Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 352 Destroy the Will!

"A boring trick!"

In the sky, the flood dragon let out a roar.

It shook its head casually, and immediately threw the Huangjian out together with the blood.

next second.

The wound on the top of Jiaolong's head healed quickly, and after a few breaths, he looked back, as if he hadn't been injured at all.

"Flood Dragon Blood, Brother Wu!"

Ma San roared anxiously.

Wu Xiaode's expression changed.

—Is there any use for this blood?

He released his bronze hand, collected the bloody Desolate Sword in the air, and collected the blood beads one by one, then patted Ma San and said:

"I got it."

"Good! Good! Brother Wu, your practice is hopeful!" Ma San said excitedly.

Wu Xiaode didn't understand, he glanced at the battlefield and said:

"Let's back up a bit."

Ma San also looked towards the field, and saw that the bronze giant had already killed 70% to 80% of the gathered monsters, and was fighting fiercely with the remaining powerful monsters.

The scope of the battle between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger, and it will soon reach the place where Xiao Wu and Ma San are.

Ma San stepped back a little.

At this time, Jiaolong finally charged down, encountered a bronze wall along the way, and directly opened his mouth to breathe out green fire, burning all the bronze hands into mist.


It ran straight into the bronze giant, and then breathed out a mouthful of green fire.

The giant was instantly burned to ashes.

However, the surrounding monsters were also beaten and killed in disorder, and it seemed that they couldn't afford to organize a chasing battle.

Jiaolong couldn't think about it, so he had to say loudly:

"Order, all monsters stay put and wait for the army to enter the city!"


The monsters responded in unison.

"Let's go." Wu Xiaode whispered.

Ma San nodded, moved his feet, immediately flew back with Wu Xiaode all the way, and returned to the pancake shop.

Zhao Congnan and Sun Qian were hiding in the back yard, and when they saw them coming back, they immediately laughed.

"If we can live in the future, I will definitely give credit to Brother Xiaowu!"

Zhao Congnan said.

Wu Xiaode was about to speak when suddenly he felt dizzy, cold sweat broke out all over his body, and he could barely move.

Zhao Congnan immediately stepped forward and grabbed his hand, checked briefly, and said:

"Your supernatural powers are too much, and you were injured by Jiaolong's green fire, you have to rest for a while before you can recover."

Wu Xiaode was surprised.

I have used the magic hand countless times, and I have used the demon god many times, but nothing like this has ever happened.

Perhaps sensing his expression, Zhao Congnan said:

"You may not know - the dragon's fire is its natal supernatural power, which can devour soul power. You probably have absorbed a lot of power."

Hearing this, Wu Xiaode immediately looked at the book of the dead, but saw lines of small ice crystal characters appearing on the book:

"Remaining reserve soul power: 200,000."

Only 200,000 left?

This is not right!

Christina led the beholders to set up a 4S store, and the soul power earned was millions!

——This flood dragon is really powerful, it can actually absorb my soul power through my ability.

So this city was actually broken by Jiaolong?

Wu Xiaode was secretly startled.

"My lord, let's go into the tunnel." Ma San suggested.

"Go!" Zhao Congnan said.

Several people walked down the stone steps from the bed, and Ma San pressed a hidden compartment on the wall, and the bed was immediately closed as before.

I saw a small secret room inside, with dry food and water, and a few simple rattan beds for rest.

Wu Xiaode lay down on the bed and began to rest.

At this time, he gradually came to his senses.

The flood dragon was fighting blindly in anger, but it was actually deliberately confusing himself, and he would kill him in one fell swoop as soon as his soul power was exhausted.

It's a pity that it doesn't know that its silent magic fog doesn't need to consume soul power.

In short, there are wins and losses for each other.

What next?

But Ma San took out several complete sets of scout armor and weapons, put them on the ground and said: "Everyone, your things are worn out, do you want to replace them with new ones?"

Zhao Congnan took off the battered battle armor on his body, grabbed a scout light armor, and put it on his body.

Sun Qian also went to change into a suit of armor and picked up a long halberd.

When it was Wu Xiaode's turn, he took a glance, but found that those battle armors were either too big or too small, and none of them fit.

As for weapons—

No knives, gloves, or spears.

In other words, there are no weapons suitable for my own use.

"Forget it, I won't change any equipment for now, let's talk about it after a rest."

Wu Xiaode said.

Zhao Congnan also found a rattan bed and lay down to rest.

Ma San and Sun Qian took some dry food and water and handed them over.

Wu Xiaode felt hungry, so he took a piece of steamed bun and ate slowly.

After taking two bites, the steamed bun was stuck in my throat, and I couldn't spit it out or swallow it down.

He subconsciously wanted to get up to drink water, but accidentally rolled to the ground.

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly jumped out of the Book of the Dead:

"Now you can activate 'Ming Gui'."

--What's happening here!

