Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 310 Sword Master

Under the Qiaolin Peak, the strange sword-making furnace was still going on. After Zhang Yang offered a sky-high price of one hundred catties of black gold, the five pyrotechnic masters, Huo Nineteen, gave it up completely.

One thousand pieces of mysterious swords, ten thousand pieces of ordinary swords, no limit to the types, labor and materials included, they have never encountered such a big order in their life.

But they are also very powerful. As Daoists of Huogong, they have accumulated a lot of materials in their hands. In the past 27 days, they have successfully forged one hundred mysterious swords and one thousand ordinary swords.

When Zhang Yang passed by, he received them by the way and took them all to Swordman Valley.

It's not quiet here.

The sound and aura of the eruption of the sword force are constantly surging and impacting like a tide, especially when they are close, the invisible sword aura floats in the air, which can tear any living thing at the cellular level and be completely annihilated into dust .

Zhang Yang was very satisfied.

Especially when he saw that a stone he picked up casually from outside turned into powder in less than three seconds after being thrown out.

It's frightening. In the past month or so, the amount of sword energy radiation accumulated in the Swordman's Valley was too high.

Today's Swordman Valley is already very large, bordering Qiaolin Peak in the north and Luoaxe Peak in the south, with a span of 15 miles in between, and about 30 miles from east to west, with a depth of 1,000 meters.

There are no living creatures in this area, and this situation has even radiated to the side of Qiaolin Peak and Falling Ax Peak. If it is not controlled, the two mountains will soon be bare.

"Cultivating immortals is really scary, even sword immortals!"

Zhang Yang sighed with emotion, the soul domain opened, and the sword intent quickly swept across like flowing water, like a big net blocking the river, compressing the invisible sword energy radiation that was floating outside back to the Swordman Valley.

And every time a certain distance is compressed, Zhang Yang will take down several swords and insert them in different positions, just like planting crops. In this way, the radiation of sword energy will be firstly absorbed by these swords, entangled and blocked, and will not Easily leaked.

After being busy, he placed one hundred mysterious swords and one thousand common swords at the most critical positions outside the Swordman Valley, and this temporarily solved the problem of the invisible sword energy leaking out.

Then he stepped into the Swordman Valley, and at this moment, his heart moved, but the fairy village building order was about to issue random tasks again.

This kind of random task is triggered according to the current basic situation of Tianjianmen, so Zhang Yang also attaches great importance to it.

"Trigger an important side quest—Yujian Formation."

"Mission Description: There are currently 35 disciples in Tianjianmen who have successfully built sword pills, (click to view the details), so you can train Yujian flying formation."

"Friendly reminder: Although Yujian flying is an individual behavior, if you can form a formation, form a flying formation, and communicate with sword energy, then one person's Yujian flight is completely different from dozens of people's Yujian flight. Ultimately Under the best circumstances, it can reduce the mana consumption by 50%, increase the speed by 50%, and increase the defensive ability of the sword array by 50%."

"Trigger an important side mission - attacking the sword array."

"Mission description, there are currently 35 disciples in Tianjianmen who have successfully built sword pills, so you can train more powerful attacking sword formations."

"Friendly reminder: Among the major cultivation systems, sword cultivation is the only system that is more powerful than those of the same rank and can cooperate perfectly with its companions to fight. A qualified sword cultivation sect must have three trump cards , one is the imperial sword formation; the second is the attacking sword array; the third is the sword valley that accommodates the radiation of sword energy (it can also be called the sword mound, sword tomb, and sword tomb)."

"Trigger an important side mission - Sword Valley."

"Mission description, there is already a sword valley that meets the minimum requirements in Tianjianmen. Please immediately resettle the invisible sword energy that is floating in the sword valley to prevent it from leaking."

"Friendly reminder: For non-sword cultivators, Sword Valley is the most vicious place in the world, but for sword cultivators, it is a blessed place. The radiated sword energy in Sword Valley can recharge Yujian Yes, it can add extra damage buffs to combat swords, sort out the sky veins of sword repairers, and even repair the injuries suffered by sword repairers. Most importantly, if there is enough free sword energy in the sword valley, it can even replace Protect the large formation, guard the mountain gate."

After reading these three side missions, Zhang Yang couldn't help but be overjoyed, this kind of reminder is the best reward.

At this moment, he took a quick look at the situation of his disciple Zhu Jianwan.

Sure enough, it's very good, if it's not good, I'm sorry for that Jindan-level spirit vein.

Among them, Wujun, Jiang Rong, Zhao Baiyi, Taoyao, Guan Shan, Li Guohuai, Goudao, Jiming, and Zhu Ti, who have already built sword pills, have all improved on the original basis. Although it has not reached the critical point of the fifth level of the soul vein, the fifth level of the heart channel, and the fifth level of the mind channel, it is only one or two steps away.

Then there are the rest of the disciples.

Li Si was the best performer, because he built the sword pill by condensing 600 natal auras, so he obtained seven heavenly veins at one time, which is the same as Li Hanqiu.

Qu Shang was slightly worse, but he also got seven heavenly veins.

The two of them also became the only seven-day pulse cultivation genius among the first generation of disciples of Tianjianmen.

The rest of the disciples are basically five or six celestial veins.

If these disciples are pulled out alone, even the strongest Jiang Rong will be fine, but if they are gathered together, it will be extremely terrifying.

