlike, the Minotaur is a very emotional creature, but this creature is always calm.

So is it a big-horned bull with a level of tall minotaur?

"In that case..." Alderrad pushed the stick into the ground forcefully, and then took a deep breath. His originally tattered clothes were stretched out with the owner's movements, and hair appeared on his wrinkled skin. The nose stretches, the palms gradually turn into claws, and the body gradually expands. Within a few seconds, he already had the appearance of a bear.

There is no particularly powerful offensive spell in the druid's magic. Alderrad decided to use his claws and teeth to fight.

Just when Alderrad was about to transform into a giant bear, a very strange smile appeared on the corner of the giant Minotaur's mouth, and the filthy energy gathered on it, as if it was about to swallow all things in the world.

"Savage...barbarian...crush...crash!!!" The combat skills were activated, and the giant minotaur rushed out nearly fifty meters in the blink of an eye, and the protective circle built by the wooden staff was like paper. Turning into flying ash, a huge shadow will be enveloped by the transforming Alderrad.

The tomahawk swept across the druid’s chest, leaving a huge bone-in-depth wound, spreading from the right waist to the left shoulder, blood filled the druid’s chest, and Alderrad had a huge impact. The force went down and flew out for several tens of meters. Fortunately, the remaining treants swarmed up and temporarily entangled the hands and feet of the beasts.

"Hmm..." Alderrad's beast quickly faded and gradually changed back to a human appearance. He sat on the ground, clutching his chest. The pain almost made him unable to breathe. He was originally wrinkled. His face shrank into a ball at this time, and blood filled the ground. Alderrad did not hesitate to crush an emerald green gem, put his hands on his chest, and crawled back.

The giant Minotaur opened his mouth and laughed wildly. The blood-red liquid dripped from its mouth, and the filthy energy shone more and more. He slowly approached Alderrad.

Alderrad gasped loudly, and the giant minotaur came step by step, like the sound of a death knell.

"You...you are... the doomsday..."

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