Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 71: The End of the Era: The Shrine World

The world of shrines, as the name suggests, means that the entire world is a giant shrine. This is the territory of the state religion and a holy place of faith.

Legend has it that there once lived a living saint here. He was blessed by the Emperor in a great battle many years ago. It is said that the great power of the God Emperor himself descended on him, allowing him to kill evil spirits and conquer the world. The horrific nightmares of the Warp are driven back to their dark home.

In the end, this living saint died gloriously after the war. When the power of the God-Emperor faded away, his body turned into a golden statue, solemn and sacred, which still contained the power of the God-Emperor himself.

In the great mausoleum where the holy remains are stored, the light from the Golden Throne still shines. That light makes it impossible for all demons and monsters that are not loyal to evil to even look at it.

As early as many generations ago, the state church took over the management of this place from the Ministry of State. They carried out extensive construction here and built magnificent temples and monuments to commemorate this great living saint.

Day and night, countless believers pray, pray and praise here every day. They hope that the Emperor's light of truth will be enough to shine here. Their devout beliefs have built this magnificent world of shrines after dozens of generations.

Pilgrims from all over the star arrived here day and night. They walked and prayed around the holy coffin. In the past, countless Gothic hymns echoed around the entire Relic Temple every moment of the day.

Buckman didn't know whether this story was true or false, but it was true that the great temple where the Holy Coffin was stored was indeed standing strong now, but perhaps not because of the light of faith, but because of the troops of Battle Sisters guarding it.

Those mad women were holding bolt guns, and like a group of madmen, they scattered the invading zombies and Nurgle. Now they still guard and protect the great temple, guarding the golden hall from the bombs and flamethrowers. Inside.

But that's not a good thing, I mean, yes, it's not a bad thing that the Great Temple was not lost, but Batman thought it might be better if they could get out of that place and help themselves and their brothers.

Sergeant Batman sat behind the long marble platform. Scattered laser gun fire flashed around him. The Cadian Astra Militarum infantry company guarding the Pilgrim Avenue could no longer hold on.

They have been guarding this place for several days. Over the past few days, the endless plague zombies and the terrifying demons of Nurgle have launched rounds of attacks. The Cadian infantry company fought against them here and kept pushing them back, but in the end Today, their defense finally could no longer hold up.

The huge abomination group broke through the defense line, and the heavy firepower was captured by the Nurgle Demon with its huge body and thick skin. The heavy bolt gun beat the monster to pieces, but the terrifying creature would have enough power before it died. The twisted beast was sent to the firepower point.

As each firepower point was pulled out, the Cadian infantry company lost its position. They continued to retreat back, retreating along the main road and trying to intercept these monsters again.

Sergeant Batman stuck his head out. He looked at the walking corpses with twisted and ferocious smiles on their faces. Their bodies were rotten and bloated. They were walking slowly with a staggering pace. Laser guns were constantly bombarding them. One by one The zombies were killed to the end, but more monsters followed.

Nurgle, who was tall and covered with ulcers and pustules, walked among them. Those little Nurgling spirits laughed and played on the demons. These monsters shook their little bells. They were so creepy. The sound of bells.

Under the leadership of the demon, a large number of zombies are constantly moving forward. The surviving Cadian soldiers around the sergeant are fighting back as much as possible. The laser guns are still aiming and shooting, but the slightly sparse firepower cannot intercept them at all. them.

"Sergeant Batman, we must evacuate here and rendezvous with the battalion headquarters." said the young soldier wearing a steel helmet. He was holding a laser gun. The empty energy magazine proved his contribution, but it was obviously of no avail. .

Batman cursed and pulled off the grenade. He pulled out its safety and threw it towards the zombie crowd. The explosion sounded among the zombies. The broken corpses were blown into pieces, and their flesh and blood spattered on the statues and exquisite decorations on the roadside. .

But as I said, it doesn't help. The zombies are still advancing. It's difficult for the Cadian soldiers to stop them. They must retreat.

Batman looked towards the Great Temple not far away. Maybe where could they retreat? Withdraw into the Great Temple, and then defend there with the Battle Sisters, waiting for support from the regiment or other brother troops.

But just when Batman was struggling with his choice, there was a violent and continuous explosion among the dense zombies. Batman raised his head in surprise, and the young soldiers and all the Cadians looked at the firepower above their heads. source.

It was a Thunderhawk and several Valkyrie transport aircraft. These flying raptors loaded with heavy rotating bolt guns spewed flames from vertical thrusters and fell from the sky. The heavy firepower on the fuselage was fiercely directed at the approaching group of zombies. Fire.

The intensive bombardment of explosive bombs was among them, and the hive missiles roared into the monsters. Seas of fire and explosions swept around, blowing the abominations into pieces.

