Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation

Chapter 298: This is not something you can change (please subscribe)

  Chapter 298 This is not something you can change (please subscribe)

   "I don't know anything about that mysterious empire. I only know one thing. It may bring salvation to mankind, an unprecedented reform, and going to the stars will no longer be a delusion."

"In this world controlled by superheroes and capital, human beings have long lost the ability to self-innovate and progress. There is a saying that may sound cruel, and countless people will think that I am a lunatic, because only a lunatic would think that civilization The gears need blood to lubricate them."

  "The development of civilization is at the cost of life. Only the most violent death can let those politicians know how abhorrent their actions are."

   "Every war from ancient times to the present has its own meaning. It would be a sad thing if people only see the death and pain caused by wars and ignore the reasons behind the wars."

   "Peaceful times breed corruption and greed, allowing people to accumulate resentment and dissatisfaction, and become filth that delays the development of civilization. If it is not removed, civilization will not advance and develop."

   "The war corrected the wrong choice of human beings, venting the resentment and dissatisfaction accumulated in the peaceful era through killing and death."

"We should reflect on the pain caused by war, and we should be vigilant against the invisible pain in peacetime. The empire has never concealed its nature of war. Everything it does is for survival and continuation. Its barbaric posture revealed to me For one reason, the essence of civilization is to survive, and everything else is unimportant.”

"My name is Lex, and the world used to call me the enemy of superman, and thought I was a villain who was completely bad. But they couldn't see the damage that superheroes did to human civilization. Those heroes who are high above never Sharing their secrets and scientific research results with the world, they are trying to imprison mankind forever in a country they can control under the pretext of being good for the world."

"The eagle knows that only when the chicks spread their wings on the cliff can they survive in the cruel natural competition. A qualified mother will let her children learn how to survive. Human beings need pain to know what is right and what is right. Wrong, so they can change. Superheroes take credit for taking away the pain in the name of justice. The scarier thing is that they never really address the root of the problem, but Obsessed with solving problems as they arise.”

"This reminds me of a very cold joke. A poor farmer complained to the lord that his cattle were taken away by thieves. He said that the lord should train the guard soldiers to deal with the thieves and manage the chaotic local law and order. The lord disliked that too much. It’s troublesome, since we need to train soldiers and find ways to suppress bandits, it’s better to arrest the farmers, so that no one will complain about the poor security in the area.”

  Lex crouched in front of the table, writing his diary.

   This habit has been maintained since he was very young.

  Even if he becomes a villain who deliberately wants Superman to die in the future, this habit has not been changed.

   Only by recording the past can people better look forward to the future.

  If you forget the past, you will never be able to grow.

  Lex was a brilliant inventor and entrepreneur who achieved what others might not achieve in their lifetime.

   If he hadn't become the enemy of Superman, his life would be a dream.

  Luxury car beauty, champagne banquet, applause and cheers, he will not miss any of them.

   But now, he is just a villain who can only hide in the dark.

  Even Roboute Company did not reveal his identity to avoid arousing public resentment.

   Lex never regrets his choice.

  People will always make many choices in this life.

  Some choices may sacrifice others to achieve oneself.

  Some choices are to sacrifice yourself to achieve others.

  He just chose the latter.

  Some people may laugh at his stupidity, and let him live a good life as a rich man, but he must be a villain.

   Some people will scold him for going against Superman.

   For these, Lex never cared.

  He just wanted to do something meaningful.

  When Lex, as a successful person, stood at the top of this society, he already knew the dark rules of this society.

  Those rules have never been as intuitive as war, but they are more cruel and terrifying than the killing of war.

  Some people can enjoy a luxury suite of $180,000 on Hawaii Island.

  Some people can only sleep at the subway entrance of the metropolis and use newspapers to keep warm.

  Some people are born with no worries about food and clothing, and are destined to become human elites and masters.

  Some people work hard all day long, but they are doomed to accomplish nothing, and they can only do nothing and suffer for a lifetime.

   Lex just hates this kind of world, hates the world guarded by those so-called heroes.

  They maintain the old laws and require the world to run according to their wishes.

