Virtual World: Conquering the World

Chapter 701: Little mother dragon

"1,2,3,4,5,6 ..."

Ling Yue nodded whispered, suddenly raised his face, and laughed with joy: "Fuck! There are already 187 Dragon Man pieces, it is better to swipe it for the second time this evening, and hit 300 pieces, you can change to three A dragon shield! "

"Can you give the last one first?"

Qin Yun stunned the cave in front of her, and Shen said, "This sounds like snoring. Which guy with a horn in his throat can make such a sound ?!"

"Student, what do you say?" Ling Xue asked.

I pulled out my sword and said, "Say something, just go in and see if you don't know it. You guys are waiting outside, I sneak in, you wait to kill!"

"Oh, be careful!"



Qing Jian entered the cave, and with a bang, people have entered the state of shadows. Except for too many people who are higher than me, it is impossible to be detected.

The cave was dark and wet, and the heaven-forged boots under the foot stepped on something and made a "click" sound, just like the sound of pinching instant noodles in a supermarket.

I lowered the Moonlight Frostblade and shone it with the light of the magic soldier, and it was obvious that it was a human skull! In addition, all kinds of bones are scattered all over the place, and the human soul is seen flying.

"*, The stupid designer is a dude!"

I secretly cursed, these skulls are obviously eaten by the contents of the hole, most likely it is a dragon. Why does the dragon eat humans and have bones? It ’s all turned into dragon dung, otherwise ... No, are you questioning the digestive power of the dragon?

Was walking, suddenly a "call", a beam of fire flew over!

I was taken aback and hurried to defend with the realm shield. The flames outside the blue light curtain were so hot that the realm shield was almost red! Aiming at these flames, the shield of the territory is not tough and can support it for a long time.

Turning around a stone wall, the scene in front of you is even more scary!

In the huge mountain cave, there is a dragon, a burning fire dragon. It is sleeping with its head on its wings. Those flames are the breath of the fire dragon!

"I rely! This dragon is so big ..."

I was secretly shocked. This is called a dragon. A skull is about four meters high. The fire dragon summoned by the flame dragon Xiang is not as big as one's wings.

"Scholar, what did you see?" Ling Yue asked in the team channel.

"Nothing, I saw a dead dog ..."

Just after I finished speaking, the fire dragon in front of me suddenly opened his eyes, and the huge pupil was so cold that he glared in his heart. It roared loudly, and a dragon's breath flew open!


The Realm Shield broke instantly, and I was overheated with more than 10,000 blood. If Realm Shield had not helped a lot, I do n’t know how much blood to lose!

"Ah, the scholar was attacked ?! Come out soon, we help you!" Ling Xue was worried.

I slipped into the cave tunnel and replaced the fire dragon bow at the same time. I gave the dragon an arrow, and under the poison, its body was covered with a layer of green and started to slowly lose blood. I have done the worst The plan, if you ca n’t kill it, you will simply poison it. Anyway, we have n’t done this kind of thing!

Quickly rushed out of the cave. This cave is just a small branch of a cave. The huge body of the fire dragon cannot pass through. In this case, I can use this bug to poison this cricket!

Seeing me escaping into a panic, several MMs hurriedly asked, "What's inside?"

I shook my head: "I didn't have time for identification, I was almost dead ..."


At this moment, suddenly a dragon howl shook the world, and the whole valley almost shuddered. Underground, there seemed to be something to break out of the earth!

Qin Yun said: "It's over, we are in big trouble ..."

"I think so too ..."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of "whacked", the earth was flying, the cave was torn, and a dragon full of dirt and flames was sticking out. The fire dragon had already caught up!


I screamed, and Ling Xue stood in front, fire dragon bow, stun arrow!


100% successful vertigo!

Daohuaxiang shook her hands and the soul seal went out. Unfortunately, I have a hunch. This is by no means accidental. She may keep going because the level of this is too high!

Both Ling Xue and I persuaded, but no one dared to rush forward and slash. The fire dragon's nose sprayed flames, and it was a kind of devouring everything.

