In Chu Mochen's heart, these things were not simple, but the next second later, the store manager burst out laughing.

"President, I said it, this person is a charlatan, look at what this little girl is tormented into now, what a fair woman, now her face is so ruddy at this time, coupled with the hot temperature, it should be a fever. "

After hearing this, Chu Mochen checked it before his death, but in fact, after realizing that there was no major problem, he was relieved in his heart, there were too many complications in this girl.

Due to overwork, the things that were implicated one after another, Chu Mochen felt that this girl had endured too many things.

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand anything, look at your current situation, you should really go to the psychiatric department to have a look. No matter what you continue to say now, we'll push you out of the room.

At this time, you should also reflect on your own mistakes. "

The dean was naturally not afraid of the people in front of him and went straight up to be tough, the boss looked at this dramatic scene, and naturally didn't know how to reply to those people, the dean didn't know what to say, these people could believe that Chu Mochen was fine.

"If you don't understand anything, then go and search it quickly! Don't waste any time here, it won't do you any good, besides, the situation is so special, you should think carefully about why you have seen so many things, always with a cynical state, and some people are always full of admiration after seeing some things. "

Chu Mochen's education did not make the manager of the store get the shame he deserved, but made his energy even more intense, Chu Mochen did not look down on him.

Because of today's situation, Chu Mochen didn't want to have a second time. Now that Chu Mochen glanced at the manager, he couldn't help complaining in his heart, but he still didn't show it when things came.

"We all agree very much on your identity, but the current situation is so special, and those ordinary people don't have the ability to see your true face, so naturally we shouldn't say anything more at this time. "

I thought that this matter would pass like this, but Chu Mochen sat here with them, and couldn't wait for the person in front of him to wake up for a long time, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous in his heart, but the waitress just didn't wake up.

"What can we say about the urgency of the situation, but even if it is, we can stay here, and after all these hours, you should all think about why this is happening. "

The waitress woke up in a daze after an hour.

Chu Mochen sat here, always guarding the waiter's side, for fear that the boss in front of him would be unfavorable to the waiter.

But these are all things to think about, there is no need at all, naturally Chu Mochen is also very calm in his heart, after taking a look, there are still some gaps in his heart as a whole.

"Now that you're awake, you don't have to go to the hospital any more often, but if you want to go, you can check if there's anything wrong with you. "

After experiencing this time, when the waiter didn't know what was going on, he rushed up directly, as if he wanted to reason with the waiter, but he was still stopped by Chu Mochen, this kind of thing is really special, the manager glanced at the waiter and snorted coldly.

"People are recovering from a serious illness, what are you doing in the current situation, can you get past your boss and take over your boss? "

The dean explained the situation directly here: "You just want to shirk your mistakes at work, take responsibility, hurry up, now that the waiters have woken up, you let the family recover their strength." "

"What can I say, this waiter is hiding online, and the manpower on our side is already sufficient, if it weren't for the pity of this waiter, our company would not have taken in this waiter." As a result, the waiter gave me a bite back, something really happened to this thing, and I can't afford it in our company. "

The manager of the hotel was also embarrassed, although everyone was standing in different positions and angles, but at this moment, Chu Mochen also deeply felt the different repercussions of this matter.

"How is the current situation special, for us these things are really a little helpless, but even so, there is some helplessness for us, you people just stop for a while, if you really can't stand it, go outside and wait for a while, I want to say something to the waiter." "

Before the waiter could react, Chu Mochen took away so many people in front of him first. I don't know what happened, but the boss hasn't spoken yet, and at this time he was pulled out by the dean.

At this moment, there were only two people left in the room, the waiter and Chu Mochen, and the atmosphere gradually became a little tense, and the waiter looked at his remaining bed, as well as the surrounding instruments. I can't help but feel a little nervous.

"What happened to me? Why do I always feel so familiar with you? Why are you here? Where am I? "

"You don't have to worry about what happens, I've taken care of everything. Don't worry, those things will come back to you, but your physical causes need to be paid more attention to. "

Chu Mochen looked at the waitress, and finally could only open his mouth lightly: "Your body is not good, but now that you have experienced these things, you are a little nervous now."

In the future, you can't work your body so hard anymore, even if you lack money, but health is always the capital. "

After saying this, the waiter nodded, and suddenly realized that he knew what was going on, and Chu Mochen also smiled.

If it weren't for the low blood sugar this time, Chu Mochen hadn't discovered this complication yet, so many symptoms could be manifested in a person's body, which could be regarded as Chu Mochen's insight.

"Since you are a waiter, then you should think about what this waiter is, what to do and what not to do, and now your situation is really too big a blow to everyone. Now you have to think about what your future path is. "

If it was really according to what the manager said, the waiter concealed his illness, then the waiter must be more than lucky this time, Chu Mochen naturally knew the cause and effect of this matter, but after looking at the waiter with a sincere face, he had already got the answer in his heart.

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