
Hundreds of warriors are gathering in front of a simple building that occupies a large area and is flowing with brilliant divine light.

Looking at this simple building with brilliant divine light flowing through it, these warriors seemed to have forgotten that they were in danger, and started to communicate one after another.

"As expected of a treasure house, it has not been corroded by time at all."

"Yes, almost every building in the cave is in decay. However, this treasure house does not look decayed at all. It seems to be newly built."

"Everyone, look at the two pillars in front of the treasure house. There are faint divine phoenixes spreading their wings on them. Could this be the red phoenix divine copper recorded in ancient books?"

"It seems true that even in the glorious era of martial arts, only a handful of people could possess the Red Phoenix Divine Copper. Weapons made of the Red Phoenix Divine Copper are said to be capable of defeating even immortals. Ordinary people holding the Red Phoenix Divine Copper The weapons made can directly kill land gods."

"It is recorded in ancient books that even land gods are not qualified to possess the Red Phoenix Divine Copper, because our world does not have the Red Phoenix Divine Copper. We need to travel across the void to other worlds to find it, and land gods cannot cross the void. Only immortals can Across the void.”

"Everyone, maybe we have guessed wrong all along. This cave does not belong to the land gods, but to the immortals.

Speaking of this, the group of warriors were all stunned for a moment, and then their faces showed expressions of ecstasy.

Immortal’s Cave??

Maybe it really is!!

The two huge red phoenix sacred coppers can only be owned by immortals.

Thinking that they were in the immortal's cave, all these warriors became excited.

Immortals are nearly immortal beings with endless lifespan.

Even the pillars at the entrance of the treasure house are made of red phoenix sacred copper. So how precious are the treasures in the treasure house? Even the land gods would be jealous of anything?

Thinking of this, these warriors have completely forgotten the tragic incident that happened in the square.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Liu San, I, was so lucky that I could enter the Immortal Cave. If I can get one or two treasures from the Immortal's treasure house, my Liu family will be able to inherit it for hundreds of thousands of years." 1

I saw a fat old man running quickly to the door of the treasure house, pushing open the door of the treasure house, and ran in quickly.

This provoked other warriors to keep showing angry expressions on their faces, and then they also ran in quickly, fearing that all the good things in the treasure house would be taken away by this fat old man.

In just an instant, more than a hundred warriors gathered in front of the treasure house all ran into the treasure house.

"Oh, let's all go and feed that evil spirit."

Suddenly, a young man appeared in front of the treasure house and smiled coldly. It was Chu Yang.

He was in no hurry to get in.

Because he knew that there was a very terrifying demon inside.

He was originally the keeper of the treasure house, and he was also a warrior at the level of a land god during his lifetime.

However, in front of the female fairy, she was still fragile and vulnerable.

The female fairy just waved her palm in the air and killed the treasure keeper in the treasure house.

As time passed, the guardian who was corroded by the resentment of the Void Immortal was finally resurrected and became an evil demon.

He also has no emotions and only knows how to kill and eat people.

Different from other green-faced and fanged demons, this demon has a characteristic, that is, it will fall into a deep sleep after eating.

Only when he falls into deep sleep can Chu Yang have the opportunity to carry out the next action.

Because the bead he needs has been worn by Immortal Nothingness.

At the beginning, Immortal Nothingness chose a retreat place in order to survive the five declines of heaven and man without being disturbed.

The retreat place is a small world in the cave.

There are two entrances to that small world, one of which has been broken by the Taoist Buddha of the Void Immortal. 【

As for the other place, it is in this treasure house.

And the resentment of Immortal Nothingness spread to the entire cave world from this entrance in the treasure house.

If Chu Yang wanted to enter the small world safely, he could only wait until the evil demon fell into a deep sleep after eating its fill.

This is why he goes to great lengths to trick people into coming in.

In the last life, because there were too few people, the evil demon didn't eat enough and didn't really fall into a deep sleep. He just took a nap.

After Chu Yang got the beads from the Little World, he was seen by the demon as soon as he came out.

The evil demon immediately swooped towards him with saliva slobbering on his face.

He almost became the demon's food.

Fortunately, God blessed him, and at the cost of serious injury, he used an escape technique that burned life essence and escaped from the treasure house.

And that evil demon, for some unknown reason, couldn't get out of this treasure house.

"`"In this life, I shouldn't be so embarrassed. "

Smiling coldly, Chu Yang felt extremely happy when he heard the frightened shouts coming from the treasure house.

Ten minutes later, there was completely no sound in the treasure house.

"It seems that those people should have been eaten."

Chu Yang smiled and stepped into the treasure house.

Not long after, he saw the mess on the ground.

Bones without flesh and blood were randomly discarded, and the ground was stained red with blood, emitting a fishy and disgusting smell.

Not far away, a strong man several meters tall, extremely ugly in appearance, with two horns on his head and meaty faces was lying on the ground.

On his nasal cavity, an empty bag was getting bigger and smaller with his breathing.

As he got closer, he heard the sound of snoring coming from the mouths of these ten men.

It was obvious that he had fallen asleep. .

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