Forget it, appraise first, under the eyes of the stars, the attributes of the fire dragon appeared-

[Destroy Flame? Anderina] (Epic)

Level: 255

Magic attack: 102000-145000

Defense: 100,000

Qi and blood: 28000000

Skills: [Flame Dragon Breath], [Flame of Fire], [Flame Enchantment]

Introduction: Destroy Flame? Anderina, a former fire dragon elder, was expelled from the dragon domain because she betrayed the rules of the dragon family. She is a fierce magnetic fire dragon. She kills for pleasure and has destroyed the Silver Moon City. A sub-main city of the city, killing tens of thousands of civilians, and now Andrena has entered the burial land, becoming the king of this field


"Anderina, haha, it's a little mother Longye!" Ling Xue chuckled, and said to me, "Student, use taming on her, then use it to ride ..."

I said, "Why do you have to ride the mother dragon, can't the male dragon?"

Ling Xue glanced at me and said disdainfully, "What's the point of not being a female dragon more than ten meters long as a man? You must ride a female dragon, and you have to ride an oversized female dragon, so that you can have the conquest achievement sense……"

I smiled: "Xiao Xue, in fact, it is not necessary to conquer the mother dragon to have a sense of accomplishment ..."

"What do you want to say? Stupid ..." Ling Xue sneered.

Ling Yue cried incessantly: "Oh, at the moment of life and death, you two will be okay afterwards. I really can't stand the two of you, speed is ready to kill!"

Ling Xue shook her head and smiled: "It's too difficult. This magic attack has more than 140,000!"

"Try again!"


At this moment, the earth cracked, and the fire dragon had sprang out of the ground frantically, and lifted up!

"Kill, classmates!"

Ling Xue Qingjian rushed up. I never thought that the fire dragon would breathe out immediately. The little girl stood in the place and shook her, and was killed in seconds!


Faint, a fatal blow, Ling Xue's luck is too bad!

While Ling Xue was being resurrected, I also rushed forward, opened my mouth and raised the dragon!


Conceivable results.

The fire dragon glared angrily, roaring loudly, the fire disaster!

Suddenly, countless flames came, this is just a large sea of ​​hellfire!

The whole body was burned by flames, and the pain was so great. I had to cover everyone with the realm shield, but unfortunately it was burned out in less than three seconds.

The anger and blood went crazy, and people were very speechless--





Qi and blood can't be added at all!

Brush it, it's easy to hang up, and the 235 copy is really not easy to pass.

The area covered by the sea of ​​fire is very wide. Qin Yun, Ling Yue, and Da Hua Xiang's three MMs were burned before they could flash, but the time of the fire disaster has arrived!

"Ahhhh, it burns so much!" Ling Xue yelled after she was resurrected.

"Be careful, here it is again!"

The fire dragon soared again, sending a terrifying roar, followed by another big move—

Flame Enchantment!

"Hong! Hong! Hong!"

A huge enchanted flame envelops us, impenetrable, and the flames in the enchantment are raging!

"No, let's kill the group this time ..." Ling Yue smiled bitterly.

Qin Yun looked at me and said, "Scholar, you are invincible!"

I shook my head: "No, you all hang up, I will die after invincibility, and hang up together again, but it is only a loss of 30% of experience at this level."


A few white lights scattered, and Xueyue's group of people died for the first time!

Concentrated in Baiyun City, continue to hurry past.

Ling Yue reluctantly said, "I did not expect this to become like this ..."

Ling Xue said: "This time in the past, the regiment may be destroyed, but don't meet people in the Temple of the Moon, otherwise they will be joked ..."

"What are they afraid of? They've been destroyed countless times. This is the first time we have."

"That's it."

I said, "I made a mistake just now. When the fire dragon's two skills were separated, I should use stun arrows to interrupt the skills.

Ling Yue looked for a moment and laughed: "This time changing the strategy, let the pets pull the hatred first, we will use the three affections far away!"

"Well, okay! Then I used Flame Dragon to fight Anderina!"


We are all together, and we are on our journey with confidence.


There are many players around the collection stone, but there are no people in the Temple of the Moon. The arrival of our Snow Moon quintet made some players here exclamation, and many people coveted several MMs.

Entering the copy, hurried along all the way, far away, there was a firelight in the sky, and the fire dragon Andrena was still there.

Ling Yue asserted: "Several people in the Temple of the Moon must be defeated. Han Xin's skills are all on the ground, and the fire dragon simply ignores it ..."

"It does."

I summoned Linger, Lingxue summoned the wind spirit beast, Lingyue summoned the dark dragon, and the three pets were on board together. How long can it be delayed.

Affection Skills-Ice and Fire!