  Think that as long as those visible evils are eliminated, people can live and work in peace.

  But I never thought that in this society, those crimes that cannot see blood are the most despairing things for ordinary people.

  Lex wrote down his feelings.

   After firmly embarking on the road against Superman, he never longed for honor, nor did he expect to get applause and flowers.

  He recorded these things just to let later generations understand a truth.

   Those who only stand in the light and shout for justice are the scariest.

   After writing the last word, Lex let out a long breath.

   Check carefully and confirm that there is no problem.

   Locked the diary and put it in a private drawer.

  He closed his eyes and meditated, letting his dry eyes rest.

   Until a crisp mechanical sound interrupted his thinking.

   "Lord Sanguinius can see you now, Lex."

  As the sound sounded, a light curtain emerged, inside which was an electronic message with the emblem of the Skyhawk flashing.

"I see."

   Lex replied with a voice.

   After checking his attire, Lex stood up and walked towards the door.

  He put his palm on the panel of the door, and with the entry of identity information, the metal door opened smoothly.

  Two bodyguards wearing exoskeleton armor were outside the door. Seeing Lex come out, they saluted a simple courtesy.

  Lex nodded and walked out along the corridor.

  From some information, Lex knew the existence of the character Sanguinius.

   Said to be one of the brothers of the Emperor of the Empire and one of the builders of the Empire.

   An out-and-out big shot, his identity is currently one of the most honorable figures in the universe of the empire.

   Except for the great emperor of the empire, no one can surpass his status.

  For safety, the empire built a large number of underground safety bases.

  Lex learned that a big man from the empire was coming, so he asked to see him.

  He defected to the Empire because the Empire is more suitable for humans than the Justice League.

  The Justice League always asks the world to be a good person, but never gives any substantial benefits.

  The Empire is the exact opposite. They never ask people to be good people, but offer a lot of benefits. As long as they abide by their rules, they can get those benefits.

  Lex wants to learn more about the Empire.

  He needs to know whether the other party is just doing surface work.

   Superman and Batman are already a cancer of human society.

  He doesn't want the Empire to be another cancer.

  Some things can be disguised, and some things cannot be disguised.

  The Justice League keeps saying that it is for the world and for the people, but they always have a strange arrogance.

  Superheroes are always looking down on ordinary people, thinking that they are the ones who can determine justice.

  Anything that violates their ideas and actions is unjust and must be stopped.

   Lex can see this, which is why he hates superheroes.

  Everyone has justice for everyone, why sacrifice my interests for your justice?

  There is no such sign in the empire yet, and Lex suspects that these people may not be of a high enough level.

  He wished to assess the empire in its entirety by looking at its higher-level figures.

  Roaring machines are placed in the intricate tunnels of the underground base.

   Mess of cables pinned to walls or left haphazardly along the sides of corridors.

  These machines can generate a special force field to prevent the outside world from spying on the safe base.

  The Justice League has a lot of weird means, and there are mythical characters behind it.

  If there is no means of concealing oneself, it is really possible to be played by the other party in the applause.

   Those villains always fail for a reason.

  There are countless means of others, but the villain is just fighting alone, and there is nothing wrong with failing.

  Led by the staff, Lex went through several safety inspections.

  When the door was pushed open, he was extremely shocked by the scene that greeted him.

  A group of warriors in blood-red armor stood on both sides of the corridor.

  Lex had contact with several Primaris warriors from the empire, many times alone.

   And this time, they lined up, like an army.

   Primaris warriors are ridiculously massive, with broad stature.

  Even those superheroes, few can match them in stature.

   Every original warrior can be described as perfect.

  They are idealized human forms, with amazingly perfectly proportioned limbs.

  A Primaris warrior looked at Lex with sharp eyes, as if trying to cut open his soul.

   "Indigenous people?" The other party's tone was extremely cold.

   Lex had no doubt that the other party might cut his throat.

  As long as he shows a little dangerous intention, the other party will do that.

   "Yes, I got the order, Lord Sanguinius wants to see me." Lex said calmly.

   "Be respectful." The other party said, "Don't try to offend him."

   "I understand." Lex said.

