Villain: Kissed By The Protagonist's Mother At The Beginning

Chapter 143: Overwhelming Country And City

Afterwards, Zhou Song went to the Internet to learn about some ancient martial arts levels.

From low to high, they are external strength warriors, internal strength warriors, and transforming strength warriors.

Yes, warrior.

The person in front of me might be a warrior.

Zhou Song estimated that Jun Mo was most likely an internal strength warrior.

Think of this.

Zhou Song felt relieved.

It would be easier if he was a warrior.

There is a Huajin warrior in his family who acts as a backer.

turn that into

Zhou Song Nianda immediately became enlightened.

Isn’t it just about catching bullets in your hand?

There is nothing to be afraid of.

A mere internal warrior.

His Zhou family's backer is the Huajin warrior.

"Don't worry, you guys, it depends on God how I can handle him.

Zhou Song straightened his back, glanced at his three younger brothers lightly, and said in a pretentious tone.

The other three dandy brothers looked at Zhou Song in surprise.

Is your boss so awesome?

You actually want to manipulate the other party?

The opponent is someone who can catch bullets.

Seeing Jun Mo getting closer and closer.

These three dandy boys all wanted to leave Zhou Song and run away alone.

"Boss, run quickly, otherwise you will really die."

There was a dandy boy who pulled Zhou Song.

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's such a shame."

Zhou Song glanced at the three of them with disdain.

We have a backer.

How can a mere internal martial artist scare you so much that you almost pee?

Too lazy to pay attention to these three people, Zhou Song turned his attention to Jun.

"Boy, you must be a warrior!"


Jun Mo raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhou Song with curiosity.

I never thought that this playboy also knew about warriors??

"Yes, I am indeed a warrior."

After hearing Jun Mo's words, Zhou Song nodded with satisfaction.

It was just as he guessed.

Jun Mo is indeed a warrior.

If you are a warrior, it will be easier.

The backer of his Zhou family is the Huajin warrior.

He didn’t believe that Jun Mo still dared to touch him.

"Did you know that the backer of our Zhou family is a Huajin warrior?"

"If you dare to touch me, you will face endless pursuit from our Zhou family."

Zhou Song held his head high and looked at Jun Mo proudly.

"A powerful warrior?"

Jun Mo looked at Zhou Song in surprise.

Why is it that every cat and dog's backer is a Huajin warrior now?

Are all Huajin warriors on the streets now?

But what if the Zhou family’s backer is really a Huajin warrior?

When he was a Nei Jin warrior before, he was never afraid of Hua Jin warriors.

What's more, he is now an intermediate warrior with internal strength.

Even if a high-level warrior with inner strength comes out, he has the ability to fight.

In this era of declining martial arts, intermediate Huajin warriors are already rare beings.

As for the high-level warriors of Huajin, it is even more like a divine dragon.

As for going up higher, it is even more pitiful.

Each one is detached from the outside world and cannot have any relationship with the people of the world, let alone be the backer of the people of the world.


The backer of the Zhou family.

He is an intermediate martial artist who can stand up to the sky.

It is very likely that he is a junior warrior of Huajin.

Now that he is an intermediate warrior of Huajin, is it possible that he will be threatened by Zhou Song?

"A warrior with great strength should be my backer?"

Jun Mo smiled lightly.

"Originally, I wanted to kill you all directly."

"But now I'm a little interested in the warrior you mentioned.

"Then I will spare your lives and let you deliver the letter."

"However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be avoided."

Jun Mo smiled casually and immediately threw his palm out.

call out.

A sound cut through the air.

All the bullets that Jun Mo caught with his hands were thrown away by him.

The direction the bullet went.

It was these four dandy brothers.

The next second.

There was a sound like an egg breaking.

A series of painful howls sounded at the same time.

I saw these four dandy brothers covering their crotches, falling to the ground and rolling left and right.

Take a closer look.

You can see blood constantly coming from the crotches of these people.

Obviously, these people have become eunuchs.

Zuo Peizhi almost cheered when she saw this scene.

Isn't it more uncomfortable to turn these four people into eunuchs than to kill them?

But they deserved it.

Tell them to like to defile women.

The tools they used to commit crimes are now confiscated.

From now on I can only look at women and sigh.

But while being happy.

Zuo Peizhi also became worried about Jun Mo.

After making these four people so miserable, what should we do if they take them to the government?

If caught by the government, he would at least be sentenced to life imprisonment.