The twins stood together, and the energy of a row of mountains was sent out in an instant. The force of ice and fire stormed away, trapping the fire dragon Andrena, the ice cones poked, the flames burned, and after a fierce meal, the effect was average, After only a small cut of blood, Anderina is a dragon and has a high resistance to magic.

Then again-the ice and rain are breaking!

This time, the attack was a little stronger, because the ice system was more restrained by the properties of the fire dragon. Those ice swords hit Andrena in the air, and they were about to fall.

The third trick, the strongest trick-Long Xiang Feng Wu!

Ling Xue drank a bottle of big blue full of magic, and stood with me, at the same time, activated the affection button, the sword light soared into the sky, one dragon and one phoenix rushed away, strangling around the fire dragon Andrena!

For a while, the fire dragon's blood violently fell, this is not an exaggeration at all, Long Xiang Feng Wu's single killing ability is absolutely awesome!

All three affective skills have been thrown away, and the fire dragon's blood has also dropped by half. Next, it's time to fight hard!


Under the dragon's breath, Linger was killed by the last trace of blood and scattered into the air with white light.

I rushed forward and activated the skill-Flame Dragon!

The fire dragon I called out was considered an adult dragon, but compared with Anderina, it was like a preschool child.

Jumped onto the dragon's back and killed!

Qin Yun gave me a prophecy of resurrection, and then I flew up and rushed straight towards Andrena, a sword far away!



Oh? No reduction? OK, here it comes!

With a "snap", the fire dragon's defense dropped by half, followed by stun arrows and five consecutive shots, and Anderina's blood flew straight!

But apparently it was not the master who provoked, and when he woke up, he rushed over, and Zhang Yawu's claws sprayed out the dragon's breath, which could not be avoided.


Dizzy, strong attack power, I was still hit so badly while riding a dragon?

Helplessly, activate the skills and protect the ice dragon!

Within five minutes, the loss of qi and blood is reduced by 90%, which is 90% of the damage reduction effect, which is an effect that cannot be gathered by the equipment.

Come again!


The sword gas that swept through the thousands of troops killed An Andreina screaming. She stretched her neck, the powerful skills came again, and the flames became enchanted!

This time, the round circle of fiery red appeared in the air, trapped me in it, and the flames burned fiercely!




Hey, this time is okay, riding the dragon and the ice dragon bodyguard is enough for me to survive, but the ice dragon bodyguard is only five minutes, which means that good days are only five minutes.

I quickly approached the dragon, and adopted the melee mode, so that the blood-sucking effect was enough to **** back the blood I lost. It is estimated that the fire dragon Andreina did not expect that some of the players would use this fierce play. With a square inch, he was screamed in the air.

Seeing the qi and blood decrease, I am more anxious. The time for Binglong's body protection is coming, but the qi and blood are still half!

The fire dragon was furious, and the fire disaster and the flame enchantment were put on the CD as soon as they reached the CD, which was very painful.


"The scholar seems to be kneeling ..." Ling Xue said.

Qin Yun nodded: "I can't be singled out, obviously."

Ling Yue said, "Let's help?"

Daohuaxiang: "Student brother, lead the fire dragon down, otherwise we can't hit!"

This can only be the case. If I am personal heroic, well, I will eventually retire into a pile of smokey dragon dung!

Several MMs are very smart. In order to prevent the fire disaster and the flame enchantment group from killing the fire dragon, the four MMs chose to stand at four symmetrical points. This looks like a magic enchantment. I attract the fire dragon. Fast-moving among the four-man formation.

"This way!" Ling Xue grinned with a smile.

I hurriedly turned the faucet to glide down, and Anderina followed!

Ling Xue stood in a small mound. When she saw her, she immediately filled her with a volley sword! Xuanbing Jianqi!


Anderina is dizzy!

Ling Xue suddenly jumped up while taking advantage of the potential ~ ~ The war boots flew on the dragon's back on the wings of the fire dragon, and then went down with a fierce sword-frozen cut!


The dragon body quickly frozen and fell down!

I chased down, chopped a few swords vigorously, and Ling Xue was also smart. I lost an ice rotary sword after turning, and then ran away with oil on my feet.

Although it was only a short delay, I was able to **** back a lot of blood and played a vital role in the use of the Holy Spirit. I can't help but sigh, leveling with the clever MM is always so pleasant.

At this moment, the fire dragon took off again!

Go, go for the faint smell of rice!

This book was first published.

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