Veteran new police officer

Chapter 44 Carry out the guidance to the end

Han Xin came back for two days and watched the "live broadcast" for two days in a row.

The one "on the air" at this moment was the Nanyun arrest team, which was broadcasting the scene of Nanyun's arrest. Four suspects, including brothers Zhou Liang and Zhou Cheng, were ordered to squat under the courtyard wall while wearing handcuffs.

Zhou Liang and Zhou Cheng could tell at a glance that he was a drug addict. He was listless and as thin as a monkey. Judging from the information at hand, the two female suspects were their wives, and one of them seemed to be addicted to drugs.

The so-called drug manufacturing factory is the yard of their two brothers' home.

The environmental sanitation can be described as dirty and messy. The puppies barked loudly around Li Da, and the two old hens were so timid that they wandered around in the sloppy yard.

The drugs previously seized were said to be "purely natural" traditional Chinese medicine preparations on the outer packaging, which is pure nonsense. However, judging from the scene, they were definitely handmade preparations.

The container used to make the poison was a dirty washbasin, with manual mixing and manual filling. The only thing that could be called mechanical was probably the medicine bottle sealing machine.

The main ingredient for making poison was several large bags of starch thrown in the corner. The "original drug" just found by the members of the arrest team surprised everyone in the project headquarters.

It is not the compound diphenoxylate tablets as originally thought, but a veterinary drug for treating diarrhea in chickens, ducks and geese!

It contains diphenoxylate, but it also contains ingredients such as neomycin sulfate, cefoperazone, gatifloxacin, toltrazuril and atropine.

"No wonder Xu Wenjing said that the composition of the newly seized drugs was mixed. It turned out that the 'original drug' had been replaced."

"They mix veterinary drugs with starch and sell them as detoxification drugs, and they are not afraid of eating dead people!"

"Look, they themselves are no longer human beings, but they still care about the life and death of others!"

Han Xin looked back at her colleagues who were filled with anger, and whispered: "Yang Xiande's shipment took more than ten days to arrive. It must be because the manufacturer ran out of raw materials and production was delayed."

Huang Da sat down, folded his arms and said, "Thankfully, we caught it in time. If it hadn't been caught, it would have flowed into the market like this, and it would probably have killed people."

Just as he was talking, Li Da appeared on the screen.

I saw him put down half a box of compound diphenoxylate tablets and asked sharply: "There are obviously so many diphenoxylate tablets, why do you use veterinary drugs mixed with starch to sell them as detoxification drugs?"

"This is what we eat ourselves."

"You're eating it yourself. Is this what you usually eat?"

"Just eat this."

"Where did you buy these diphenoxylate tablets and the previous diphenoxylate tablets?"

"Some bought it online, and some bought it from dealers."

“Are they available for sale online?”

"Yes, but it's expensive."

One look at the outer packaging of those compound diphenoxylate tablets and you will know that they are not from the same batch or even produced by the same manufacturer.

If you guessed it correctly, most likely some drug dealers bought it from small pharmacies or even health clinics in remote rural areas, and then sold it online at high prices.

Judging from the suspects' confessions, their production costs are not low. A box of medicine costing only a few yuan would cost them dozens or even more than a hundred.

There will be nothing to gain from further investigation, and it may even turn from a criminal case into an administrative case.

Han Xin didn't want to waste time here, so she stood up and said, "Huang Da, the eighth team is going to search soon. I'll go next door first."

"Okay, go quickly."

Huang Xu was very satisfied with Han Xin, a newcomer to the brigade, because in the past two days, Han Xin really played the role of a professional anti-drug policeman.

Through video participation, we helped each group discover four clues and achieved four unexpected gains!

Watching Han Xin's leaving figure, he secretly decided that he would participate in the investigation of any drug cases in the future. For some cases that did not seem to be related to drugs, he was also asked to go to the scene to take a look.


The eighth team is the one from the Chengnan Police Station, and is interrogating a 26-year-old suspect on the spot.

Han Xin sat in front of the computer and turned up the volume as loud as possible. Just as he was about to see the suspect's reaction, the camera suddenly turned to the bathroom door.

I saw Li Cainiao walking out of the bathroom, holding a dirty glass container in his hand.

He looked so excited and beaming with joy, just like a child who had finally found a lollipop.

Their captain Wang Zongyi was much calmer and scolded: "Chen Youjun, raise your head and tell me what this is."


"What is it used for?"

The suspect said carefully: "Skating."

Wang Zongyi asked: "What is skating? Please explain it clearly!"

"Meth smoker."

“Who smokes meth?”

"my friend."

"What's your last name?"

"Zhu Yachun."

"He smokes methamphetamine, how come his tools are in your house?"

"He lived with me for a few months... before."

"Where is he now?"

"Caught up, in rehab."

When the curling stone was first found, Li Cainiao was extremely excited, but as the interrogation progressed, he gradually became crestfallen.

Wang Wei was holding a mobile phone to broadcast live, but he couldn't see his face and didn't know what his expression was.

Because the mobile phone camera was pointed at the suspect, only half of Wang Zongyi's face was visible, but through this half of his face, he could also see that he was a little disappointed.

Similar situations have happened several times in the past few days, and Han Xin's heart was untroubled.

Seeing that Wang Zongyi couldn't find anything out for a while, he simply raised the microphone and said: "Sergeant Wang, I'm Han Xin, please start from where you entered the door and let me see the whole environment."


"Chief Wang, please slow down."

"Okay, is this okay?"

"Okay, there's also the roof, let me see the chandelier."

"Is this okay?"

"No, the light is so dazzling that I can't see anything clearly."

