Veteran new police officer

Chapter 56 Fang Jun’s problem

"What did his wife say?"

"His wife said that we had wrongly accused him, saying that he was tricked into smoking some K powder by a group of gangsters in the past. After being discovered by the public security organs, he never smoked again. The whole family takes this matter very seriously and has a urine test at home. Test kit, test every few days, and even travel with him to relax."

Wang Wei picked up the cup and took a sip of water, then continued: "His wife heard that the test was positive and that he would probably be sent to forced detoxification. She was very excited and said it was impossible and that there was something wrong with our test. She was still crying. What if I accidentally smoked it once, do I have no human rights in this life, and will be investigated no matter where I go?"

Han Xin held her chin and asked, "What else did you say?"

"She said she wanted to find a lawyer, she said she wanted to file a complaint against us, and she even drove over to chase her all night long. She is downstairs right now. I just went to the big data center and took a look at the surveillance, and she was sitting in the car making a phone call."

"Have you met her?"

"When I met, I was very emotional. It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is very deep."

Han Xin murmured: "There was no problem originally, but from what you said, there might be a problem."

Before Wang Wei could speak, Yang Qianli raised his head and asked, "Xiao Han, what's the problem?"

"I can't tell what the problem is, I just feel it. Suo Yang, there should be surveillance video of the interrogation. I want to see the video."

"Okay, I'll go with you."

The four of them came to the police network integration big data center together and called up the video of last night's interrogation.

Han Xin put on her earphones and walked to the auxiliary police officer on duty. She asked the auxiliary police officer to fast forward and play normally, focusing on the part where Fang Jun answered the call from his wife.

Yang Qianli felt very strange: "Xiao Han, can you understand Donghai dialect?"

Han Xin covered her earphones and said, "Two of my comrades are from the East China Sea."

"I also have two relatives from the East China Sea. I can't understand what they say."

"You guys don't have much contact with each other. I get along with our comrades day and night, and I'm more interested in dialects."

"Then what did his wife say to him?"

"Talk about looking at the house."

Han Xin took off her headphones, turned around and said with a smile: "You three, I can now tell that this guy has a problem, but if there is any specific problem, I have to go down and talk to him."

Wang Zongyi asked: "Why are you so sure?"

"He knew very well that he had smoked marijuana, whether intentionally or unintentionally. At the same time, he knew that people like him with a history of drug abuse were likely to be tested by the public security organs no matter where they went. In other words, he knew that Lailing Hai was at risk of testing positive and might be ordered to detox for two years, but he still came."

Looking at the thoughtful expressions of the three people, Han Xin continued to analyze: "From the phone call between him and his wife just now, it can be heard that his wife does not support him coming to Linghai, not because she is worried that he will be tested positive. But I feel that compared to other surrounding cities, our houses in Linghai have little room for appreciation.”

Yang Qianli reacted: "Why would he come to Linghai when he knows there are risks?"

Han Xin put down her headphones: "He is a drunkard who is not interested in drinking. He is definitely not here to see the house."

Yang Qianli pondered: "Then what is he here for?"

Wang Weidao said: "He is definitely not a debt evader. I checked online and found that he has no financial disputes, has never been in a lawsuit with anyone, and is not a dishonest executor."

Wang Zongyi said inferences: "It is impossible to buy drugs. If he really wants to buy drugs, it will be easier to buy them in Donghai than in our Linghai."

"It's unlikely that he was doing serious business, otherwise he wouldn't have insisted that he was here to look at the house."

"What kind of illegal activities can he engage in? His family's financial situation is good. He bought a house in other places like buying cabbage and made money. There is no need to make money from illegal activities."

"You can't guess that. Captain Wang, where is his cell phone? I want to see his cell phone."

"Okay, I'll get it."

"No need to go get it, let's go to the office and take a look."

"That's fine."

Returning to the security team's office together, Han Xinzai carefully looked at Fang Jun's cell phone call records and WeChat chat records. He made a call in the bathroom on the pretext of going to the bathroom, and searched online. Finally, he felt confident.

"Yang Suo, Captain Wang, I'll go down and have a chat with him."

"Are you going down?"

"Can't you?"

"We have no problem, it's just you..."

"Yang Suo, I didn't show up before, mainly because I didn't want to be recognized by local drug addicts. Fang Jun is not a local drug addict, and he doesn't seem to have much of a problem. He won't be able to stay in Linghai for long, so there is nothing to worry about. of."

"Okay, you and Lao Wang go down and talk to him, and Lao Wang and I go watch the surveillance."

Fang Jun didn't sleep well all night and was a little depressed, but as he insisted, he was not addicted to drugs, at least the drug addiction did not attack.

"Fang Jun, your wife is here." Han Xin sat opposite him and put down his mobile phone.

" did she come? When did she come?"

"She was very worried about you. She drove here all night and is outside now."

Fang Jun frowned: "Is she anxious?"

