Veteran new police officer

Chapter 40 “Illegal Business”

The surveillance room was at the police station in the town. Fan Ziyu's new friend was very helpful and specially arranged for the auxiliary police to drive the two of them to the police station.

The leader of the night duty office was also very enthusiastic and not only asked Tian Mo to go to the police dormitory upstairs to sleep for a while, so that he could be rotated in the middle of the night.

They also arranged for an auxiliary police officer to go to the village and secretly take some photos of the truck, and even found out that the suspect was playing mahjong with some cousins.

Sitting in a heated monitoring room and staring at the screen is just as tiring. Fortunately, I only need to hold on for one night.

On the morning of the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, I had breakfast in the cafeteria.

As soon as he walked out of the cafeteria, Yu Suo, who was supposed to take over his shift, came over.

"Xiao Han, the suspect's family is packing things and loading the car. It seems that they plan to go back to the county directly after delivering the goods. His brother-in-law's store is also open, more than an hour earlier than usual."

Han Xin didn't expect the suspect to wake up so early, so she quickly said: "I will call my colleagues and ask them where they are."

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch up. I'm just taking over my shift, not leaving get off work. If Xiao Fan and Xiao Zhou can't catch up, I can bring a few people to help."

"Thank you Yu Suo."

"You're welcome, one of my own."

"Yu Suo, I almost forgot to ask you something. There will definitely be crowds watching when we arrest him later. To prevent the news from leaking, please tell us when maintaining order that the suspect was arrested for illegal business."

"This is a good idea. Nowadays, everyone has a mobile phone and can surf the Internet. If a suspect is caught for drug trafficking, he will definitely post it online."

"I'm just worried about the news getting out."

Han Xin smiled, quickly called Fan Ziyu to confirm that they had set off, then put down the phone and said:

"Yu Suo, I also want to ask you for a favor."

"What's the deal?"

"When I came here yesterday morning, I noticed that the suspect's brother-in-law's shop had cameras installed. Can you arrange for two auxiliary police officers to check whether the surveillance in his brother-in-law's shop can be used."

"You want video evidence?"

"It's definitely better than nothing."

"Okay, I'll arrange for two people to check all the way there and check a few more. The surveillance of the shops along the street is what we asked for. If we go to check, they won't be suspicious."


"It's out of the question, I'll make arrangements right away."

At 7:53, the security surveillance in the station showed that the suspect drove out of the village in a domineering Mercedes, followed by a truck full of "health products."

Han Xin and Tian Mo, who had just gotten up, hurried to the breakfast shop diagonally opposite the express delivery point. They ordered a bowl of soy milk and two fried dough sticks, and while eating, they quietly observed the opposite side.

I saw two auxiliary police officers checking the surveillance of the small store and then walked out to the next one.

Fan Ziyu just sent Tian Mo a WeChat message saying that he had arrived. At this moment, he and a deputy squadron leader from the Criminal Police Brigade of Qingde County Public Security Bureau were sitting in a black car on the roadside, waiting for the suspect.

Old Tang drove the seven-seater police car over, but did not enter the town. Instead, it parked at the cement prefabricated factory outside the town and was on standby.

Counting the time, the suspect should have arrived long ago.

But after waiting and waiting for nothing to come, Han Xin was not at ease and secretly sent a text message to the old director on Tian Mo's mobile phone.

After waiting for about two minutes, the old director replied that the suspect's family was having breakfast in a restaurant diagonally opposite the town government, and the truck driver was also eating.

Han Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief, returned the phone to Tian Mo, and motioned to Tian Mo to buy the order so as not to miss it later.

After waiting for another five or six minutes, the suspect's car came running over and slowly stopped about ten meters in front of the small store. The space at the entrance of the store was reserved for the truck.

The driver of the truck jumped out of the car, untied the rope, collected the tarpaulin, and worked with the suspect's brother-in-law to unload it.

For this moment, the suspect's brother-in-law prepared all morning and cleaned up under the awning in front of the store.

Now those preparations come in handy, and boxes of health care products can be unloaded and piled into the awning.

The suspect's son ran into the store to pick out toys, and the suspect's wife got out of the car and chased him to scold him.

The suspect stood in front of the truck, holding his mobile phone as if sending a WeChat message, and was interrupted from time to time by acquaintances passing by.

They wished each other happy New Year, exchanged pleasantries and chatted happily.

Perhaps he was in a hurry to return to the city, so he sent away an acquaintance, then bypassed the truck and went to the store.

His view was blocked by the truck and he couldn't see what was going on in the store.

Han Xin patted Tian Mo on the shoulder, stood up and left the breakfast shop quietly.

The two walked six or seven meters to the west. When they stopped and looked back, they saw the suspect standing by the counter, as if comparing the contents on his mobile phone and writing something on a piece of paper.

The suspect's brother-in-law stopped helping unload the goods and stood beside the suspect, nodding.

At a glance, you can tell that the suspect is telling you how many boxes of goods to send to which customer in which place.

Fan Ziyu's sight was also blocked by the truck, and she could only look back at Han Xin not far away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as their eyes met, Han Xin raised her arm and pointed at the small shop.