"Wait a minute. I'll turn off the light. I'll get a chair and stand on it to take a look."

Li Yijun came to his senses, crept over and asked, "My cousin?"

Wang Wei glared at him: "Shut up."


"Han Xin Han Xin, there is nothing on the chandelier."

"Okay, come on down and continue searching."

Shoe cabinets, decorative cabinets, coffee tables, TV cabinets, behind the TV, sofas, balconies, master bedrooms...

Search bit by bit, never missing a blind spot. After nearly an hour, nothing was found.

Wang Zongyi was about to take the suspect away when Han Xin suddenly said: "Chief Wang, have you brought the test kit?"

Wang Wei hurriedly said: "Take them, the headquarters gave us six."

"Do a urine test on the suspect."

"Xiao Han, we only have test kits and nothing else."

"Just find a cup to take a sample, just for testing. It doesn't need to be so formal."

"Okay, just wait a moment."

The camera shook.

After waiting for about two minutes, Wang Zongyi took the suspect out of the bathroom.

Li Cainiao also came out, holding half a cup of light yellow urine sample from the suspect.

Information shows that the suspect is a drug addict.

During the interrogation just now, the suspect confessed that he couldn't control his desire to smoke methamphetamine, but he had no money to buy methamphetamine. Even if he had money, he couldn't buy methamphetamine. Later, he saw "Yangsheng No. 1" on the Internet, bought some and ate it, but found that it was in charge. After using it, I started to smoke it.

He claimed that he had quit using methamphetamine and was just addicted to "Yangsheng No. 1".

Judging from his mental state, it is true that he has not given up his drug addiction.

Han Xin felt that it was necessary to test to see if what he was eating was "Health No. 1".

Under Wang Wei's guidance, Li Cainiao dipped the three reagent plates one by one into urine samples and gently placed them on the freshly wiped coffee table to wait for the results.

In fact, Wang Wei didn't understand very well. He pointed the camera at the test board: "Han Xin, look at this, is it positive?"

"It's positive. He was taking 'Yangsheng No. 1'. There's nothing wrong with me. Take it away."

"Then I die?"

"Hang up, thank you for your hard work."

Thank you for your hard work is a kind word.

Wang Wei felt strange when he heard this, and couldn't help laughing when he walked out of the suspect's house.

I just hung up the video and was about to go to the bathroom when a policeman came over and knocked on the door:

"Han Xin, Team 11 has taken the suspect to the residence to search, and will be online in about fifteen minutes. Huang Da is worried that you have forgotten, so I asked you to come over and remind me."

"Got it, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll go over first."

I watched the "live broadcast" all afternoon and participated in three searches remotely.

I looked at the "live program list" again and confirmed that I didn't have to stay up late tonight. As soon as I walked out of the office and was about to go downstairs to get some fresh air, I saw my immediate boss walking over with a smile on his face.

"Captain Zhang, why haven't you gotten off work yet?"

"I just finished my work, how are you doing here?"

"How about what?"

"Any new gains?"

He is not an outsider and does not need to keep secrets.

Han Xin invited him into the office and closed the door: "The harvest is good, but not very big."

Zhang Yuhang sat down and asked: "It is better to have something gained than nothing. What kind of gain is it?"

"The rabbits were hunted in the grass, and two grams of methamphetamine, six ecstasy tablets, 1,326 grams of methadone and seven grams of Hylosin, which is the strong narcotic triazolam, were seized."

"Mongolian sweat medicine!"

"Well, it's the kind of sweat-inducing medicine that can make people unconscious quickly."

"Have you checked the source?"

"We are checking, but three of the four lines have been disconnected."

"Why did it break?" Zhang Yuhang asked in a low voice.

Han Xin explained with a smile: "Those two grams of methamphetamine were a suspect's inventory. It was similar to Zheng Shuhua's drug possession situation. He was arrested three months ago.

Methadone was the saliva of an addict. He went to a detoxification facility to drink it, but he didn't swallow it, so he saved it bit by bit and sold it to a suspect we arrested. "

"He is also a drug dealer."

"Yes, he has been arrested. He will be escorted back at noon tomorrow at the latest."

"What about the other two lines?"

"Haile Shen is a drug addict who plans to commit robberies in order to raise drug funds. He bought it from abroad not long ago through the Internet. He hid it relatively secretly and was not detected by customs.

He only knew it was a narcotic, but he had never seen it and didn't know how effective it was. Before he was arrested, he was planning to find a target to try to see if it worked. "

"Thankfully it was discovered in time!"


"So only the ecstasy line is still there."

Han Xin poured him a glass of water, sat down and said, "Team Chen from the Serious Crime Squadron is investigating, and Fan Ziyu has also returned to the team. They have locked the suspect, and they don't know how many levels they can move up to."

Compared to how far the Serious Crime Squadron could trace the case, Zhang Yuhang was more concerned about the role of the Anti-Narcotics Squadron in investigating this "case within a case". He looked at him with a smile and asked:

"Would you like to participate in the entire process of ecstasy via video?"


"That's good."

The more Zhang Yuhang thought about it, the happier he became. He couldn't help but pat Han Xin on the shoulder: "Xiao Han, the first duty of our squadron is to be responsible for the investigation of drug cases in the entire district, and this responsibility is actually guidance.

When there are cases in the future, if we can handle it ourselves, we will handle it ourselves. If we cannot handle it ourselves, we will jointly investigate it with our brother units and then guide them. "

"Okay, Captain Zhang, I will do whatever you say."

"The main work still relies on you as a professional. By the way, we still need to guide the cases of our brother units, as long as they are drug-related cases. We have already fired the first shot, and we will take this as an opportunity to Guidance to the end.”

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