Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 13 Imperial Frontier: Voice of the Emperor

Vito walked on the dim and deep streets of Zhongchao. This was not because there was no light here, although the light of the sun and sky could not shine here.

Natural light is a privilege enjoyed only by the upper class imperial nobles.

The light in Zhongchao comes from human creations, neon store signs, and street lights set up along the street. These artificial lights bring light to this place.

Vito looked at the people around him. This is where most of the residents of the hive city live, between the bustling upper hive and the chaotic lower hive.

You can find the blend of two imperial lives here, as well as obvious traces of excess. As you gradually walk down the orbital elevators and winding streets in the sky, everything around you begins to change.

When you move up to the middle nest, what you see is enthusiasm, ambition, and arrogance. Although the people there are not in high positions, they are very close to the lives of the empire's powerful people.

They are technicians, managers, members of the Governor's Palace and senior monks. Life here can be called civilized.

But as you gradually go downwards, there is no longer bright sunshine and fresh air. Instead, there is pungent industrial exhaust gas and an uncomfortable temperature difference.

Vito walked to the sky street and looked down. Streets and buildings surrounded the abyss, and countless imperial ships and aircraft came and went in the center of the abyss.

At the bottom of the abyss is the lower nest, or in other words, the dark low nest.

But fortunately, although this place is not considered civilized, the power of the empire can still control it.

The young Inquisitor Vito turned his head. He had long heard the loud voice, which came from several servo skulls floating in front of the emperor's statue.

The bright red robe and white monk's hat looked out of place here, but the priest still recited and preached with commendable enthusiasm.

"In the wireless darkness of the galaxy, he is the only one! The Lord of Mankind, the King of the Golden Throne! Only his light can save us! Only faith! Can protect the common people from destruction!"

The young passionate priest noblely recited the Holy Sayings of the Emperor, which he had long known by heart.

Although Vito couldn't help but smile sarcastically every time he saw them like this. After all, the Emperor's Holy Words came from... Well, as an inquisitor, he probably shouldn't discuss this issue.

Of course, we can't tell them. After all, the people of the empire today are not very good at accepting and understanding new ideas and theories.

There is a high probability that you will be shouted at as a heretic, or a traitor, or a bastard. Depending on your luck, the lightest one will be a good beating, and more than half of them will be punished by death.

"Pain is prayer, faith is salvation! Believe in him! It is because of his light that we usher in the great voice of truth!" The priest's voice was effectively amplified through the servo skull, and everyone could hear him clearly A voice that is extremely passionate and inciting.

The devout Imperial believers loudly praised the Emperor and continued to recite the sentences in the Book of Sacred Words. Their voices were so loud that they were hoarse, as if they really intended to use those voices to make people tens of thousands of light-years away. The emperor on the golden throne of Holy Terra is the same as the old man heard.

Vito smiled bitterly and shook his head. He looked at an Anglican priest who was beside the passionate priest and under the statue of the icon. He was younger, probably an apprentice or something.

"Priest." Vito walked up to the inconspicuous young apprentice who was not noticed by people. The apprentice looked up at Vito in surprise, "No, sir, I am just an apprentice, assigned to help the Endis brothers. Just a sermon.”

Vito smiled and seemed very cordial, "Every priest comes from an apprenticeship, including this very passionate Endis. What's your name? Little priest." "Kadon, sir, my name is Kadon. East."

Vito leaned against the exhaust pipe next to Cardon. He raised his head and looked sideways at the fanatical believers, "It seems that your work is very successful, Cardong. My name is Vito, Vito Constant." Man."

Cardong nodded slightly and looked at the large book he touched in his hand. It was so thick that he could definitely pick it up and smash the green-skinned head into pieces.

Seriously, can the Emperor really compile so many quotations for you?

Vito smiled helplessly and crossed his arms, "Your church is on the upper level. I saw the cathedral when I came here. Of course, there is one in Zhongchao too, but it's just not that beautiful."

"Have you seen the Saint-Caen Church? Indeed, every time I see the spacious cathedral and the hall that can accommodate tens of thousands of people praying together, it makes my heart surge." Cardon said proudly, with bright eyes. There is God.

Vito still had a smile on his face, "Indeed, but unfortunately the one in the middle nest is not that good. I've been down here for so long and I haven't seen much, especially the further down you go."

Cardong nodded slightly and sighed helplessly, "Yes, in fact, what you see now is already at the edge of our missionary work, and we will not go any further." "Why? Are you too tired to spread the light of truth?" "No, we don't mind working for the empire's beliefs, but it's too dangerous to go down to the nest, and the people there don't accept the church's beliefs."

Vito thought for a moment and touched his chin, "Would you mind telling me about the so-called non-mainstream beliefs?"

Cardong shook his head and closed the Book of Holy Words in his hand, "Sorry, sir, I don't understand either. The Archbishop forbids us from discussing and contacting the ideas and members of the Xiachao Heretic Church, so I don't understand them at all."

"Because of this, the church does not allow us to cross the border and enter the Lower Nest to spread the emperor's faith. Every time I think about this, I regret that the poor people there cannot listen to the voice of truth."

"But I heard that the faith in the Lower Nest is also very strong. Although their way of worshiping the emperor is very different from ours, many older monks insist that they are heretics and shameless traitors who believe in the Chaos Gods."

"Chaos believers?" Vito raised his eyebrows, "And until now, the Ministry of Justice and the Planetary Defense Force have not carried out annihilation? Instead, they have allowed their beliefs to continue to expand in the lower nest?"

Anton nodded in confusion, obviously he didn't understand either, "I don't understand either, but the Archbishop forbids us from discussing any related issues. My apprentice friends in the Ministry of Government and the Governor's Mansion also said that they are also prohibited from discussing related issues."

Vito leaned against the wall, turned his head and looked at the fanatical believers, then stood up and threw a gold coin to Cardon with a smile. The little priest was a little confused holding the gold coin. He raised his head and looked at Vito with a serious face. "Sir, we cannot accept money privately. As the Emperor said, greed is the beginning of treachery."

"But the Emperor also said that real wealth should be used for the right cause." Vito said with a smile, covering the bolt gun with his coat. Cardon looked at Vito's bolt gun and suddenly seemed to realize What, then his eyes widened, and he was about to say something but was stopped by Vito.

There are always many rumors among the people of the empire. Rumors say that the inquisitors will dress up in disguise and dress up as any kind of people to sneak into the people of the empire, monitor and listen to the betrayal and heresy, and obliterate their sources.

Like ghosts, lurking around. Although this statement is very outrageous, it is indeed widely circulated among the people of the empire. Many times, mothers will use it to scare disobedient children, but sometimes. This kind of rumor is also It is indeed true, for example, at this moment.

He smiled and made a quiet gesture, "Keep it a secret for me, please? My child, don't tell anyone that I came and what we talked about, including your elder priests, for the sake of the Emperor."

The noise of the believers and the loudspeaker of the servo skull completely suppressed their conversation. No one could hear what they were saying, let alone notice them. As long as he, the young priest thought so.

Cardon nodded affirmatively, "For the Emperor, sir." "I will use the gold coins you give me to the right cause, I swear." "I'm sure son, now, let us each do what needs to be done, The right thing to do.”

Vito waved his hand and left, walking towards the end of the dim street. Cardon knew where he was going. He crossed his hands and performed a standard Imperial Sky Eagle Salute.

"May the Emperor bless you."

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