Warhammer 40k: Shattered Steel Soul

Chapter 88 Hell Storm (Part 1)

Perturabo knew something unexpected was going to happen.

Since Magnus discussed with the scholars that day about banning psychic powers, he has been keenly aware of an unusual and intricate tributary in the turbulent flow of Prospero's fate, which is particularly highlighted under the guidance of rocks and accumulated sand.

He just didn't know how the unexpected would come.

Thanks to the fact that the body created by Morse is nothing more than a humanoid amalgam of energy, Perturabo is able to run between the bookshelves at a speed that would permanently damage the muscles and bones of an ordinary person.

A few days were enough for him to understand the structure of the entire building clearly - in fact, he had already done this after he was led by Magnus to tour half of the large library on his first day.

So he realized very clearly that the layout of this space had changed.

After the roar of the crystal chandelier falling to the ground, followed by a large number of explosions and screams, spiritual energy swept through the entire library like a torrent until it was bound by the solid spell on the glass exterior wall, forming a huge reactor.

The passage in front of Perturabo became extremely long and narrow, silver light flowed inside the marble floor tiles that turned into crystals, runes emerged from everywhere, and phantom arcs accompanied by thunder and lightning flashed vividly, and the bookshelves billowed like prisms. bonfires, storms of warp matter projecting the psychic vortex of the real universe behind the curtain.

The vision appeared so naturally that Perturabo even felt that all kinds of strangeness had existed here for a long time. Now the veil was peeled off like a weathered rock shell, revealing the long-awaited brilliance of mystery inside.

He has stopped running, because the behavior of continuing to rush into it after seeing the vision contains the dangerous image of resolute devotion, and the meaning of the ritual is the most beloved caller of the vast ocean waves.

——Magnus did not build the Great Library of Tizca.

Perturabo picked out a piece of information suitable for this moment from his majestic thinking network. The red giant stood under the glass windows of the Tizca Great Library that reflected thousands of bright sunlight and proudly introduced the story of his city. The situation replayed in his mind, "...We have always had this library," the young giant said, "I did not rebuild the entire Tizca."

The City of Light, the last crystal nail that pinned Prospero to the brink of destruction. Before the Emperor's offspring fell from the sky like brilliant meteors, Tizca was known as the City of Light.

Sooner or later he would have to ask Magnus what the great library had been.

Perturabo turned around, with many black burn marks remaining on the torn cloth robe. When he stopped running, the countdown started the moment the scholar caught up with him.

The time they arrived today was just before Perturabo was about to leave. If they were delayed for another thirty minutes, no one would be able to discover the inferior plan of these arrogant scholars today.

The item that the scholars wanted to steal was also specially introduced to Perturabo by Magnus earlier. He knew the item so well that as long as the collection was in his hands, he even knew how to complete a quick and fast one. Dismantle and crush the enemy's ambitions.

Many coincidences and sudden enlightenments seemed to be favored by fate. The God of Luck gently dropped the flowers and fruits representing good luck from the clouds, and they landed at Perturabo's feet.

If he seizes the opportunity and uses the indestructible, particularly tough body that Morse built for him, which can survive the psychic fire without damage, and performs a unique deal with the enemy, can he directly eliminate the crisis? The appearance of a young bud?

When Magnus still couldn't deal with the minor problem of his psionic disorder, Mors left for Terra, and the Emperor ran off to the Sol Sector to do something unknown, there was a second person in Prospero, and there was Can you solve this unknown crisis?

A row of bookshelves fell down in the psychic shock, blocking Perturabo's path, even though he had no intention of moving forward. It almost formed a natural stronghold here, inviting Perturabo to stay here and show off his talents.

The fighting part of his genes has begun to cheer, and a part of his mind has also smoothly conceived many consecutive moves to deal with the scholars in the blink of an eye - their psychic powers are powerful and irresistible, but they have almost no fighting ability. It would be a complete waste of their talents, not to mention the severe physical weakness caused by the years of studying spiritual energy in these scholars who are no longer young.

He is a warrior, his enemy is not.

The psychic smoke stirred up by the collapsed bookshelf gradually dispersed, and Perturabo stood quietly in the middle of the aisle with a serious face.

The noisy sound is approaching. If he wants to mount an effective defense, he must use the resources he has here, yes, such as countless books covered with psychic films, such as crystal bookshelves and long silver ladders. He has to start laying traps, using tricks, leaving traps...

Perturabo suddenly closed his eyes and shook his head violently, clearing away all the thoughts that had just suddenly popped out, and also expelled the few words in his ears.

Is he delusional about the enemy's position, in the core area of ​​the City of Light, where he doesn't know what it is originally, using the inherent unknown things, and getting into a fierce battle with a group of psykers who control countless spells?

This isn't even in the realm of arrogance and impracticality anymore, it's stupidity.

Perturabo decided again.

He used his will to hook a small hook that Morse had arranged in advance in this young body, and sent his thoughts neatly back from Prospero to the Iron Warriors' fleet.

In the time of one thought, the other person has learned everything that is happening here and merged with this branch of his consciousness.

At the same time, countless golden ancient runes appeared on the surface of the boy's body, and the runes ignited with pure and flawless scorching golden fire, disintegrating the corresponding matter back to the essence of energy inch by inch.

This is the self-destruction setting of Morse's body to prevent problems in the bud. There is no need for Morse to personally help him return fragments of consciousness. The spell will use the energy in the body itself to cross the galaxy and open a one-time passage for him to return, killing two birds with one stone. The earth drains the body itself, shattering its form in the physical universe.

Except for the torn cloth robe he bought locally in Tizca, and the charred black ember that was inevitably burned by the cursed golden fire on the evil crystal ground, Perturabo would not give a group of psychic or leave anything behind.

At the other end of the galaxy, the Lord of Iron opened his eyes that were colder than glaciers, and looked in the direction of Prospero with an expressionless face.

He explained nothing unnecessary to the officers around him, and deftly ignored the well-hidden curiosity on his warriors' faces.

"Prepare the subspace... no, accelerate from the real universe and head to Prospero as soon as possible." He paused, "Get the turret and torpedo tube system ready in advance, but don't load ammunition, just highlight the weapons for the time being. That’s all. In addition, contact Terra immediately to ask if Morse has arrived.”

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