Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 73 Killing and Distortion

I died, killed by an involuntary shot fired by these angels wearing brass power armor when they met.

The bolter blasted a hole in my chest as big as a bowl of the ocean.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m not wearing armor.

The stainless steel stone warhead of this explosive bomb did not detonate immediately after using kinetic energy to open a hole in my body.

Instead, it penetrated my body and flew to the back of the seat behind me. The fuse on the warhead made a violent explosion after colliding with the gold seat back.

But in any case, this does not affect the arrival of my death. It's just a matter of whether it's earlier or later.

My life was not ended immediately, and my consciousness still remained to look at these angels belonging to the Emperor, revealing their unknown and sinful side in the divine light.

There was no communication, no persuasion to surrender, not even a battle cry.

To be honest, I'm also curious. If there is a war cry, can the souls in their inhuman bodies be able to shout it?

Could they really convince themselves that the one-sided massacre taking place at this moment could be classified as an act of service to the Emperor?

Unfortunately, no, there was no sound.

Only kill calmly and with careful calculation. The unhurried footsteps under the heavy power armor and the sound of bolter firing at the same fixed frequency.

In fact, I am fully aware of my own sins, and I also understand that although such a death is not honorable to me, it is still deserved.

I shouldn't have accepted the gift from that rogue trader in the first place.

Although this will not affect the final outcome of the killing that occurred decades later. But I will at least die angry.

I am not innocent, so I have no right to be angry;

My brothers are not innocent, they all personally participated in and witnessed that murderous night;

The moment they choose to keep a secret, they are already guilty of it.

Are the upper class residents innocent? Probably not.

They and their relatives and friends have enjoyed hundreds of years of worship from the traveling merchants. The wealth gained from this kind of transaction that ignored the life and death of the people of the empire, every penny is naturally stained with the blood of the empire.

But what about the lower-class residents? What did they do wrong? How innocent they are!

When I saw a tall Astartes, with the tacit approval of his superiors, walking towards the energy control hub next to my seat with a melta grenade, I understood how firm their determination was.

I really don’t plan to let anyone go...

I'm dead, but maybe I'm still alive... My body is dead, but my soul lives on with rage.

I want revenge! The Emperor is above! Can you give me the power of revenge? Just a little is fine, even just a little.

Or something else can exist! As long as you are willing to answer my call!

Wandering between life and death, I seem to have really received the attention of some kind of existence. My eyes have changed from the original dark blue to the gray-blue after death.

But I can still see the slaughter of these Astartes.

I can even see more. I can see the death caused by every shot, every stampede, and the souls after death.

They are moving closer to me, converging towards my soul.

I can still see these giants who have just completed a cleanup mission from the mining planet next door. On their armors wrapped and decorated with brass, traces of subtle green are spreading covertly around them.

In the eyes of a bystander like me, who is between life and death, the entire upper nest is covered in gray that symbolizes killing.

I can see these cold giants carrying out a predetermined destruction at a predetermined rhythm.

They didn't want to leave any evidence behind.

Every piece of functioning equipment was destroyed, and every item that might have been a record of this unjust massacre could not escape their destruction.

This naturally includes the equipment that provides energy for the stasis field in the banquet hall.

"No! Don't! Don't! Don't release that demon!" My soul screamed in vain.

I can't imagine how the freed demon will grow after such a killing!

what to do? what to do! If that demon is unleashed, can anyone stop them?

These angels in front of me? I'm afraid this will only give them more reasons to kill. After all, they are not here for redemption.

I don't have much time! I can even hear the characteristic sighing sound that the stasis field makes after losing its energy supply.

what to do! What to do...no matter who it is! Please answer my prayer! Let me stop this tragedy. I beg you! I beg you……

I looked at everyone in the room, but not myself.

After I issued this prayer from my soul, I seemed to hear a sigh that may or may not exist.

The green dust in the air began to move closer to me, like the dead souls.

My dead body suddenly gave me some unexpected feedback from my soul, which had been separated for a long time.

I seem to be alive, but it seems like I am not.

I am alive because I seem to have feelings about my body again;

I didn't live, because I suddenly realized that this body was as strange as if it didn't belong to me in the first place. It was so heavy that I couldn't move even a finger.

The souls around me were still gathering towards me, and they disappeared after rushing all the way into my body.

I can recognize some of them, there are men, women, old people, children...

With the influx of these souls, my control over my body seemed to become a little easier.

I see! right! All I can do is rob these dead people! The more I grab, the less it gets!

I began to actively attract the attention of these undead.

And feeling my call, they also turned from the initial wisps into strands.

In the end, the undead souls of the entire upper hive city rushed towards my body at my call!

The air filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke in reality suddenly became windless, and the entire hall was suddenly brought by these countless souls, bringing air currents towards me!

The wave caused by the soul has even begun to affect reality!

Those Astartes who had completed their killings and destruction, all stopped and prepared to go to the bottom of the hive.

And their command team who stayed in the hall immediately looked at me after sensing this strangeness!

But it's too late! too late! ! !

The soul in my body no longer has human characteristics due to the intertwining of these forces! But I don't care!

Due to the distortion of my soul, my power has become more abundant than ever before! And this kind of power is also reflected in my body in a chain reaction!

My body began to turn green and swell visibly to the naked eye. My bones and organs are reborn in joy every minute! Grow up in singing!

Sing joyfully to this lost and found life!

Sing this hard-won revenge!

I finally regain control of my body, and this time, my power will be greater than ever!

I stood up unsteadily. My new body was a bit too tall, and I wasn't quite used to it yet.

But the instinct-like memory let me know the power and source I possessed. I shook my head and took a deep breath in the horror of these enemies who were originally tall and now looked thin.

The green carpet spreads from my feet with my breathing, and the epidemic and viruses spread from my mouth, symbolizing the power of life that makes me feel comfortable!

I couldn't help shouting: "Praise you, Lord of life! Praise you, Lord of corruption!"

This chapter is... too heretical.

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