Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

094: Qi Lin Discovered That Zhao Hong And Lin Hao’S Fingerprints Remained On The Poison Bottle.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and opened the first transcript. Li Mei's statement was clear and coherent, but there was a hint of panic hidden in her eyes.

"Detective Qi, you must help me find out the truth." Li Mei's voice was filled with tears, "My husband is a kind man, and he cannot have enemies."

"I understand how you feel, Ms. Li Mei." Qi Lin said gently, "But please tell me, where were you on the night of the crime?"

"I'm preparing dinner in the kitchen." Li Mei replied, "I stayed until Zhao Hong finished eating and then left. 11

"Has anyone else been in or out of the kitchen?"

"There is no such thing as 450, except for the delivery boy."

Qi Lin nodded and recorded this information. He knew that this was just the beginning.

In the next few days, Qi Lin visited Zhao Hong's family, friends and business partners to investigate suspicious clues one by one. He found that Zhao Hong's business involves many fields, and the possibility of getting into grudges with others is not small. However, everyone spoke highly of Zhao Hong, and no one seemed to have the motive to kill him.

Until one day, Qi Lin found a mysterious diary in Zhao Hong's study. The diary records the dispute between Zhao Hong and a man named Lin Hao. Lin Hao was Zhao Hong's partner, but the two fell out due to a business dispute. Zhao Hong mentioned Lin Hao's threats and revenge many times in his diary.

Qi Lin realized that this might be the breakthrough in the case. He immediately found Lin Hao and had an in-depth conversation.

"Does Zhao Hong's death have anything to do with you?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Lin Hao sneered: "Why do you think it's me? His death is just one less opponent for me."

"But you have a motive." Qi Lin said, "I have heard a lot about the disputes between you. w

"Motive? Everyone has a motive." Lin Hao smiled disdainfully, "But you can't convict based on motive alone, right?"

Qi Lin was silent for a moment and said: "Then can you tell me where you were (cccc) on the night of the incident?"

Lin Hao hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I am at home, with my family."

"Can anyone prove it?"

"Of course, my wife and kids are at home."

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that Lin Hao's answer could not completely rule out his suspicion. But he also knew that more evidence was needed to find the real murderer.

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted a more in-depth investigation into the case. He reorganized all the clues and analyzed the motives and whereabouts of each suspect one by one. In the end, he found a key piece of evidence - a broken poison bottle with the fingerprints of Zhao Hong and Lin Hao remaining on it.

Qi Lin took this evidence and found Lin Hao again.

"This was found in your home." Qi Lin showed the evidence to Lin Hao, "Do you have anything else to say?"

Lin Hao's face turned pale instantly: "This... This doesn't prove that I did it!"

"But your fingerprints are on it." Qi Lin said coldly, "Do you have any explanation?"

Lin Hao was silent for a while, and then slowly spoke: "I admit that I do hate Zhao Hong. But I did not kill him. This poison bottle... I may have broken it accidentally.

"Accidentally?" Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, "Why are you at your home?"

"I...I don't know." Lin Hao's voice began to tremble, "I really didn't kill him!"

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