Ming Gui is a skill that can only be activated when he is on the verge of death——

In other words, I'm about to choke to death?

Wu Xiaode's thoughts flashed, and he suddenly thought of a certain possibility.

Could it be...

He immediately activated Ming Gui.

——But this time, instead of going to the world of death, he only turned himself into a ghost.

"There's still... 200,000 soul power, use it all up, add a little luck to yourself!"

Wu Xiaode thought about it.


The bun was spit out by him all at once.

A line of small ice crystal characters jumped out:

"Your luck has been consumed, and the current fortune continues to fall into a negative state."

"Who put the curse on me?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The Book of the Undead quickly turned to the page that sighed at the wall, and lines of small words in ice crystals appeared:

"All circumstances have been clarified."

"Your life-and-death opponent, Abner, doesn't know that this is a critical moment in the 'First Total Destruction' event."

"However, he and his family have used many doomsdays and borrowed the power of destruction."

"The will to destroy perceives the significance of current historical events."

"Through the limitations of time and space, the power of destruction arrived at your place from the distant duel field and cast a curse on you:"

"Dead River Extradition."

"Effect: Your fortune will drop to a negative number and last forever. This curse will disappear unless you die."

"—Destruction is an extremely ancient master law, please be careful."

Wu Xiaode was slightly stunned.

This is too powerful——

He clearly hid in the Human Emperor's Secret Realm, but the will to destroy can attack him through time and space?

I spent 200,000 soul power to release a little luck, and now it has been used up.

What next?

You can't be haunted by this curse forever.


By the way, death!

I am still in the ghost state, so I should be able to do this.

Wu Xiaode remained calm, covered his bed with the magic mist of silence, and immediately called the world of death.

The next moment.

He found himself standing on a long road with no end in sight, with pedestrians both in front and behind.

Two lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly jumped out:

"You have entered Naihetu."

"Please continue along the long road and wait for the judgment of the curse of destruction."

Wu Xiaode followed the crowd and walked forward.

——He could tell that these people were dead people who were going somewhere right now.


There was a dead silence all around, only the sound of my own footsteps could be heard.


A pavilion appeared ahead.

A woman in a long robe wearing a mask stands in front of the pavilion, beckoning every dead person passing by to pick up the cup on the table and drink it down.

The dead man who drank the water took a step forward, and his whole body immediately merged into a void of waterfall, and quickly went away along the water flow.

The team moved forward quickly, and soon it was Wu Xiaode's turn.

He glanced at the Book of the Dead, only to see a line of small characters still appearing on the book:

"The curse of destruction is being judged."

Still judging!

What should I do now?

Wu Xiaode looked at the woman wearing the ghost mask.

The woman pointed to the glass and motioned him to drink the water in the glass.

Wu Xiaode didn't move.

"Drink, reincarnate." The woman said rarely.

"I can't drink this water—how about a convenience?" Wu Xiaode whispered.

The woman seemed to wake up, and suddenly looked up at him.

"I see."

The woman murmured, thought for a moment, raised her hand, and rubbed her index finger and thumb together.

— This is asking for money.

Just ask for money!

Wu Xiaode breathed a sigh of relief, and took out gems and gold from the ring of holy treasure.

The woman shook her head.

don't want?

Wu Xiaode took out various coins and fruits collected by the bone dragon.

The woman shook her head again.

She looked a little impatient.

Wu Xiaode calmed down, thought carefully, then picked up an empty cup from the table, and poured a few drops of blood into it.

——Jiaolong is a powerful demon in this world system.

Flood dragon blood is something in this world system, so it must be suitable for trading.

Sure enough, the woman took the cup after seeing the dragon's blood.

"A little more, and I'll help you make things complete."

she said.

Wu Xiaode sighed, and poured out half of the remaining dragon blood.

"Is it enough?"


The woman nodded in satisfaction.

She quickly took out a piece of white paper, cut it into a human shape, and pasted it on Wu Xiaode's body.


The woman gave a soft drink.

The humanoid white paper immediately flew up from Wu Xiaode's body, turned into his appearance, and walked into the waterfall with the other dead.

In an instant, two lines of small ice crystal characters jumped out:

"The curse of destruction determines that you are truly dead."

"The curse is gone."

Wu Xiaode only felt light on his body.

Some kind of invisible and heavy thing seems to have been covering him, until now it disappeared.

This thing is good!

"Go back, your business is over." said the woman wearing the ghost mask.

"Thank you!" Wu Xiaode turned around and was about to leave when a thought suddenly appeared in his mind.

Jiaolong is so valuable.


Next time if the will to destroy comes again, the dragon blood on my body is used up, what should I do?

You can't sit still!

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaode turned around again, rubbed his hands, and showed a kind smile on his face:

"Excuse me--"

"What?" said the masked woman.

"I have a dragon in my hand, what do you want?"

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