   Behind the Primaris Warrior is the end of the corridor.

  The towering gate stands there, with pearls, rubies and gold leaf on the door, meticulously outlining a beautiful picture like heaven.

  The Primaris warriors withdrew their weapons and let Lex walk in alone.

  The walls of the hall are decorated with a lot of decorations, full of masterpieces made of oil paintings, frescoes and gold mosaics.

  Each work is more beautifully painted after that, forming a perfect echo.

  The meaning and details are enough for those who know nothing about art to perceive the meaning conveyed in it.

  Every piece is a treasure of human artist.

  Lex has never seen them in this world, obviously, this is from the mysterious country of the Empire.

   When he walked inside, he saw Lord Sanguinius.

  A ridiculous thought came to Lex's mind.

  The combined beauty of the works of art here cannot compare with this great man in front of him.

   Lex stood where he was, marveling at what he saw.

   A flawless face with a faint smile.

  He was a little taller than the Primaris warriors, wearing an ivory tunic and loose robes.

  The folded white wings twitched slightly behind him, like a real angel.

  Beautiful to the extreme.

   In other words, he is beauty itself.

  At this moment, Loyalty and admiration uncontrollably grew in Lex's heart.

   Tears welled up from his eyes, no longer controlled by his will.

   Lex held his breath, and he called out the name he knew.

   "The great Lord Sanguinius."

  He even wanted to kneel down to thank the gift of fate.

   Sanguinius stopped him just in time.

"do not do that."

  The voice is so gentle, like a sound of nature, it has the magic power to heal others.

   Lex knows that everything he does is worth it.

   "My lord, it is my honor to meet you."

"It's my honor too, Lex." Sanguinius signaled Lex to find a place to do it, and he also sat on the huge chair belonging to the Primarch, "There are many people in this world who hate us, but you I am very pleased that we have firmly chosen us.”

   "They just don't understand the superiority of the empire, and are immersed in the pursuit of fame and personal interests." Lex said: "As long as we seize the rule of this world, people's thinking will soon be reversed."

"That's why I'm here." Sanguinius said with a smile: "The empire will take over the **** of this world, that's why I summoned you, I want to know your thoughts. There has never been any power The alternation was peaceful, with killing and bloodshed each time."

   "I will always firmly support the Empire." Lex performed an unfamiliar Skyhawk salute, expressing his attitude.

"I can feel your determination, Lex. It's just that I have a more important task for you." St. Gillies paused before continuing, "After ending the chaos in this world, This planet needs a planetary governor, and after investigating many natives, I think you are the most suitable."

"You have absolute loyalty to human civilization. In order to correct the development of society, you will not hesitate to fight against the invincible superman. This is an unimaginable quality. For this reason, I want you to be the first governor of the planet, Reduce local resistance to the empire."

   "This!" Lex was stunned for a moment, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and said, "Am I really suitable?"

Sanguinius nodded, "You are the most suitable. Only those who are loyal to human civilization will be loyal to the empire. You know what is most important to ordinary people and what is secondary. That alone puts you above a lot of people."

   "Under the witness of my allegiance, the great emperor, please tell me, Lex, are you willing to accept this letter of appointment? Are you willing to fight for mankind to the last moment of your life?"

   Lex got down on one knee and burst into tears.

  He never expected to be recognized by others.

  In the eyes of the world, he is an out-and-out villain.

   In order to deal with Superman by all means, despicable and shameless.

  The empire recognized his sincerity in wanting to give everything for mankind.

   "I am willing, Lord Sanguinius." Lex said.

"This road is extremely difficult. Countless enemies are trying to destroy us. Any weakness will be noticed by them. You will be deceived by false appearances and deceived by the enemy's lies. You will be able to self-doubt and When wavering, do you still believe in the empire unswervingly?"

   "I can." Lex said, "I will steadfastly pursue the Emperor of the Empire until the end of my life."

"The enemies of the empire are extremely powerful. Their power is enough to destroy the stars and enslave all spirits. They will torture you with disease, scare you with killing, tempt you with desire, and confuse you with knowledge. Can you swear Never turn your back on the Empire."

