Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 502 Visiting

"What was the situation in your eyes at the time?"

"I saw him disappear for a moment, and then appear directly on the track of your fist, and you punched him on the bridge of the nose."

"Have you seen that punch?"

"I probably haven't seen it before."


"Let me think..."

Shen Xiujun slightly frowned, and thought for a long time before speaking again:

"I checked the battle memories for countless hours, and I didn't find any punch that was exactly the same as your punch."

Wu Xiaode was a little dazed when he heard that.

A girl with white hair and red eyes sat behind him, but she couldn't hold back the horror in her heart when she heard this, and subconsciously bit her lip.

Xuezhi is a man of knowledge.

She fully knew how shocking it was when these words came out of Shen Xiujun's mouth.

Shen Xiujun and the breeding demon master have one body and two souls, share memories, and fully know all the past battle records of the breeding demon master.

It can be said that all the skills, skills and knowledge of sentient beings are omniscient and omniscient.

But she said—

never seen it.

So who is this young man!

Xuezhi breathed lightly, adjusting his emotions.


Be sure to calm down!

Maybe he invented some new skills, so he was lucky enough to hit that robber.

Now he has escaped and returned—

I still have a chance to save him in the future, and get rid of this cause and effect, so as to get a chance to escape.

After three or five breaths.

Xue Zhi felt that he had finally calmed down, so he continued to listen to the conversation between the two.

"By the way, where's Davel?" Shen Xiujun asked.

"It disappeared so much that there was not even a scum left, it should be regarded as silenced by me." Wu Xiaode said.

"That's good." Shen Xiujun sighed.


There was a gentle sound.

The two looked back.

Xuezhi slid down from the chair and knelt on the ground with a dull expression.

"What's your situation?" Wu Xiaode asked with a frown.

"It's okay - I didn't sit still just now." Xuezhi waved his hand quickly.

"By the way," Wu Xiaode suddenly realized, "You won't betray me, will you?"

Xuezhi shivered, and said repeatedly:

"Absolutely not! We have the law of cause and effect as a contract, I will obey your orders in everything, and I will never betray you!"

Darwell was silenced.

It was silenced!

This person also has a move that even Jiemo has never seen before.


One of the robbers was still sealed, and was replaced by the life and soul of Shufa, standing in front of him!

If I dare to act recklessly, wouldn't it be a dead end?


He can kill Jiemo to silence his words, why can't he kill himself to silence him?

I can't resist myself.

What a breeze!


Wu Xiaode said: "I will order you not to tell any existence what happened to me."

Xuezhi's face was pale, almost suffocating, but these words rang in his ears like the sound of heaven.

With the guarantee of the law of cause and effect, I must obey his orders.

So he knows not to kill me!

I survived!

"Yes, master."

She honestly agreed.

Wu Xiaode looked at her up and down, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

Why do you look so scared?

Am I that cruel? Cold blooded? Like to kill?

It will not.

——Many times you need to stand up and go out to die.

How can I be willing to kill you?

Tuk tuk tuk!

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Wu Xiaode shouted.

There was a voice outside:

"Passing by here, don't take the liberty to disturb—"

"Does anyone need a fortune teller?"

Wu Xiaode's expression froze.

"Who is it?" Shen Xiujun asked.

She could see that Wu Xiaode seemed to know who was standing outside the door.

Wu Xiaode stood up and said:

"It's not an enemy, it helped me a's okay, I'll go see him."

He signaled the two women not to worry, and strode out of the bar.

open the door--

I saw an old man holding a bamboo stick standing outside.

On his bamboo stick is hung a streamer, which reads:

"Ask the omens of the four seasons, and judge the fortune and misfortune of the day and night."

The last time I went to look for the second 'Grave of the Laws' card, I was stopped by this old man outside a city.

He reminded himself that there will be changes here at the bar.

I just came back quickly.


The parasite of the Corpse of Time has been summoned by the breeder, and they are ready to attack Zhao Junyu together.

I almost missed it.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, thanks to your calculation, otherwise I would be too late."

Wu Xiaode cupped his hands in greeting.

The old man smiled and said:

"You don't need to thank me, you have produced a lot of gold bricks, so that I, the old Daoist, have enough money to eat well."

"Please come in and talk, let's drink some wine together." Wu Xiaode said.

The old man glanced into the bar, with a look of disdain on his face, he shook his head and said:

"You can't drink here... No, I still have to go fishing at night, so I can't drink. Let's talk outside."


Wu Xiaode closed the door of the bar, took the old man to the opposite hotel, and sat down on the steps.

The old man looked at him with a resentful look on his face.

"What?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Just invite me to sit on the steps." The old man said.

"It's comfortable here, it's cool when the wind blows, and it happens to be sunny, not to mention how comfortable it is to bask in the sun." Wu Xiaode said.

The old man sat down beside him, grumbling.

There happened to be a gust of wind blowing by.

The sky is blue.

The desert in the distance is like a pile of gold, turning into hazy light spots in the wind and flying high into the sky.

The light is warm.