Batman looked at the several fighter planes whizzing past the city buildings above his head. Several of them were slowly descending. The deck door of one of the blue Thunderhawks slid up and down, and four figures jumped from the deck.

The meteorite-like figure crashed around Batman and the young soldiers. They looked at the four space warriors in surprise. The bolters in their hands fired accurately. Lightning danced in the eyes of one of them, huge Arcs of electricity shot out from his body, knocking the Nurgle demon among the zombies to the ground.

The moment the demon fell to the ground, intensive artillery fire focused on his bloated body. The Nurgling collapsed and shattered in the fire, and its demon's filthy flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Batman looked at the four Death Angels. They were aiming and shooting in an orderly manner. Another figure jumped out of the blue Thunderhawk. The voice was not loud, but it was enough to attract the attention of the soldiers.

They looked at the man in front of them in surprise. He had a chain sword in his belt and held a bolt pistol. Behind him, he dropped ropes from the Valkyrie transports. Stormtroopers slid down one after another, almost Start firing as soon as you hit the ground.

Their more powerful laser guns shattered the advancing zombies, and the several fighter planes hovering overhead also supported them with their devastating firepower.

The Stormtroopers spread out around the Astartes, their laser guns aiming and firing, firing methodically but with pinpoint precision to kill the hordes of Abominations in front of them.

The man who was obviously their leader held a bolt pistol and killed the zombies one after another. Under the intensive firepower, the zombie army on the street was soon blown to pieces, and the remaining parts collapsed and dispersed. What was left was a broken and sticky street filled with flesh and blood.

These unexpected reinforcements launched a defensive line. The Stormtroopers were watching the surroundings with guns in hand. The Astartes obviously had no intention of saying anything to the Cadians, but focused their attention on observing the surroundings. Those damaged buildings and possible enemies.

One of the Astartes holding a power sword almost raised his gun and shattered a zombie on the ground that was not completely dead. Its broken flesh was scattered everywhere.

The stormtroopers also began to look for the zombies that were not yet dead, and the one who seemed to be ready to talk to him was the leading man. He inserted the bolt gun into the holster and stood on the rubble after the collapsed street building, looking down at him.

"I am the Inquisitor Vito Constantine, and these are the Astartes monks from the Death Watch Chapter. We are here to support you." After the Inquisitor said this, Batman immediately stood at attention and saluted. The young soldiers beside him He also stood up straight.

"Sergeant Bartman Olnes, nice to meet you, sir."

Vito looked at the noncommissioned officer standing among the ruins and rubble and saluted back, "Where is your superior?" Vito's question followed Batman's slight tilt of the head, and he followed his gaze to the place full of zombies chopping up corpses. On the street, I saw a zombie wearing a Cardia uniform with half of his body missing.

Vito smiled and looked at the Stormtroopers not far away, "Captain, you are responsible for commanding them, as well as all the surrounding imperial armed forces." "As you command, sir."

The captain responded and waved to the Valkyrie above his head, and several Valkyries took off along with the Thunderhawk. They were heading to the places around them that needed them.

"Sir, where are the nuns in the temple over there? I don't think they will listen to us." The captain asked, Vito looked at the temple and then at Batman, "Sergeant, do you know Judge Lilith?"

"Of course, sir, I saw her a few days ago. She was an excellent inquisitor. I saw him kill several Nurgle demons and tons of zombies with my own eyes. She didn't even break a sweat."

Vito smiled jokingly, his hand grasping the belt, "So, do you know where our Inquisitor Lilith is now?"

The sergeant shook his head, but immediately pointed to the Great Temple, "I don't know, sir, but I'm sure the Sister Sister must know that she has the only remaining command communication channel in this war zone. Where can you find out the answer? ”

Vito smiled, and the Space Marine behind him fired another shot, killing a zombie wandering among the ruins like a wild duck.

"Very well, captain, you come with us to the temple. I will make sure that the crazy woman there obeys your command, and I will also find out where dear Lily is." "Yes, sir."

Batman looked at the Inquisitor walking down the ruins of the ruins. Four Space Marines followed him. The huge figure followed the Inquisitor towards the direction of the temple, and the Stormtrooper Captain also followed among them.

Batman looked around at the stormtroopers who were building a defense line. He nodded slightly to the young soldiers beside him, and then jumped onto the ruins with his gun in hand.

As the order was passed, the Cadian soldiers also began to rebuild the defense line. This joint force was skillfully establishing fire points and roadblocks.

Batman looked at the half-broken zombie crawling on the ground in the distance, picked up the laser gun, and pulled the trigger.

On the ruined street walking towards the temple behind him, Vito glanced at the silver dagger on his waist, the gift he had brought from his dream.

He pulled out the dagger and was silent for a moment before inserting it back. He looked at the shining golden temple door, hoping that no one would be able to discover what this thing was.

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