"It's best to call your friends. For example, the one named Wu Xiaode, he advised me to join the film company. Now it seems that he should be the one to talk about it." Li Kunlun said calmly.

"He's not." Xiao Baihong smiled.

"He is." Li Kunlun said with certainty.

"He is not."

"he is."

"He really isn't."

"Whatever, call someone over immediately, otherwise I will be executed soon."


Xiao Baihong beckoned.

A large black off-road vehicle suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Get in the car, let's go." Xiao Baihong said.

"Where are you going?" Li Kunlun asked.

"A safe place." Xiao Baihong said.

Li Kunlun immediately got into the car and sat down in the back row.

Xiao Baihong also got into the car.

The large off-road vehicle roared and drove towards the capital.

in the car.

Xiao Baihong picked up her mobile phone, and quickly all the members in the group @:

"Li Kunlun has awakened. He said he is a felon and is in danger now. Let me call for reinforcements."

"I'm going to report to my father right now, you are heading to the capital first." Zhao Zhibing said.

"The route is shared with you." Xiao Baihong said.

"Don't worry, I'll come right away!" Zhao Zhibing said.

Xiao Baihong dropped the phone, raised her head suddenly, and glanced out the window.

I saw a face stuck to the window, staring at Li Kunlun.

It was the face of a human man, but it quickly changed into the appearance of a ghost.

"A felony criminal...you still have countless sufferings to suffer, you should suffer all kinds of torture, and finally die in this world in pain, instead of awakening now." Li Gui said.

"Help me." Li Kunlun said.

"Okay." Xiao Baihong said lightly.

Outside the carriage, a gust of wind blows, blowing the ghost away.

There were countless sharp blades hidden in the wind, twisting back and forth, the ghost immediately turned into a blood mist.

"This is just the beginning, they won't stop." Li Kunlun said with his eyes closed.

"If you know anything, please give me some advice, this is for us to escape safely." Xiao Baihong smiled.

Li Kunlun said: "Is there anything to eat? I need to replenish energy and activate my original ability again."

Xiao Baihong reached out his hand to feel in his pocket, and took out a lollipop.

"I came in a hurry, I didn't bring anything, how about this?" He asked.

"Better than nothing."

Li Kunlun took the lollipop, put it in his mouth in one gulp, crushed the candy ball thoroughly and swallowed it.

"This candy needs to be licked. If you eat it like this, you won't be able to taste it." Xiao Baihong said in a regretful tone.

Li Kunlun suddenly smiled.

"No wonder you've survived until now. It seems that you are not an ordinary criminal—how did you survive when you awakened?" he asked.

Xiao Baihong recalled: "Our place was more superstitious. A guy like me who can summon the 'Yin Wind' at the age of five must come with disaster. He must be thrown into the river and drown to save the whole village."

"Your family didn't stop it?" Li Kunlun asked.

"There are many people in the family, and I don't care about me. I will still get a sum of money after I die. What a wonderful thing."

"Then why aren't you dead?"

"It just happened that the dam burst, so I can't blame it." Xiao Baihong covered her mouth and snickered.

"I really want to continue chatting with you, but unfortunately someone is here again." Li Kunlun said.

Xiao Baihong looked out of the car window and murmured: "It would be great if there is a way to delay the enemy."

Li Kunlun breathed lightly, and said in a low voice, "We've been chatting for a long time, and I'm just waiting for your words."

He reached out and pointed out the window.


The whole city seemed to be propped up by something.

The land becomes wider, and the roads become more, like a vast field, everywhere, with no boundaries in sight.

Xiao Baihong leaned against the window glass and looked out, and saw new roads appearing around the black off-road vehicles, each road was full of fast-moving cars, and there were black off-road vehicles.

"What is this?" Xiao Baihong wondered.

"Virtuality and reality—it's my ability, and people around me must ask for it, so that I can build something related, false or real—now that the ability has just been awakened, it can only be used to confuse our enemies." Li Kunlun said.

Xiao Baihong sensed something, and said in surprise: "You mean—"

"That's right, the executioner has come, and he wants to find me and kill me." Li Kunlun said coldly.

"Accelerate." Xiao Baihong said to the royal guard driving the car.

The car let out a roar, and drove fast on the road, quickly going far away.

same moment.

On the street where the shootout broke out.

A shirtless man in white trousers quietly appeared.

He had a beard and a hideous face, and he stared at the direction where the car disappeared for a long time.

"The sinner's chains are loose."

"According to the instructions of the prison, he should be seized and a new shackle should be installed;"

"If the sinner resists fiercely, he can be executed on the spot."