The old man's brows loosened, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Comfortable, I really wouldn't change it for an emperor, hahaha."

A majestic aura rose from his body, and he hid it in an instant, and the sharpness between his eyebrows and eyes also disappeared.

"Why are you here this time?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I'm here to see your choice. After all, it's a big deal." The old man said.

Wu Xiaode didn't understand, and turned to look at the old man.

The old man stared at him.

The two looked at each other for a while.

The wind blows.

The puzzled expression on the old man's face became more and more intense.

Wu Xiaode simply spread his hands and said:

"I really don't know what your Excellency is referring to."

The old man widened his eyes, pointed at him and said, "Speak up, which side are you going to stand next?"

"Me? Which side can I stand on?" Wu Xiaode was puzzled.

"You are full of the power of robbery, and now you can be a robbery, immortal, don't you be tempted?" the old man asked.

Wu Xiaode was startled for a moment, but suddenly realized.


Since absorbing the immeasurable calamity power of the breeding demon lord and combining it with his own death technique, he has now surpassed all living beings.

——To become a robber?

Or continue to fight against all robbers and destruction as sentient beings?

Wu Xiaode couldn't help being at a loss.

If you become a catastrophe, you will get rid of the predicament of human beings in one fell swoop, and you will no longer be afraid of any catastrophe. You can embrace eternity and enjoy everything with confidence.

If you continue to exist as a human being...

Then it is bound to confront the demons one by one and save all beings from suffering. I don't know when it will end, and I don't know what my end will be.

The old man was right.

This is indeed a big deal.

This matter is not only related to one's own life path, but also related to the past era and the future era.

Wu Xiaode sighed, his fingers accidentally touched the Butterfly Soul Knife, so he directly pressed his hand on the handle of the knife, gently stroking it non-stop.

"When I saw this man and saw his knife, I knew there was hope."

"We finally got such a person."

Li Chengfeng's voice echoed in his ears.

Wu Xiaode raised his head slowly, smiled and said:

"I would like to do nothing, find a place where no one cares, sleep with it for three days and three nights, eat and drink after waking up, fish and raise dogs, plant flowers and take a stroll..."

"Unfortunately not."

The old man listened quietly and said, "Why not?"

"The task entrusted by others has not been completed." Wu Xiaode said.

"You owe someone else?" asked the old man.

Wu Xiaode thought for a moment and said:

"I owe but I don't owe. There are some things that I don't do because I owe others something."

"So you decided to help them?" the old man said.

"It's not to help them, but I and everyone are originally together, but we have chosen the same path after endless time."

The aura on Wu Xiaode's body gradually became deep and solid.

He looked up at the deep blue and clear sky, and said softly:

"There are so many things that they can't see."

"But I'm different. I have a unique way of fighting, so if I make a move, there is still a little hope—"

"Just let me finish this fight."

"If I can win, I'll do something else."

The old man listened quietly, and slowly lowered his head, the corners of his mouth curled up more and more.

"They are all people who can be robbers, why are you still like a street gangster?"

he scolded.

"Is Jiemo very powerful? Sorry, I just killed one." Wu Xiaode said.

"Don't be arrogant. Domineering is the most taboo in the world. Don't you know this?" the old man said.

Wu Xiaode shrank his neck and said in agreement:

"That's true. When I really fight, I will never underestimate the opponent."

The old man was silent for a few breaths, and said softly:

"Boy, now you can go to that city."

Wu Xiaode thought for a while before he understood.

When I went to look for the second "Tomb of the Laws" card, I was stopped by the roadside by the old man.

"Can I go now?" he asked.

The old man nodded and said:

"Now that you have fallen in love with the first robbery and killed another robbery, the laws have seen greater hope."

"They'd crawl out of their graves if they crawled, eager for your help."


The old man patted his chest.

Wu Xiaode suddenly felt that something hit him.

He reached into his clothes and touched them.

He took off an emerald green brooch and held it in his hand.

"Before you had to rely on Jiemo, it was easy to rely on this thing, after all, it is a creation of goblins."

said the old man.

"The goblin said the brooch was stolen." Wu Xiaode shrugged.

"You don't know them too well. They did steal a lot of precious materials, and then put them together like a jigsaw puzzle to make this brooch."

"This is their talent, but they don't admit that it is something they made, because the purpose of this brooch is somewhat abnormal."

The old man continued triumphantly:

"It's a good thing you didn't take refuge in Jiemo, otherwise I would have to find a way to destroy this brooch—"

"Once the brooch is destroyed, the goblins will be angry."

"Even I can't comfort them."

Wu Xiaode looked at the brooch, and saw lines of small ice crystal characters appearing in the void next to it:

"Green radish brooch."

"Description: Wearing this brooch, you will immediately obtain a brand new body, which is an enemy you have killed before; you can obtain the memory of the enemy, and freely manipulate this body, just like it is Same as your second body."

"—Kill the enemy, pretend to be him, take everything from him."

"—Countess, here I come."

"Currently killed: Bone Demon Worm Davier."


"You have obtained a brand new body of the bone demon worm."

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