Heavenly Emperor Hall?

Demon Heavenly Emperor?

Everyone followed Chu Hao up the stairs, and immediately saw the temple and the young man on the platform, and they were immediately startled.

Because this Heavenly Emperor Hall was exactly the same as the Heavenly Emperor Hall where they were, and that young man was the Demon Heavenly Emperor who had just been sealed by the reincarnation scroll!

The temperament of the youth and the appearance of the youth are exactly the same as the Demon Heaven Emperor Chu Hao just now!

"Wasn't the Demon Heavenly Emperor refined by the reincarnation scroll? How did it appear in young memories? Someone

exclaimed, not believing it at all.

"Hey, maybe the Demon Heavenly Emperor scared us! You see, the Heavenly Emperor Hall is the most obvious evidence, when the Demon Heavenly Emperor was young, the Heavenly Emperor Hall was not established at all... Therefore, it must be the Demon Heavenly Emperor who is scaring and fooling us!

When everyone heard this, they were immediately relieved, and they felt ridiculous for the naivety of the Demon Heavenly Emperor.

He is now sealed in the scroll of reincarnation, and he will be completely dead in a few days.

Now it has reappeared, and a Heavenly Emperor Hall has been built just to scare everyone...

This kind of operation can only scare a three-year-old child, and it will only feel ridiculous for the cultivators present!

"However, wasn't the Demon Heavenly Emperor sealed by the Reincarnation Scroll? How could he appear in memory? If he can move freely in the reincarnation scroll, will he break free from the seal and escape? Someone

thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt cold in their hearts, and quickly looked at the emperors, wanting to know how they reacted to this.

The emperors looked at each other, and for a long time, the Flame Emperor slowly said: "I feel a little strange, it seems... This person is not the Demon Heavenly Emperor at all..."

Ye Qian's solemn face relaxed slightly, and he nodded, indicating his agreement with the Flame Emperor's conclusion: "Just now, I and several great emperors sealed him in the reincarnation scroll, and the feeling he gave me at that time was not like this!" The

Flame Emperor looked at Xiao Linger and asked, "Female Emperor, you are his sister, what do you think?"

Xiao Linger shook her head a little hesitantly: "For some reason, my brother and I... The Demon Heavenly Emperor hasn't been in contact for a long time, and I don't know him best... However, this person is different from my brother's..." The

Flame Emperor was silent, he turned his head to look at the Empress, she was the Daoist of the Demon Heaven Emperor, and the person the Demon Heaven Emperor trusted the most, if it were not for her betrayal, the Demon Heaven Emperor would never have been sealed in the reincarnation scroll so easily.

Watched by everyone, the empress asserted: "This person is definitely not him!" This is just the evil demon who bears his appearance, it is likely to be the elf

in the reincarnation scroll, read his memory, release this part of the memory, and fool us..." The empress's tone was sonorous and powerful, she burst out of imperial power, and looked at the young man in the reincarnation scroll coldly, as if the next moment, she was going to kill him!

"It turned out to be a fun-loving elf... Then again, who is it bad to impersonate? Do I have to impersonate the demon head of the Demon Heavenly Emperor? The

crowd outside the picture scroll of reincarnation felt extreme disdain for the youth impersonated by the elves, and their tone was full of mockery.

Just as everyone was laughing loudly at the youth in the reincarnation scroll, the young man suddenly turned around, looked out of the scroll, and raised his index finger to his lips:


Can he see us? Does he know us?

A thought suddenly came to everyone outside the scroll of reincarnation, and before they could recover from their shock, the young man in the scroll suddenly laughed viciously, revealing a scarlet and disgusting blood basin.

The moment he looked at the young man, everyone seemed to see another self...

The young man's facial features were no longer the five senses of the Demon Heaven Emperor, but his own.

This familiar facial features, distorted, hideous, ominous, and terrifying, make people look at it, and their hair stands on end, and they are terrified.

"Drink, go out for Lao Tzu!"

Suddenly, a loud shout resounded throughout the Heavenly Emperor Hall, and everyone was awakened by this sound like a purple sky divine sound above the nine heavens, and fixed their eyes on it, it turned out that Ye Qianye Emperor was shouting.

As he drank, an extremely strong Diwei erupted on his body, and a divine rune appeared on his forehead, the rune flickered, and a black smoke came out from the Parkway above his head.

A face appeared in this black smoke, exactly the same as Ye Qian's.

This face looked at Ye Qian and said with a smile: "You are me, I am you, we are one, why do you want to expel me..."

Ye Qian snorted coldly, and swung out a sword qi, completely shattering the black qi.


As soon as Ye Qian finished dealing with the black qi, the god general next to him, Dongke, also spat out a mouthful of black blood, only to hear this imperial court general slap the top of his head, and a thick black qi emerged from the seven tips.

Seeing that the gods were the same, everyone quickly looked at the other great emperors and found that they were all emitting all kinds of black qi.

"Emperors, what's wrong with you?" Someone asked tremblingly.

The Flame Emperor let out a long breath, looked at the youth in the reincarnation scroll with jealousy, and slowly said: "Just now, our Dao heart breeds heart demons, fortunately it was discovered in time, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable..."

Speaking of this, he was also in a cold sweat, and his body was a little soft, which was really frightening.

"You saw that stupid elf..." someone reacted and asked loudly.

But before he could fully ask the question, he was erased by the joint efforts of the emperors.

Ye Qian's voice trembled a little and said, "Don't discuss it at will!" This is not some elf, he is real, he is supremely taboo, he may be watching us..." Only

then did Ye Qian and these people understand that this was really a memory of the past, really the memory of Demon Heaven Emperor Chu Hao.

Being able to make them have heart demons at a glance, such a supreme existence, even in the past memory, even if it spans time, there is nothing impossible.

In the face of such an existence, the Great Emperor is as weak as an ant!

Therefore, they did not dare to speak out again, for fear of disturbing this supreme being and being arbitrarily obliterated by him.

Under everyone's gaze, the young man smiled slightly and withdrew his gaze.

Everyone outside the scroll, including the Great Emperor and the Quasi-Emperor, breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing? Is there anyone over there? Chu

Hao saw that the young man was looking in one direction, and he also raised his finger to quiet that direction, and he also looked over.

But he saw nothing, that direction was empty, nothing.

Faced with his question, the young man smiled but did not answer.

Chu Hao was suddenly a little dissatisfied: "Are you really me?" My personality is by no means like yours! It's so annoying to talk only half of it!

He complained, his tone not very respectful.

This is the third person he has met after the fall of his parents, and although this person is another him, the young man's heart still makes him complain and talk without hesitation.

But what he didn't know was that his attitude made another group of people rush in, press his head, and let him be respectful to this young man and not be too presumptuous.

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