Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 95 Back to Reality (Edited)

Before he could learn how many times the number nine could be classified into which the words used in the library could be classified, Morse found himself first having to solve the problem of defining the term "word."

Later he decided to abide by tradition and not classify films that could be projected on paper as texts.

He randomly selected from the ninety-nine books of various sizes on the bookshelf, opened a book that recorded the history of a planet on the edge of the galaxy, and witnessed with boredom a small group of people who disembarked from the human immigrant ship thousands of years ago. How ancient humans were quickly killed by local plants on edge planets.

For other books without pictures or audio, there are about thirty-six lines on each page, and each line contains ninety-nine words.

All books have a certain infinite quality. You can't find the first page if you turn forward, and you can't find the last page if you turn backward. Once you let go of any page, you won't be able to find it again the next time.

This does not mean that any book is all-encompassing. In fact, every book is also confusing and incomplete in knowledge. Any systematic knowledge you want to learn must have some knowledge at some point. vacancy.

It is not easy to verify which came earlier, the birth of the real universe or the library in this fortress of Tzeentch. The only pity is that all human writing must include a certain fixed format.

This frames an imperceptible but completely tragic limitation in the infinite realm, that is, there is still a kind of exhaustion in the realm that claims infinite change.

This is a subtle psychological activity. If a person learns that there is an ever-changing library in the world that can collect infinite knowledge in the world, then he will immediately feel a sense of joy and happiness, as if he also owns this treasure house of knowledge and wisdom. Take ownership and immediately start imagining brave new worlds with this treasure trove.

Infinite knowledge brings infinite answers, and infinite answers hide infinite hope. This is a sweet wine that anyone who has expectations for the future cannot resist.

As long as you have witnessed enough dazzling light and seen a breathtaking beauty and miracle, dreams will grow from your heart. No matter how far the end is, you will arrogantly embrace the light shed by the gate of heaven, just like The glorious future of mankind is already within reach.

Morse put down another book. In the library where Tzeentch did not distinguish between past and future, speculation and reality, he saw several visions of the future.

The galaxy is always burning, and all once-glorious races are coming to an end. Change is eternal.

And more than once he read how someone who pursued the light watched everything he owned rot and collapse - and he didn't mean Magnus.

Of course not himself. He just happened to see himself on a certain floor of bookshelves wandering in another future or past; but in this crystal palace outside of time and space, he saw more than just himself. .

A few unlucky giants who looked like other Primarchs created by the Emperor from their size, some unfamiliar or familiar Eternals, some Astartes with sky blue armor and gold rims, and some various mortals. He even saw another person whose appearance was somewhat similar to his. Morse looked away at the first sight of him.

Morse did not deny that he was once surprised by the infinite knowledge stored here. But for anyone who is more concerned about the progress of human civilization, leaving this library would be an almost impossible choice.

But Morse was picky enough.

He has yet to see any book on how the warp should die, and similarly, there is very little forbidden knowledge about the gods themselves in the other major realms of chaos.

This obviously once again proves the infinite loophole: the usurper of the path, the lord of wizards, the creator of destiny, the lord of all changes, the god of change... It lives in infinite changes and eternal transformations, using it to endless The lies and truth have reshaped reality countless times, but its infinity is also limited.

A simple analogy, the number of integers is infinite, but it is not too much in infinity.

"It's very nice here," Morse said. "There are many treasures in this library, although none of them are really useful."

He slapped away a fear demon that passed by and was deeply insulted by it, causing it to twist in the golden flames: "I'm actually a little grateful to you for inviting me here, because I found that you are so fickle. There is still a repetitive monotony in the library, and there is still absurd limitation in the disordered and infinite knowledge. The changing library still needs administrators to maintain order. It is hard to imagine how boring people would come to you to pursue the truth. ”

Mors took off the hood on his head and the scarf that protected him from the wind and sand, causing Tzeentch to light a cluster of golden fire at the edge of his transformed robe.

Regarding the palace of Tzeentch, he did not completely deny it.

At least here, the connection between him and his body does seem to be too looming.

It seemed that Tzeentch had made some better-than-nothing efforts to keep him, just to show the fate-maker's attitude towards him. However, if he leaves like this, Morse will lose a piece of cake to the Umpertian who has unlimited time.

Morse took two books from the bookshelf and dropped them at his feet, along with the clothes Tzeentch had given him, and joined some angry Horrors to fuel the Fire of the Spellword. He opened his arms, calmly controlling the fire that burned from the cursed body.

The broken pages of the book flew around him, and the golden and red flying ash fell towards the node he designated, tearing a crack in the library, and the connection with the real body immediately became clear, like an iron rope, which can be easily climbed and grasped.

He could leave peacefully, but if he came here rarely, he would always leave something behind.

How to bring trouble to a Lord of infinite wisdom who is not afraid of failure, sees change as joy, and longs for vast knowledge and great destiny?

Rather than fighting it endlessly, Morse thought, it would be better to give it a good question to think about.

From a more macro perspective, the holes left by the burned books form a line of text that penetrates several layers of books, leaving permanent traces in the infinite library.

Morse decided to leave one question to Tzeentch to answer.

"Tzeentch, when will your death be?"

The Lord of Change is destined to be unable to resist answering questions, and Morse sincerely wishes that he will find the answers in his infinite treasure trove of knowledge. Otherwise, it will long ponder its demise. The Lord of the Infinite remains a prisoner of the Finite.

Falling back into the real universe, ignoring the strange scream of scratching and screaming coming from the center of the Crystal Maze, this time Morse woke up from the closet in Perturabo's office and found that the cuffs of his black robe were hung. Tie a knot on the hanger to secure it.

Maybe this is still a little better than waking up and finding yourself lying on an anvil.

He unhooked himself from the hanger, but did not find Perturabo in the office.

From the speed and direction of the battle barge, it can be seen that the entire fleet is accelerating towards Prospero.

Morse connects his various works to examine their status. The body he left behind in Prospero is still packed in a cloth bag and hung safely on the wall of someone's house.

To Morse's surprise, the infant body he had built for Perturabo had been burned clean in its self-destruction.

His eyebrows twitched slightly and he looked in the direction of Prospero.

An Iron Warrior entered the room with the documents in his arms, and the door that opened automatically proved that he had obtained the authorization of the Primarch. After seeing the sudden appearance of Morse, the other party took a step back and glanced at the door number of the office.

"Nardol," Mors remembered his name, "come to your primarch."

Sliding and kneeling × 2...I'm so sorry...

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