"Don't worry, they brought the guns themselves and it's none of our business."

Seeing Zuo Peizhi's worry, Jun Mo smiled lightly.

The gun belongs to Zhou Song.

Bullets were also fired from Zhou Song's gun.

He had never touched Zhou Song's gun.

Now that several people in Zhou Song are injured, what does it have to do with him?

It was obviously Zhou Song and others who didn't want to be men and shot 00 by themselves.

Regardless of whether Zuo Peizhi understood or not, Jun Mo took her hand and pulled her towards his car.

Perhaps because she was too frightened, her hands were cold.

However, they are well maintained. Although they are already in their thirties, their hands are still delicate and smooth.

"Wherever you live, I'll take you back."

Glancing at Zuo Peizhi, who was still confused in the passenger seat, Jun Mo said calmly.

Zuo Peizhi's car rolled over and would definitely not be able to drive.

Of course, even if it can be opened, Jun Mo still has to send Zuo Peizhi back.

Otherwise, how would the rest of the story unfold, and how would he be able to keep Fengnian's luck in peace?

"Sanhe Villa Area."

Zuo Peizhi hesitated for a moment before speaking.

It's not that she's afraid of what Jun Mo will do to her.

But I don’t want to trouble Jun Mo too much.

But my car has overturned and I can't let it go anymore.

After some hesitation.

He could only ask Jun Mo to send him back.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour passed.

After speeding all the way, the car finally stopped in front of a villa.

Sanhe Villa Area is a relatively remote villa area in Beijing.

Although it is remote, the house price is not cheap at all.

There is almost no industry nearby, with green water, green mountains, and flowing streams. The scenery is very beautiful, and the price is naturally not cheap.

"Please sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea."

After arriving in the living room, Zuo Peizhi greeted Jun Mo to sit down.

"Do not bother."

Jun Mo shook his head.

"No trouble, you saved my sister's life, you should have a cup of tea.

Zuo Peizhi was a little stubborn and walked towards the kitchen on high heels.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jun Mo took a look at the decoration in the villa.

The decoration is very simple, and the whole place is plain white.

It shows that the owner is a person with a cold personality.

In the original work, Zuo Peizhi seems to have a tendency to hate men.

Since her husband passed away due to illness, she has been raising An Fengnian alone.

She should have lived in An's house.

But she is not used to the kind of big family life with too many rules and regulations.

So I moved out.

I come here every now and then to see the Anfeng Annual Meeting.

It's a pity that beauties are prone to disaster. Because of their stunning appearance, they were targeted by dandy boys.

After being defiled, Zuo Peizhi drowned himself in the river the next day.

But An Fengnian, in a fit of rage, killed the entire clan of the four dandy brothers, not even a single dog survived.

Fortunately, I met him today. If it weren't for Zuo Peizhi, he would have been defiled by those four dandy men.

"Da da da.....…"

At this time, the sound of high heels came.

I saw Zuo Peizhi coming from the kitchen with a cup of tea.

When he was about to come to Jun Mo, he saw her body swaying, staggering and about to fall down, and the tea in her hand spilled on herself.

Fortunately, this is milk tea. After the hot tea is diluted with milk, the temperature is not very high.

Seeing that Zuo Peizhi was about to fall, Jun Mo quickly stood up from the sofa, quickly came to Zuo Peizhi, and held her in his arms.

The posture of the two is a bit ambiguous.

Jun Mo's body was like a furnace, and Pei Zhi could feel the heat through her clothes.

While breathing, Jun Mo's breath spurted out from his nose and kept hitting Zuo Peizhi's body. Zuo Peizhi and his body became hot, and his breathing became rapid.

At this moment, her whole pretty face was as red as a cooked crab.

Fortunately, the blood scab covered her entire pretty face, otherwise Jun Mo would definitely notice her strange behavior at this moment.

"Thank you, sister is fine. Let me go."

Zuo Peizhi said softly, her tone a little shy.

"Where is your room?"

Jun Mo did not let go of Zuo Peizhi.

"It's the first room on the left on the second floor, what's wrong?"

Zuo Peizhi said with some doubts.

"Clean your wounds."

As Jun Mo said this, he picked up Zuo Zhi from the waist.

Then walked towards the second floor.

The reason why Zuo Peizhi almost fell down was because of excessive bleeding from the wound, which caused weakness.

Although the wound is no longer bleeding, you still need to clean the wound to avoid bacterial infection.