   Sanguinius looked down at Lex, down at the mad scientist.

   "I swear." Lex said, "Never betray."

   Sanguinius helped Lex up, "I believe in you, Lex. You will be the first governor of another universe appointed by the empire. Now, we have to discuss how to make you a governor worthy of your name."

  The political environment of the entire planet is extremely bad, split into more than two hundred countries.

   It is estimated that it will take a long time before the real unification arrives.

   Sanguinius naturally couldn't waste time on this.

  The empire doesn't have that much time to waste, and opening up the situation as quickly as possible is the best choice.

  It is difficult for countries to reach a consensus. The biggest problem lies in the ruling class.

  In order to maintain their own rule, the ruler will demonize other countries and form opposition, in order to intimidate the citizens to stand with them.

   No ruler will give up their rule for the happiness of their people. In order to maintain their privileged status, they would rather their people die than let go of power.

   This point has been verified countless times in the empire.

   There is no alternation of power that is peaceful. Only sacrifice and bloodshed, and only violence can achieve great unity.

   A war is necessary.

   Sanguinius decided to use the most tragic violence to subdue the rulers of various countries and crush the resistance of the superheroes.

  Solemnas galaxy.

   "I thought I still had a little friendship with the empire, so I wouldn't kill them all like this."

   "Let your men put down their weapons, and you come out with the main control core and surrender, and I won't kill them all."

  Lian stared at the information window in front of him, and said in a flat tone: "You have no other way to go, Traasin, your time has passed."

  The majestic fleet is floating in space, and the void guards of the Necrons have been ruthlessly destroyed.

  Countless fragments are scattered in the void, and the warships of the space necromancers have lost power, and can only use inertia to levitate and float in space powerlessly.

   Every now and then there would be a silent explosion or two, bursting with fire enough to light up the dark void.

  Ryan waited for Traasin's reply, while sliding several other information windows to check the battlefield information and the other party's information.

   Strictly speaking, Traasin is not a Necromancer overlord.

   is the curator of a historical art museum.

  The Solemnas galaxy is where he keeps his collection.

  The entire planet has been built into a collection by him.

  Tarassin was just a historian before he was transformed by living organisms.

  After transforming his body into an undead metal undead, his fun remains unchanged.

   That is to collect those important historical items and record those historical events that he thinks are worth recording.

  The Astartes of the Empire, the Custodians of the Empire, and the Inquisitors are all his collections.

   Judge Gray, who went to another universe, was released by the opponent when the Cadia Fortress fell.

  Judge Gray is considered an ancient man from three thousand years ago.

  After she was captured by Traasin, she has been trapped in the stasis field and used as a sample for the exhibition.

   Ryan chose Traasin as the next target after the destruction of the Norwalk dynasty, because this guy has a lot of important things in his hands.

   Such as the fragments of Nyadratha the Burner, the Cthulhu.

   It is said that this star **** burns with a flame hotter than the inside of a star.

   How the Tombstone Gate entered the Webway was revealed by the Burner to the Necrons.

  In addition to the fragments of the star god, Traasin also has a copy of the original body in his hand.

   This is the news from Fabius, the chief pharmacist of the Emperor's Son who betrayed the empire.

   That guy followed Ahriman to attack Guilliman, who went to the Star of Learning to find knowledge of the Webway, but was surrounded by the loyal Primarch.

  In addition to Ahriman's escape, many traitors who participated in the attack on Guilliman were captured.

  Fabius is one of them.

  Under the torture of the trial court and various technological equipment, Fabius revealed a lot of important information.

  The most important of these is his Primarch Cloning Project.

  In addition to the perfect clone still in his lair, he also cloned Horus, Ferus and so on.

  These cloned Primarchs were killed.

   Only one cloned Primarch was spared, and possibly still alive.

   That's the clone of Fulgrim.

  According to Fabius, Fulgrim's clone was traded to Tralassin in exchange for some important biological knowledge and substances.

  The threat posed by the original body is unquestionable, even if it is only cloned, it cannot be underestimated.

  Lion came to solve the threat posed by Tralassin, and secondly, to recycle these collections that were useful to the empire.

