Virtual Evolution

Chapter 1497: Twin Ares vs Twin Witches

Conducive to the deep universe, the smallness of human beings is not worthy of comparison with the vastness of the universe, but when human beings become gods like Tang San and Qian Yuxue, they have the power to be able to turn their hands. Create or even destroy the entire world.

Even Tang San himself didn't know how terrible his power could be. After successfully controlling the power of the sea god, he felt that water seemed to become part of his power, and even if he wanted to, he could mobilize in an instant. All water resources for the entire Douro world.

Using the entire planet's water resources for the Great Flood?

This idea is no longer a crazy reverie, but a means of destruction that can be realized in Tang's three hands.

If there is no interference from the second god, then Tang San will be able to directly flood the world for 300 days, thereby cleaning the entire world, and with the authority of Poseidon, there is no dare to disobey him. The power of Tang San is almost unlimited as long as he leans against the sea.

"Golden thirteen, uncertain storm!"

The same move was used by Tang San for the second time, but this time the goal was no longer close to the beast **** emperor Tian, ​​who had been cultivated for 900,000 years, but replaced with Qian Qianxue who was no longer under Tang San. Although the strength of the target has changed, the golden thirteen is indeed a god-level combat skill created by the sea god. Its power is absolute. It is said that if you want to hold for 8 seconds, you need to hold for 8 seconds. Tang San's multiples cannot be changed.

"This time, you lost!" Tang's three-handed Poseidon Trident once again gathered the power of Poseidon, and Taiyin Zhenshui with Poseidon's Trident gathered at the tip of the Trident, "Golden Trident, never return! "

The strongest and most direct and effective attack is to gather the power of Poseidon in the Poseidon Trident, and use the method of shock to spread the power, so that it is defeated by the attacked person, and even the body will be completely destroyed.

Tang San, who had fully exposed his attack, was completely out of hand when facing Qian Yuxue, and the Trident of the Poseidon in his hand stabbed Qian Qianxue with a killing intention.


For Tang San, his unique skills will not return in just a few seconds. It will be enough to pierce the body of Qian Yuxue, and by the time the power of the artifact of the Trident Triton will destroy Qian Xuexue. God body.

However, he rushed into the new Tang San, and when he was less than 100 meters away from Qianxue Xue, he even found that Qianxue Xue was laughing at the shock of the uncertain storm?


How could this expression appear on Qian Qianxue today?

Unpredictable storms control the enemy, making the opponent in a state that cannot be defended, and if not returned, it becomes a means of killing. This is the most effective combination technique that Tang San trained after learning the Poseidon.

At least it is passed down from the **** of Poseidon. Tang San can hear the self-confidence of Poseidon's tone. The statement about the uncertain storm will never fail. As long as he is held by the uncertain storm, no one can resist the seconds of rigidity.

Qian Qianxue, beyond the realm of Poseidon?

If you think that way, Tang San can probably imagine why Qian Yuxue can laugh, but is this possible?

Not to mention that Poseidon was an amazingly brilliant peerless man a thousand years ago. How could the moves he created after becoming a **** can be cracked casually by the newly formed Qian Qianxue, if it is really like Qian Qianxue's qualifications How terrible would it be?

However, Qian Sanxue's shadow still shrouded Tang San's heart. I don't know why Qian Sanxue's temperament changes after his appearance made Tang San always feel extraordinary.

And has Qian Yuxue's realm transcended the former sea god?

No, this is naturally impossible. If you give Qian Qianxue some time, then maybe that state will be reached in the near future, but now she is far from enough to want to surpass Poseidon.

Since Qian Yuxue's realm can't reach beyond the sea god, then she can laugh now and must rely on her.

Talent, Qian Yuxue relies on her talent awakened from the blood of the devil.

Time and space are the indispensable talents of the devil, and perhaps Qian Qianxue has not been involved in space, but she has an amazing talent in the field of time that ordinary people cannot imagine.

Time is relative. The time in seconds seems very long, but this time can be long or short for Qian Qianxue, who has become a god.

The seconds belonging to Tang San are not the same as the seconds belonging to Qianxue Xue. Using the time talent Qianxue Xue to fast-forward its time flow rate again, the instantaneous storm blockade is broken in an instant.

The white wings behind Qiangxue Xue gradually shone in black as Tang San approached. At the same time, the black angel holy sword on the right hand of Qiangxue also turned black ~ ~ The angel that was supposed to be holy and incomparable The holy sword took the **** devil's breath, Qian Qianxue's temperament changed accordingly, and the whole person seemed to become a witch in the world of cholera.

Qian Yuxue is not a twin martial spirit, but she is a twin god. The **** of Nafilim is not a simple individual. After awakening the power of the demon, it seems that in order to fully accommodate the power of the demon, Qian Yuxue's soul is divided into two, and he accepts two completely different power.

Although the two Qian Qianxue did not have a state of schizophrenia like neurosis, but they had the same personality and memory, but their style of work and even their fighting style were all different.

Zizi Zizi--

The angel **** controls the real fire of the sun, but the devil controls the thunder and lightning inherited from Leyuan.

The turquoise thunderbolt appeared on Qian Jianxue's sword, which was a nine-cang Canglei condensed from deep darkness.

Unlike the power of the sun to burn material, Jiuyou Canglei is indestructible, but its ability to attack the soul is not to be underestimated. Even Tang San, who has become a god, is struck by this Jiuyoucang thunder. Withered.

Damn, can't escape!

At the moment Qian Qianxue started, Tang San knew that his wishful thinking abacus had been completely defeated, and he wanted to use the combination of indefinite storm + no return to deal with Qian Qixue too simple, although it seemed so Too simple, but he can no longer recruit, only to respond to the attack of Qian Yuxue.

Poseidon Thirteen VS Jiuyou Canglei!

Power of Poseidon vs Power of Demon!

The two gods located in the void, the glory formed by the instant collision is even better than the glory of the sun. The sky is already dark under the cover of the thunder and thunder, and human power can only pray in such a sign of extinction. .

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