Fan Ziyu didn't dare to waste the opportunity, so she immediately opened the car door and rushed over.

Zhou Kehong followed closely.

As soon as the two rushed to the truck, they saw the suspect coming out with a bag under his arm, and the suspect's wife followed behind with her child who was unwilling to leave.

"Don't move!"

"We are from the Public Security Bureau!"

Before Yang Xiande could react, the two men held his arms tightly and pinned him to the front of the truck.

"Where are you from the police? Why did you arrest me?"

"He's been beaten! Help! Someone's been beaten!"

"What are you yelling about?"

A colleague from the Criminal Police Brigade of Qingde County Public Security Bureau rushed over, pulled the suspect’s wife away, pointed at the suspect’s brother-in-law who had just picked up the bench, and shouted:

"What do you want to do? Put your stool down immediately! The police are handling the case and I will arrest anyone who dares to obstruct law enforcement!"

"Comrade police, you must be mistaken. I am Yang Xiande. If you don't believe me, ask the folks around you whether I am a good guy or a bad guy."

"Yang Xiande, it's you we're arresting!"

Fan Ziyu handcuffed him behind his back and immediately turned him around.

Zhou Kehong took out his mobile phone and dialed Old Tang's number: "Old Tang, please bring the car over quickly!"

At the same time, Tian Mo, together with the auxiliary police from the Qingde Criminal Police Brigade, had controlled the suspect's brother-in-law and put disposable plastic handcuffs on him.

Han Xin had already put on a mask, found the shipping details that the suspect had just written, took a few photos with her mobile phone, and stuffed them into the evidence bag she took out of her bag.

Then he went straight to the monitoring host at the counter and studied how to retrieve the monitoring.

The suspect's wife was frightened, but she quickly recovered and sat down on the ground with her child in her arms, crying.

Although she couldn't understand the local dialect, she could roughly guess that she was crying and complaining that her husband was wronged, or even accusing the police of wrongfully accusing a good man...

There were already a lot of people on the street, but when something like this happened, even more people gathered around to watch the excitement.

The scene was chaotic, but the old director quickly arrived with two policemen and the two auxiliary policemen who had just checked and monitored. Together they maintained order and advised the crowd not to watch.

Fan Ziyu took the time to search the suspect's body, took out the suspect's mobile phone and car keys and stuffed them into his bag before showing his police ID and arrest warrant.

"Yang Xiande, you see clearly. Now you know why we came all the way to catch you."

"Comrade police, it must be a misunderstanding. You must be mistaken..."

There were so many boxes of "Health No. 1" piled at the door, and there were so many people watching outside. Some people were even holding up their mobile phones to take photos and videos. It was easy for the news to leak out.

Thinking of Han Xin's explanation, Fan Ziyu quickly warned: "Don't explain, now is not the time to explain, and this is not the place for you to talk."

"Comrade police..."

"Shut up!"

Fan Ziyu took out a black hood from his bag, lifted it up and put it on his head.

Seeing Old Tang arriving in a police car, he quickly took out the suspect's car keys from his bag and handed them to Tian Mo, and then he and Zhou Kehong put the suspect into the police car.

Colleagues from the Criminal Police Brigade of the Qingde County Public Security Bureau followed closely behind, and together with the auxiliary police officers from the Criminal Police Brigade, they escorted the suspect's brother-in-law into their black car.

Old Tang immediately turned on the police lights, sounded the siren, drove to the front and cut off the head, and quickly took the suspect away from the scene as planned.

The crowd watching the fun was still unsatisfied and still gathered around the door of the small shop, unwilling to leave.

"If there's anything interesting to see, everyone was taken away by the Jiangnan police. Let's disperse. Let's all go back."

"Director Yu, what did Yang Xiande commit?"

"I'm not very sure. It seems that he doesn't have a license and is operating illegally. This kind of thing is not big or small."

As soon as the old director finished speaking, another policeman warned: "So no matter what business you do in the future, you must first ask the relevant departments and ask what certificates you need to apply for."

"I knew he would be caught sooner or later. The health products he sold before were ineffective at all, and they were so expensive!"

"If you still buy it when it's so expensive, he's deceiving you."

"I have known for a long time that what he is doing is not a serious business. I have known for a long time that the health products he sells are fakes that cannot kill people or cure diseases. You didn't believe me when I told you, but you all paid for them. …”

"Okay, okay, I'll count on your shrewdness. Let's all go back."

With the help of the auxiliary police of the police station, Han Xin copied the surveillance video into a USB flash drive that had been prepared beforehand. She walked out of the small shop and pulled aside the old director who was doing mass work.

"Yu Suo, please arrange for two people to bring the suspect's wife to the police station first. Then help us find a car and take the goods outside to the criminal police brigade."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Sorry to cause you any trouble."

"No trouble, let's do something first."

"Then I won't be polite to you."

Han Xin turned around, stretched out his hand and said: "Xiaotian, give me the suspect's car key. From now on, you will be responsible for guarding the goods outside, and you will be responsible for escorting the car later."


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