"This is the third Infinity Stone."

Just when Thanos was about to put the gem between his fingers into the Infinity Gauntlet, a ghostly figure rushed over from behind, with both fists on Thanos' back.

"Ah..." There was pain on Thanos' face, because the two fists that hit his back stretched out three sharp metal blades.

The blade is so sharp that it can tear the skin of a titan.

It was Logan the Wolverine.

Logan's superpower is bone spurs plus super self-healing ability.

The bone spurs had already been transformed into steel claws by Edman alloy in the government's "Weapon X" program, and the super self-healing ability kept him alive in the nuclear explosion.

Although now his whole body is festered, there is hardly a piece of good skin, and a large number of exposed metal bones are also burnt red in the high temperature of the nuclear explosion, but the vitality of the sky-defying vitality allows him to still retain his mobility and attack power, and it is even more exciting. his ferocity.

"Death, death, death." Wolverine swung his steel claws and stabbed wildly on Thanos' back.

Adamantium alloy is a super metal no less than Vibranium, even the Titan's skin can't stop it, and the blood dripping from Wolverine's back is scratched by Wolverine with just one breath.

The nuclear explosion came so suddenly that most superheroes were not spared, such as Falcon, Captain America, Cyclops, Beast, and even Iceman, Pyroman, and Wakanda warriors were instantly reduced to ashes.

Because most of them rely on equipment, even Captain America has only been strengthened to a limited extent, and cannot withstand the terrifying power of nuclear explosions at all.

In Los Angeles, which has now turned into a sea of ​​flames and hell, the only surviving hero is the Chinese mutant Blink who opens the space door and escapes unscathed.

Even though Qin Gelei opened the shield with her thoughts, she was still blasted into the ground by the force of the explosion because she was at the center of the nuclear explosion.

Vulkan absorbed the surrounding nuclear explosion energy and radiation with his ability to absorb energy, but because the nuclear explosion was too powerful, Vulcan only absorbed the part around him and was already about to explode, digesting this energy Has lost the ability to fight before.

Wolverine is the only one who can still fight now.


Thanos has a huge body and can't catch Wolverine hanging behind him, but he has a space gem, which can send Wolverine thousands of meters away with a single blow.

Instead of chasing Wolverine, what Thanos has to do now is to put the Mind Stone into the Infinity Gauntlet.

With a soft "snap", the yellow stone was sucked into the Infinity Gauntlet.

But strangely, the feeling of blessing from the source of the universe did not appear.

"This is?" Thanos' eyes widened suddenly, he picked up the yellow stone, and kneaded it into countless powders.

At some point, the soul gem turned into a fruit candy...

"Hahaha." There was a loud laugh, the black mist condensed, Du Chen appeared in front of Thanos, and said to the black-faced Titan, "Thank you for helping me obtain this rough stone."

Just at the moment Thanos was interrupted by Wolverine's attack, Du Chen, who had been silently watching the battle situation, used the reality gem to modify reality, turning the yellow raw stone in Thanos's hand into a yellow fruit candy, and turning the yellow gem in his hand into a yellow fruit candy. Fruit candies turned into reality gems.

Two dogs fight, play off.

Now DU Chen, like Thanos, has two infinite rough stones.

Staring at DU Chen coldly, this is the second time Thanos confronted him, and DU Chen took away the gem again.

"Let's play a game, there are two gems, let's see who can get it first." After speaking, DU Chen turned into black mist and dissipated.

At this time, a spark drew a door of space in the air.

Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch and Professor X fly out of the portal.

There is a strange magic eye on each of the three heads, and this eye shrouds them with light, which can avoid the damage of radiation.

"No..." Scarlet Witch saw Vision's gray-white corpse for the first time, let out a stern roar, and flew over.

Seeing these three people appear, a space vortex appeared behind Thanos, he took a step back and disappeared into the sea of ​​flames.

And when he was leaving, the woman in white clothes who fell to the ground not far away also entered a space vortex that suddenly appeared.

Just now, the reincarnated man in the silver suit was being besieged by Qin Gelei and others, but the sudden nuclear explosion put both sides in crisis.

Relying on the invincible defense of the AT force field, the man in the suit was not killed by the nuclear explosion in an instant, and he opened the return scroll to escape.

The woman in white clothes in ancient costume also resisted the explosion by relying on the magic weapon obtained from the Xianxia plane, but she was stunned and did not have time to return to the space.

On the other side of Frank's team, apart from the captain Frank who was still in space, the rest of the team members, including Lucia and Bohr who had turned into monsters from the abyss, all four members died in the nuclear explosion.

Of course, DU Chen had already taken away the props they collected in various planes when he was in Kerry Star, so whether these team members died or not had little to do with him.

However, Frank in the Accuser Fleet was stunned for a moment when he received the notification of the death of the team members. Because of the death of four team members, the reincarnation space of the plane will deduct 80,000 meritorious service from him.

80,000 meritorious service is also very painful for him as a senior, and the entire team is wiped out, which means that he has become a loner, and his personal evaluation will be greatly reduced by the space.

Thanos left the earth and went directly to one of his bases in space.

This base was built on an undeveloped planet. People on this planet have not yet entered the interstellar civilization, and they don't even know that there is an alien base on their planet.

This is the base he specially used to train the Vanguard. The Vanguard is a powerful animal life form. Some of them have four strong and powerful arms. They seem to have no eyes, and they look extremely fierce and sturdy.

When fighting, it will be like the Zerg in StarCraft, sweeping up like a tsunami, the destructive power is extremely terrifying, and the Chitauri who are equipped with laser weapons are stronger.

"My lord." Seeing Thanos, the subordinates who maintained the base immediately saluted.

"Increase the manufacturing speed." Thanos said: "Within ten days, I want one billion fighters."

"One billion..." The subordinates were taken aback by the number Thanos said: "But there are only more than one billion people on this planet..."

Pioneer Guard is a biochemical beast, and it needs to be transformed with a living body.

The living body used in this substrate is the life on this planet, but there is a failure rate in the manufacture of vanguards. Even if the technology is mature now, it is not 100%.

Thanos wants to create a billion vanguards, isn't it going to wipe out all life on this planet?

Thanos punched the person in charge of the base to pieces, then turned his head and said to the deputy of the person in charge of the base: "Complete this task."

"Yes, Lord Thanos." The deputy saluted tremblingly: "It is guaranteed to be completed."

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