
Chu Hao finished the day's cultivation, sat cross-kneeled on the bed, and rested while spitting in.

"Gege, I'm sleepy, go to sleep!"

said Xiao Linger as she lay on the side and yawned.

"You sleep first, brother, I still have to practice for a while." "

Hmph, practice every day, always cultivate... I'm ignoring you!"

Xiao Linger hummed angrily.

Chu Hao knew that she was not really angry and ignored it.

Xiao Linger saw that there was no effect, Shui Lingling's big eyes turned, smiled slyly, and climbed onto his body with a snap, pulling his clothes.


Hao helplessly lay down with Xiao Linger and slept on the bed.

Everyone outside the scroll saw the big one and the little one lying on the bed, and they all looked at Xiao Linger a little strangely.

Xiao Linger's face turned red, hating her young self for being so shameless, and before she could defend herself, she heard Xiao Linger in the picture scroll say in a brittle voice:

"Gege, I'm a little cold, I want to sleep with you!" Everyone

looked, and saw Xiao Linger crawling out of the bed, crawling into Chu Hao's arms, and hugging him tightly.

The young Xiao Linger's little head was pressed against Chu Hao's shoulder socket, revealing a happy smile.

Everyone was in an uproar, they didn't expect the legendary female emperor to be so bold.

Before everyone was surprised, they heard Xiao Linger say again: "Gege, I'm a little cold, maybe the curse has attacked again..."

Chu Hao exclaimed: "You can hold me, but you can't take off your clothes." Xiao Linger, we are brothers and sisters, you are already older, you can't do this!"

"I'm going to take off my clothes... Cluck...... Your body is warm, it's comfortable to cling to you..." "

You're a girl, you can't just take off your clothes... You wait, I'll feed you and drink my blood so you're comfortable ... Anyway, don't take off your clothes..." "

I don't want to bleed... I'm going to take off my clothes..."

In the scroll, Xiao Linger and Chu Hao argued, and she said angrily while tearing off the animal skin skirt on her body.

Just when everyone's eyes widened and they wanted to look more closely, the picture scroll of reincarnation suddenly went black.

"Well, what about the picture? Why is there no more, can't this reincarnation scroll still have an

instrument spirit?" "This kind of treasured instrument spirit can't help that demon head, and it's unlikely to help the female emperor... This kind of supreme treasure, after all the time, is otherworldly, it is impossible to help people at will!" Everyone

present was puzzled, looking at Xiao Linger, the female emperor of Yaochi, and wanted to know the answer.

They wanted to know if there was an instrument spirit in the secret realm of reincarnation, and they wanted to know what it was like to be naked with the Demon Heavenly Emperor.

But Xiao Linger was not in the mood to respond to these people, she only felt that her face was extremely hot now, and she couldn't wait to disappear in place.

Such an embarrassing scene, under the public, being watched and discussed, this kind of absurdity, she has never encountered.

Seeing that the female emperor did not respond, and did not know the mouthful, he muttered: "The hateful instrument spirit, I almost saw the body of the female emperor..."

This voice was very small, but in the ears of many quasi-emperors and emperors, it was as loud as thunder.

Xiao Linger's body froze, and in an instant, she burst out all her cultivation, and the terrifying Diwei filled every space.

Xiao Linger stood in the void, her phoenix eyes scanning the people below, and the icy murderous aura made everyone shudder.


one dared to look at her, and some of those who were dirty in their hearts lowered their heads and did not dare to move.

"Hmph!" Xiao

Linger snorted coldly, and the terrifying Diwei was still suppressing everyone.

At this moment, the reincarnation scroll once again heard the coquettish voice of the young female emperor:

"Gege's chest is very warm, I like it here... I like Gege, I like to hold Gege..."

I like you, when I grow up, I want to marry you and be your Taoist, okay?" "

It's not good, Xiao Linger, we are brothers and sisters, we can't be Taoists..." Chu Hao ruthlessly refused.

"Gege, don't refuse, I'm going to marry you, I'm going to be Gege's Taoist..." It

was strange to say, the picture of reincarnation, the picture was dark, but Xiao Linger's coquettish voice came out clearly.

Just as everyone was secretly cursing the spirit of the reincarnation scroll, another voice came out:

"Gege, I like you so much... I want to kiss you..." As

soon as the words fell, I heard the sound of 'snapping' kisses in the scroll.

Although there is no real picture, everyone can imagine the scene.

Such a vigorous scene, of course, you have to ask what the parties think.

Therefore, everyone quickly looked at the location of the female emperor of Yaochi, but found that the figure of the female emperor had long disappeared, and the terrifying emperor Wei disappeared without a trace.

Female Emperor, this is....

Everyone was stunned, very surprised.

This can be said to be the black history of the female emperor, but now it is revealed to the public.

Any dust fairy can't face this embarrassment, it's good to run away, the Dao heart collapses, and it's not impossible to go crazy.

It's so embarrassing!

"Damn, the female emperor of Yaochi is mine, but now you are contaminated first... Chu Hao, I will kill you!" Ye

Gan listened to the sound of Xiao Linger and Chu Hao sharing a bed in the picture scroll of reincarnation, and his teeth were crushed with hatred.

All along, he regarded Xiao Linger as his forbidden body.

Although they didn't even hold hands, although Xiao Linger only had a little affection for him, he was not even a lover.

But this did not prevent him from treating her as his own woman.

Now, see the woman sleeping with another man.

Ye Gan felt that his head was green, and the gazes of those people who looked at him also seemed to be mocking and smiling.

"The female emperor of Yaochi is young and ignorant, this is just her sister's attachment to her brother, it is nothing at all!" When

Ye Qian felt the grassland above him, a charming voice sounded.

Everyone looked, only to see the empress looking at the picture scroll of reincarnation, and said lightly.

The Empress's breath did not change, as if she was completely unaffected, maintaining that transcendent fairy temperament.

Seeing her like this, the princess of the sea tribe was about to say something taunting, but when she looked back, the princess stiffened and did not dare to say another word.

This emperor seems to be about to erupt as a volcano, although the surface is calm, but it contains an incomparably amazing power, once it erupts, it is enough to shatter heaven and earth and destroy everything.

The state of the empress was not only felt by the princess of the sea tribe, but also faintly noticed by others.

So they were silent and did not dare to make a sound.

The originally lively Heavenly Emperor Hall became silent again, and everyone was staring at the black screen of reincarnation.

Fortunately, the scroll of reincarnation did not make everyone wait for a long time.

As the night passed, the black screen disappeared and a new picture reappeared.

It was early in the morning, and a beautiful woman stood under the peach tree, looking at Chu Hao and Xiao Linger with a hint of a smile.

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