"If she knew you were here to see Manager Bai, I guess she would not only be anxious, but also very angry." Han Xin picked up his mobile phone and clicked on the profile picture of a WeChat friend, half-smiling but not smiling.

"Comrade police, what are you talking about? Manager Bai..."

"Sales Manager of Jinshi Real Estate, have you forgotten?"

"I've added a lot of sales department managers' WeChat accounts. When was this... when was this added?"

Han Xin was too lazy to beat around the bush with him: "Fang Jun, you have added a total of seven Linghai real estate sales WeChat accounts. You have chat records and call records with the other six. Only the chat records with this Manager Bai are compared. There are very few, and there are no call records at all.”

"Maybe I forgot, there were too many people added, I really can't remember."

"The key is that Manager Bai is not a salesperson. We have investigated and found that there is no one named Bai in the sales department of Jinshi Real Estate. Looking at the profile picture, Manager Bai is very young and beautiful."

Han Xin asked him to look at "Manager Bai's" avatar, and then recalled the only two chat records: "I'm almost arriving in Linghai. If you are in the sales department, I will go to you directly; I live in Hao Thai Hotel, please reply when you see it.”

Fang Jun was anxious: "Comrade police, this is my privacy!"

"It's really good to hide it. All previous chat records have been deleted. Even if my wife checks her phone, she won't find any problems."

"What's wrong with me? You're slandering me!"

"It's a pity that the WeChat transfer record cannot be deleted. I think it is necessary to check it carefully and give your wife an explanation."

"Comrade police, what do you want?"

"Your wife is outside. I can keep it a secret for you, but you must make it clear."

Han Xin smiled, took out her mobile phone again, clicked on the picture search, found a photo and held it up to him: "Look, I searched this from the Internet. Is it the same person?"

Fang Jun was stunned: "This... this..."

"What the heck, you said you already have a wife. She is very beautiful and treats you so well. You actually want to cheat on her, imitate other people's online dating, and even pursue Linghai! It's just extramarital online dating. I also met a liar, maybe he’s not even a woman, and he’s not afraid of being laughed at if he says it.”

"I never thought about cheating. I...I didn't date online. I...I just came here to meet."

"Have you seen me? Can you see me?"

Han Xin put down her phone and sighed softly: "It seems that you have been watched too closely by your family these years and want to find some excitement. As a man, I can understand it, but when you meet a liar, it is a bit funny."

Fang Jun was not afraid, but embarrassed, extremely embarrassed.

Wang Wei never expected this result. He couldn't help but want to laugh, and he didn't even bother to take notes.

"Tell me, how much money did you transfer to Manager Bai?"

"not much."

"How much is not more?"

"Total...the total is less than 10,000. Comrade police, please don't tell my wife. As long as you don't tell my wife, I will tell you anything, even send me to forced drug rehabilitation!"

“What’s going on with the marijuana?”

"I didn't smoke, comrade police, please believe me, I really didn't smoke!"

"You don't want me to keep it a secret?"

"Listen to me, last September, I was eating barbecue at a barbecue restaurant and met several foreigners. They gathered in front of the bathroom to smoke. I happened to go to the bathroom and it smelled a bit like marijuana."

Han Xin asked: "Then what?"

Fang Jun said with a bitter face: "I didn't ask for it from them, nor did I buy it from them. I just pretended to wash my hands and smell it for a while, then quickly paid for it and went back. I know that if I get into it, I won't be able to quit. I'm not that kind of addict." , I have a wife, children, a family and a career..."

“If you smell it, you smoke it, but you are smoking second-hand marijuana just like second-hand smoke.”

"They smoked it at the door of the bathroom. It was so smoky that I couldn't stop smoking even if I wanted to."

"You still want to suck."

"I admit that when I first smelled it, I wanted to smoke it, but I quickly calmed down and controlled it quickly."

Han Xin raised his head and glanced at the camera in the corner, then struck while the iron was hot and asked, "Do you remember what those foreigners look like?"

Fang Jun shook his head: "One white man and two black men. They look similar to those foreigners on TV."

“The location of the BBQ restaurant.”

"It was the barbecue restaurant in the alley behind our community. Later...I went there several times and never saw them."

"What to do?"


"It seems you still can't control your addiction." Han Xin touched the corners of her nose and asked another question: "Why didn't you tell the truth to Officer Wang about these things last night?"

"I'm sorry,'s not that I didn't admit it, I really didn't smoke."

"It's not just that."

"I don't dare let my wife know, I don't dare let my parents and my daughter know."

"You don't want your relatives to know, which means you are not hopeless. But behind the back of your wife, who loves you deeply and cares about you, you secretly date someone online, and you even go all the way to meet online friends. Are you worthy of your wife?"

"Comrade police, I was wrong. Please help me. Don't let her know."

"Then cooperate well. Whatever Officer Wang asks, you must answer truthfully."

"Okay, I'll cooperate."

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