"...Let's do the Fa-rectification on the spot."

The man walked forward step by step.

He obviously didn't walk fast, but every step he took covered a distance of hundreds of meters.

After a while, he disappeared without a trace.

royal palace.

Zhao Zhibing is reporting.

Suddenly, a minister hurried in and said loudly, "Your Majesty, a miracle has appeared in the urban area of ​​Dongjin City. Many roads suddenly appeared, with various cars driving on them."

"Have you seen many people?" asked the emperor.

"All the people have seen it!" said the minister.

"I didn't expect that the monsters didn't appear in the city, but our awakened ones made such a big battle." The emperor said with emotion.

"Your Majesty, do you want to admit the existence of abnormal events?" the minister asked.

The emperor looked at Zhao Zhibing.

Zhao Zhibing glanced at the phone and said, "I just received the news, those are just illusions released by the newly awakened, they are not real."

"Let him revoke the spell immediately, and then we have to do other things to restore—"

The emperor cheered up, and said like a cannonball: "If you don't admit that this is an abnormal event, start the news media and claim that it is the holographic image landscaping of the film and television company of 'Wu Mori Sufficient'!"

"Also, immediately let those top celebrities on the hot searches - divorced, hidden marriage, stealing food - all be revealed to me."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The minister hurried away.

"Is this useful?" Zhao Zhibing asked anxiously.

"Of course it is useful. People actually have a subconscious avoidance of abnormal events, because it will completely destroy their values ​​and life, and celebrity events close to their gossip needs will divert their attention." The emperor said.

"It must work?"

"That depends on whether we can save the awakened one. With him, we can create illusions at any time, which will be convincing."

The emperor pondered for a few breaths, and said again: "Wu Xiaode has gained the trust of the people, I will immediately let him explain on the live broadcast, saying that it is a holographic image made by filming."

Zhao Zhibing said: "Please allow me to meet Li Kunlun."

The emperor said: "Well, in fact, there are not many awakened people alive now... Only you can go, be careful."


Zhao Zhibing left the hall.

The emperor sat alone for a while, then suddenly sighed: "I guess I can't hide it today."

He knocked on the huge metal helmet, and said to himself: "No, I'm just such a daughter, I have to find more people to help."


the other side.

Wu Xiaode stood in the magnificent hall of the building, covered in fog.

People come and go all around.

But no one noticed him, or even watched him.

——Just like only he can see the god of death, all living beings can't see anything in front of this fog of death.

"The president's office of the Charity Guild... is on the third floor."

He looked at the schematic diagram of the office, walked up the steps, went up to the third floor, and came to the door of the president's office.

Just about to knock on the door, the door opened with a bang.

An old man with gray hair walked out of the room surrounded by five or six followers.

Wu Xiaode didn't have time to dodge, so he jumped with all his strength and jumped directly into the air.

He stepped on the two magic hands to ensure that he was temporarily floating in the air.

"The whole army was destroyed? Who has such ability?"

The old man gritted his teeth.

The others didn't dare to take a breath.

"No, this matter must be reported immediately—I will report it myself!"

The old man strode towards the meeting room at the end of the corridor.

The others hurriedly followed.

Wu Xiaode lightly jumped down from the demon's hand, followed closely behind everyone, and came to the end of the corridor together.

The door of the conference room opened.

Everyone filed in, leaving two professionals guarding the door.

Wu Xiaode naturally followed in, and stood behind the white-haired old man, wanting to see how he would report.

The holographic screen lit up.

After a "beep-beep-beep-" sound, a man in a black robe appeared on the screen.

"The bishop in white is dead, and the whereabouts of the scepter are also missing. I already know this."

The man in black said calmly.

The white-haired old man's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said, "The Pope forgives the sin."

"Don't talk about forgiveness, I will send people to deal with this matter, and now I have a very important task for you." The black-robed man said.

"Please show me the Pope." The white-haired old man said.

"Deploy manpower, cooperate with the believers in the capital, set a trap, and kill Xia Huilan, the creator of the mecha," said the man in black.

"This matter is easy to handle, we will prepare immediately." The white-haired old man said.

"Well, those mechas of hers are very troublesome. They wanted to be in our hands before, but now she has become a card in the hands of the royal family, so they must be eradicated as soon as possible." The man in black robe said.

"Do you think we can use the curse of blood?" the white-haired old man asked.

The man in black thought for a while and said, "Yes, I approve you to sacrifice two hundred people, activate the curse of blood, and let her die."

Suddenly a voice sounded:

"I can't see it."

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