Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 64 Route and Trust

"Redeemer of the dead, this is the Calvin ground execution team. Please reply when you receive it. Please reply when you receive it."

"Redeemer of the Dead, this is the ground execution team. Please reply when you receive it. Please reply when you receive it."

"Redeemer of the Dead, this is the execution team. Please reply when you receive it. Please reply when you receive it."...

At the entrance of the freight elevator on the second floor of the Radthold Industrial Zone, the Gray Knights, who had taken a short break, were trying to get in touch with the Gray Knights strike cruiser in orbit.

The unconscious Brother Sanchis of the Interceptor Team has regained consciousness. Although Calvin's rescue just now was not timely, it at least saved his life.

Especially the last psionic lightning, which instantly evaporated several corrupt flies that had passed through the breathing holes of Sanchis's power armor and were about to crawl onto his face. It can be said that he was snatched back from Nurgle's hands. .

But the continuous psychic overdraft and curse still left him with no extra physical strength to follow the team's progress.

After discussions between Calvin, the two arbiters and the parties themselves, he was planned to be placed at the gate of the hive for repair and restoration. He would return to the team as soon as possible as the Gray Knights continued to move forward.

"Bah...Bah...The Redeemer of Souls has received...Bah...please reply."

"The Revenant Redeemer has received it, please reply."

"We have arrived at the target area, Rasthold Hive, current location..."

Calvin stared at the information displayed on the positioning device on his left arm:

"The current location is on the second floor of the industrial zone. Except for Brother Sanchis of the interceptor team who has lost his combat effectiveness, the rest are in good condition. Please give us the next step of instructions."

"The Revenant Redeemer has received it, and the real-time action route data is being transmitted... Please accept it... The target location is suspected to be on the top floor of the hive city, please go and deal with it as soon as possible! In addition, please note that there is an unknown strong life signal detected inside the hive city. , range...the entire hive."

"The execution team has received it and the route information has been received. We will go as soon as possible."

"The Revenant Redeemer is received. The Emperor's blessing and good luck!"

"The Emperor's blessing..."

After resting, Calvin's team continued to explore.

The huge gate that was more than 20 meters tall in the passage of the freight elevator was not closed, and the operating table in the motor room inside the door was in a mess.

It was pitch dark in the large, empty passage. The building was so large that it was difficult to feel safe when it was not popular.

Especially when the energy supply is cut off, the passage without lights looks like a monster opening its mouth to devour the lives that dare to come.

The energy supply at the bottom of the hive city seems to have failed, and only the signal lights guaranteed by emergency power are flickering on and off.

Although no one can tell the Gray Knights about the situation at that time, the door that requires quite complicated procedures to open, and the messy debris and footprints on the ground indicate that before the disaster occurred, people at the bottom of the hive city had been notified or discovered There are clues that traces of such a large population exodus appear here.

They had at least struggled, although the tide of corpses the Gray Knights encountered before proved that their struggles ultimately failed to escape the fate of death.

The team stopped for a moment when passing the door, and dropped Brother Sanchis in a corner with a good view and conducive to defense. They also left with them three days of food and water, and two basic Storm Bolter guns. Ammunition, and... a melta grenade to kill the enemy with you.

"We await your return, Brother Sanchis."

Although it was Calvin's first time to experience such an occasion, whether it was his awareness in this life or his experience in previous lives, he showed determination and enthusiasm worthy of his status.

What is decisive is that his sense of responsibility makes him calm enough so that the progress of the team's mission will never stop for a certain comrade; what is passionate is his cherishment and expectation for every comrade under his cold determination.

"I will, Captain Calvin. If I cannot go back, then I will not harm the glory of the Emperor." Brother Sanchis looked at the young face in front of him.

Just like he didn't look down on Calvin because of his tall figure at first, now he won't look down on him because of his too young appearance.

The standard of this evaluation has nothing to do with whether he saved himself: the Gray Knights have never cherished their lives too much since the beginning of their service, and they can die for the Emperor and the Empire in the battle against the evil spirits of the subspace. , this is their glory.

Some of the bodies of the deceased seniors were recovered, while others were not. For those that can be recovered, the Gray Knights will hold a cleaning ceremony for them after the war, and then put them into sarcophagi built by the Chapter's mechanics; for those that cannot be recovered, the names engraved on the walls of the tomb are their only remaining proof.

But whether there is or not, the seniors sleeping in the City of the Dead below Titan, the coffins one after another and the names engraved on the ancient walls, are silently telling this kind of practice that has been carried out by the Gray Knights for thousands of years. will.

Of course Sanchis is not afraid of death, so he will not deliberately thank Calvin for being saved by Calvin.

If I had to thank him, it would only be to thank Calvin for giving him more time and more opportunities to continue serving the emperor.

Calling Calvin the company commander is an affirmation and recognition of Calvin's responsibility and ability.

In this kind of mission carried out by multiple teams formed temporarily, it is normal to call the top person in charge a purely functional title of commander.

And company commander, even a temporary company commander, is a title that ordinary Gray Knights like Sanchis would only use when they recognize the leadership's pure functions and personal charisma.

Calvin was slightly stunned after hearing Sanchis's title. He looked at the two arbiters beside him. They seemed to have no objection to Sanchis' overstep in the title.

He smiled, and he didn't care too much about such a title.

Compared with the joy of receiving this recognition from grassroots soldiers, when he heard this title, he felt more of a sense of responsibility to bring as many people back as possible on the basis of completing the mission. There are also some unknown emotions, which are the memories of his previous life serving in the army aroused by this title.

"Company Commander... It's really a title I haven't heard for a long time..."

Fortunately, he didn't fall into the memories for too long. In a blink of an eye, Calvin blinked hard and was freed from the memories.

After a brief farewell, he walked towards the gathering place of the team, raised his left hand and showed the map information in the light curtain on his left arm to the two arbiters, and said:

"We are all clear about the route selection. You must also be aware of the reminder about the Revenant Redeemer. The scanning equipment of the strike cruiser has already told us the possible enemies here and the way they exist. We don't have time to get entangled with it. Specifics When choosing a course of action, my considerations are as follows..."

After hearing Calvin's words, the two arbiters also nodded cautiously.

They also moved their heads closer while carefully looking at the information displayed on the map to confirm that they fully understood Calvin's tactical intentions.

The two men recovered and said to Calvin: "Received, we respect your will, Captain Calvin."

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The author of your hand crumbs is here again! ! !

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