"Sister, you can leave by yourself."

Being hugged by a strange man, Zuo Peizhi became a little panicked and started to move around in Jun Mo's arms.

0......Please give me flowers......

Since her husband passed away more than ten years ago, she has been alone and has never had such close contact with anyone of the opposite sex.

"Why are you walking? Your body is very weak now. Where can you find the strength?"

"Stop moving, or I'll spank you."

Jun Mo shook his head helplessly. In order to prevent Zuo Peizhi from moving, Jun Mo hugged her tighter.

Jun Mo's words made Zuo Peizhi blush extremely.

Actually want to spank her?

What a domineering little man.


Why don't I feel sick?

Even feeling vaguely happy?

Zuo Peizhi covered her eyes with her hands. She felt that her face was hot and hot.

She wasn't like this before.

Some even hate men.

Except for her own son, any man who comes within three steps of her will make her physically and mentally uncomfortable.

You may even feel like vomiting, and if you get too close, goose bumps will appear on your skin.

But now, not only did she not want to vomit, she felt a little happy, and her skin didn't have goosebumps.

It's so weird.

Not daring to look at Jun Mo anymore, Zuo Peizhi could only cover her eyes with her hands and let Jun Mo carry her to the bedroom.

However, what she didn't expect was that Jun Mo carried her directly to the bathroom.

"You..." What are you going to do?"

Zuo Peizhi asked in a nervous whisper with a trembling voice.

"Wash it off for you

The dirt on your body, your hair and face are all dried blood scabs.


"Also, your clothes are stained red with blood in many places. Clean them and then put on a new set of clothes.

Hearing Jun Mo's words, Zuo Peizhi blushed even more.

Does Jun Mo want to help her personally?

Although she does not reject Jun Mo.

But the two had just met.

This is progressing a bit too quickly.

"Are we...are we...?"

Zuo Peizhi intertwined his fingers, feeling extremely shy and not knowing how to speak.

"What is it?"

Jun Mo raised his eyebrows slightly, what's going on with this little woman's posture??

"That's it. The two of us, aren't we, a little, a little too much..."

Zuo Peizhi blushed and spoke intermittently.

That kind of thing can only be done by the most intimate couple, right?

Seeing Zuo Peizhi's coquettish look, Jun Mo was puzzled.

I saw Jun Mo put Zuo Peizhi on a stool in the bathroom, and then helped turn on the shower: "Then I'll go out first."

After that, Jun Mo exited the bathroom.

Zuo Peizhi was left with a confused look on his face.

Don’t you want to help her??

Why leave her here alone?

After being stunned for a while, Zuo Peizhi finally came back to his senses and felt that his face was extremely hot.

"Zuo Peizhi, Zuo Peizhi, what were you thinking about just now."

"You actually fantasize about that kind of thing, you're despicable."

Cursing himself a few words secretly, Zuo Peizhi propped up his weak body, slowly took off his blood-stained clothes, and then went to the shower to rinse his body.

And Jun Mo outside was not idle either.

There was no change of clothes in the bathroom, so Jun Mo opened the closet in the bedroom and helped Zuo Peizhi get a change of clothes.

After helping Zuo Pei Zhi choose a purple dress, Jun Mo closed the wardrobe.

After waiting for a few minutes, Jun Mo estimated that Zuo Peizhi should be washed.

She is still very weak now. To prevent her from taking too long a bath, Jun Mo knocked on the bathroom door.

"It's almost ready. I'll put your change of clothes on the chair at the door of the bathroom. Come out and get it.

After Jun Mo finished speaking, he turned his head.

After a while, I heard the bathroom door open. After a creak, the bathroom door closed again.

Not long after, the bathroom door opened again.


A pleasant female voice sounded from the bathroom door.

Jun Mo looked back.

A woman with wet hair and a purple dress stood at the door of the bathroom.

Looking at this woman, Jun Mo couldn't help but be a little surprised.

The skin can be broken by blowing and is as tender as a freshly peeled hard-boiled egg.

No wonder she was targeted by those four dandy boys, she was so beautiful.

Her entire face was covered with blood before, but now the blood on her face has been washed away, and a thrilling face is revealed in front of Jun Mo.

The classical melon-seed face, willow-leaf eyebrows, and straight nose are all stirring people's hearts all the time.

With such a graceful figure, who would have thought that this was a woman in her 30s who had given birth to a child?

For a moment, Jun Mo was stunned. .

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