  Tarasin in the information window was silent for a long time.

  He has long been mentally prepared for the massive attack of human beings.

  The demise of the Norwalk Dynasty announced that human beings have officially attacked the Necrons.

  He didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so powerful.

  His guarding fleet hadn't lasted a day before it was directly scrapped by the opponent.

   Just relying on the strength of his troops, what kind of confrontation is he talking about?

   It's completely crushing the game.

   Surrender, escape, this is a difficult choice.

  Among the overlords of the Necrons, King Sotai is a traitor, everyone knows this.

  The human empire made it clear that it was supporting the Zothai Dynasty and trying to control the Necrons.

If    escapes, Traasin is still sure to escape.

   Over the years, he has gone around stealing all kinds of historical objects worthy of collection, and also practiced the stunt of escaping.

   It is my own collection that may be gone.

  Humanity will not let go of his museum.

   If you surrender, it will be a bit humiliating.

  I think he has lived for so long, but now he has to surrender to humans, a race similar to wild monkeys.

  Your reputation will be ruined all your life.

  Tarasin looked at a gem next to him. It was a gem containing the spirit of the world. It was made by the ancient craftsmanship of the Eldar tribe. In order to get it, he was almost killed by the barbaric Eldar tribe.

  In front of the gemstone is a slightly rough staff, which is the scepter of the ruler of a marine race that completed the unification of the planet.

  In addition to these, there are those precious specimens.

  A Dark Eldar was frozen in the jumping action, her spiritual bone shoes tapped the black display seat.

  The huge, muscular Orc was frozen at the moment he roared, and the battle ax in his hand was already raised high.

  Sacrifice a little dignity, you can keep these priceless treasures.

  The power of human beings cannot be resisted by today's fragmented space necromancers.

  Even if it is the Silent King, the ending is already doomed.

  Tarasin thought for a moment, simulating the choices he had made countless times in his mind.

   As long as he chooses to escape, everything here will be wiped out.

   Man does not keep his work.

  These precious historical objects will be ruthlessly destroyed, what a cruel thing that is.

   "I agree, I order all my subordinates to lay down their weapons, and you have to promise me that you must never destroy my collection, otherwise, I would rather destroy this planet than surrender."

  Lian showed a smile.

   "I swear in the name of my allegiance, the great emperor, I agree to your request. As long as you hand over the main control core, I can promise not to destroy your collection hall."

  Tarasin sighed lightly, a trace of sadness welled up in his heart inexplicably.

  The immortal dynasty will eventually be destroyed.

  There is no eternity in this world.

  United Nations Building.

  The yellow wall inlaid with the emblem of the United Nations is the background board of the rostrum.

   Five hundred representatives from all over the world are sitting in their own seats at this moment.

   On the rostrum, there is an angel with white wings.

   Yes, an angel.

  That flawless face, a pair of wings as white as snow, all revealing nobility.

   Ordinary people would panic and kneel on the ground the first time they saw it.

   "Are you a representative of Robert Company?" A representative stood up and asked tremblingly.

"Yes, you can also be regarded as the representatives of the empire. We will bring enlightenment and salvation, and lead you to a new era. The Robert Company has given you many gifts, but these are insignificant. The empire will give you even more Many, human beings will control their own destiny, control the bright starry sky, and control the inexhaustible universe.”

  The words of Sanguinius echoed throughout the world on radio and television.

   Even if you don't understand his language, you can clearly understand what he means.

   "Are you going to rule us?" asked another man in a suit, "in the name of your so-called empire?"

"Yes, according to the sacred law of the empire, the empire needs to defend the existence of human beings in the multiverse, and every human civilization has the obligation to serve the empire, power and obligation are equal, you enjoy the advanced technology and military protection of the empire, you need What you pay is loyalty, absolute loyalty."

   "But we don't want to be ruled by you." Another woman stood up. "We don't need an emperor to rule us."

   Sanguinius stared at the woman, then scanned all the representatives present.

   "This is not something you can change."

   I became a salted fish again, less than 10,000 characters, seven hours, only 7,000 characters,



  (end of this chapter)

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