Because their equipment is too luxurious!

Each person has a high-grade Xuan-grade royal sword, plus three to five high-grade Xuan-grade combat swords.

As long as the sword array is formed, everyone below Yuanying can be killed if caught off guard!

"Congratulations to the head of the customs!"

"See Master Master!"

In Sword Valley, led by Li Hanqiu, 34 disciples came to welcome him.

"Elder Sword Holder, you have worked hard."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly, and first praised Li Hanqiu, because this guy worked very hard and organized all the disciples to practice the sword array before.

Then the second thing, Zhang Yang hurriedly sensed the thirty-sixth Xuanpin Yujian in the Sword Valley. The sword is all he has left.

When the sword intent was released, Zhang Yang immediately sensed that there were countless star lights in the Sword Valley, and each point of star light represented a sword weapon. Before that, he cast 10,000 ordinary sword weapons here to refill the number, and now some of them are in the sword valley. The warming of sword energy radiation is about to advance.


Zhang Yang used his sword intent to sense it, but he still couldn't find the thirty-sixth Yujian, which is strange.

"Congratulations to the master, this sword should be the Sword Emperor, we are incompetent and unable to control it." Li Hanqiu explained at this time, but his expression was rather strange.

"Thirty-six royal swords of the profound grade were put into the sword valley a month ago. There was no abnormality in the first three days. Until the fourth day, all the royal swords seemed to be psychic. A cyan sword mist formed in the depths of the valley, and when I discovered it, they almost became climate."

"I immediately asked Wu Jun, Jiang Rong and other disciples who built sword pills to attack Jianwu with a sword array, forcing it to fail to form. In this way, other people have the opportunity to choose the right sword. After all, people choose swords, and swords also choose swords. People, this place of Sword Valley, with great innate achievements, is simply their blessed land, if these swordsmen are given a chance to become popular, then I am afraid that none of the 35 people like me will be able to get their approval."

"So what's the situation now?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback, he didn't expect such a good thing, it seems that his Sword Valley has really become popular.

"Reporting to the sect master, the last imperial sword is hidden in the deepest part of the Sword Valley. This sword is psychic, influenced by the invisible sword energy of the Sword Valley, and has already entangled with eight profound-grade swords and thirty-two common-grade swords. There are almost five hundred ordinary swords, forming an innate sword formation, no one dares to approach us."

"Master, I suggest you take it away immediately, otherwise this sword has no owner, but it can absorb the invisible sword energy day and night. Now it's only a mere month or so, and it already has the appearance of the king of the sword, but don't let it It has become the Emperor of Swords, and at that time, even the Nascent Soul of Qitianmai will not be able to subdue it."

"so smart!"

Zhang Yang was also taken aback. He had seen the invisible sword energy radiation in the sword valley multiplying before, and thought it was caused by Li Hanqiu and others practicing swords these days. It turned out that it was caused by the Yujian.

At this time, the order of Xianxia's village building has changed, and a line of information appears in front of his eyes.

"Trigger the main task of building a village, make a decision."

"Mission description: Because of your retreat, a mysterious imperial sword has not been owned for a long time. It has changed in the special environment of Sword Valley and is currently advancing towards a higher level. Please choose."

"A: Immediately take action to subdue this sword, and you will get a more spiritual Yujian."

"B: You just sit back and ignore this matter, and let this sword continue to grow. Note: During the growth of this sword, the radiation level of sword energy will be automatically increased, and the invisible sword energy will be upgraded to Qingming Jianwu. It helps a lot, but the consequence is that once the sword continues to advance, from the sword king to the sword emperor, and then to the sword master, it will immediately break free from its shackles and roam the world. It suppresses!"

"Friendly reminder, there are still 99 years left before Wuming Yujian is promoted to Sword Master."


"Sword Master?"

Zhang Yang was slightly taken aback, thinking a lot in his heart, but after a while, he laughed.

"Suppress me? What a joke, let's keep this imperial sword and let it grow freely. After 99 years, I want to see what the majesty of the sword master is!"

His choice is not willful, nor is it arrogant, but because of his big strategy, he wants to focus on farming.

If that Yujian can really refine the invisible sword energy to Qingming Jianwu, it is equivalent to sowing golden kela in the farmland!

Properly increase production and harvest.

Zhang Yang still doesn't believe it, he leans on the modifier, holds his cousin with both hands, all the disciples under his sect have become talents, and still can't suppress a mere sword master?

The only trouble is that he doesn't have Yujian anymore. Without Yujian, he can't fly, and he can't implement the developmental jungle strategy he made before.

So Zhang Yang turned his head and said to Li Hanqiu sincerely:

"Old Li, from now on, as the elder holding the sword, you will sit at the gate of the mountain to prevent the impact of sleepless nights on my Tianjian gate. Well, as for your imperial sword, let me use it first. Nine times out and thirteen times back, I Guaranteed not to lose you."

"Hey, Lao Li, what a fool you are, I won't eat you!"

"With a cheat, you can travel through different worlds at will, travel to reality, plus infinite resurrection, emm, am I too strong? Who will slap you in the face, wait in place, I'm in a hurry! By the way, my name is Yuan Yi, Yuan Shao's Yuan, Extraordinary, extraordinary, elegant and elegant."

——"I Really Can't Die"

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