Veteran new police officer

Chapter 31 The real poison case

As night fell, firecrackers sounded again outside.

Li Yijun and his master worked together for a day to mediate disputes and returned to the institute. The other staff on duty had already finished eating and the canteen was empty. Only Lao Ye was left helping clear the table while chatting with Sister Jiang.

"Chief Wang, Xiao Li, I've saved the food for you. I'll go and heat it up for you."

"Thank you."

Ye Xingguo also turned around and said, "Sit here later. I just cleaned this table."

Wang Wei took off his equipment, turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll wash my hands first."

Li Yijun helped put the master's equipment aside and asked with a smile: "Chief Ye, what were you talking about with Aunt Jiang just now? You were so happy talking."

Among all the disciples I have led, the one I am leading now is definitely a living treasure.

Wang Wei was about to ask him why he had so many things and why he was so lenient when Ye Xingguo smiled and said:

"We are talking about Han Xin. Lao Jiang plans to introduce her grandniece to Han Xin."

This was the name Wang Wei didn't want to hear the most, so he simply pretended not to hear anything and continued to wash his hands.

Li Yijun was very excited, scratching his chin like a monkey and asked: "How many nieces and nephews does Aunt Jiang have?"

"On a."

Ye Xingguo walked to the second round table, turned back and said with a smile: "That girl's name is Jiang Yue. She is an intern in our institute this summer. You should have seen her."

"Is there any mistake?"

"Is there anything wrong?"

"Didn't Aunt Jiang say she wanted to introduce Jiang Yue to me? Why did she plan to introduce her to Han Xin?"

Today's newcomers are different from the newcomers in the past. Each one has more personality than the last one, and each one is more difficult to manage than the last one.

Ye Xingguo felt that it was necessary to let him know how realistic this society was, so he simply sat down and said:

"I planned to introduce Jiang Yue to you before because there was no one better and more suitable for the time being. Now that there is someone better and more suitable, why should I introduce it to you again."

"Is Han Xin better or more suitable than me?"

"Of course."

"Why is he better and more suitable than me? Is he as tall as me? Is he as handsome as me? He didn't even go to college!"

Ye Xingguo reached for the tea cup, took it over and unscrewed the lid and took a sip. He asked with a half-smile: "Han Xin has two apartments, and they are in the center of the city. Do you have one?"

Li Yijun asked with a grimace: "Compared to this?"

"This is an important condition and it must be better than that."

Ye Xingguo smiled and continued: "In other people's eyes, Han Xin's parents are divorced and the family situation is relatively complicated. But from another perspective, there is no need to support his parents and there is no family burden. When a girl marries him, she doesn't have to worry about difficulties in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

"Nowadays, they are all only children, and the girl's parents like this. If this happens, it will be like finding a son-in-law who cuts in the door."

"I'll go, this will become an advantage!"

"Not only this advantage, but in terms of advantages, Han Xin has many advantages."

Li Yijun asked unconvinced: "What other advantages does he have?"

Ye Xingguo put down the tea cup and said slowly: "He is from Laolinghai Village. He used to be in a village group with Jiang Yue's family. Jiang Yue's parents watched him grow up. This is called knowing the roots."

"He got his salary earlier than you and has been working as a police officer longer than you. Although he never went to college, he has a bachelor's degree. So in terms of income, you can't compare with him."

Li Yijun didn't really like the girl who was attending the police academy, but he just felt that his self-esteem was greatly hurt.

Thinking that his "cousin" was not really a love rival, and that his target was not Jiang Yue but his cousin, he felt that it was nothing.

"Chief Inspector Ye, it seems that he does have an advantage over me. It is more appropriate to introduce Jiang Yue to him than to me. In fact, I can also help with the introduction."

Lao Ye didn't expect that he wasn't angry at all, and asked in confusion: "Are you giving up now?"

"What does giving up mean? This is the beauty of being a gentleman."

At the same time, Han Xin and his party had driven more than 300 kilometers and safely arrived in Xiyang County under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou-Zhejiang City.

Just after checking in at the hotel, and about to go to the restaurant that Lan Doudou found on Dianping, her plan was disrupted by a phone call.

"Come in, don't stand outside."

Lan Doudou called the two of them into the room, and while holding up her mobile phone to signal Fan Ziyu to close the door, she hurriedly found paper and pen to record.

"Okay, we just arrived, okay, we will go directly there early tomorrow morning, oh oh oh, so fast, so good..."

Fan Ziyu subconsciously asked: "Have you contacted the public security bureau here?"

Lan Doudou put down her mobile phone and picked up the number she just recorded: "The contact has been made. The city bureau's anti-drug detachment helped us contact him. Team Zhang asked us to go directly to Miao Da from the anti-drug brigade of the Xiyang County Public Security Bureau tomorrow. This is Miao Da. mobile phone number."

After sitting in the car for a long time, Han Xin was a little tired, so she turned around and said, "What are you waiting for? Go and eat quickly. After eating, take a rest early so that you can start work tomorrow."

"Why are you so anxious about eating? Captain Zhang also said that the ingredients and content of the detoxification drugs have been detected."

"What are the ingredients and how much is the content?"

"It's just diphenoxylate, but it's adulterated compound diphenoxylate tablets. Those capsules are almost all starch, and the content of diphenoxylate is very small, with an average content of only about 3.5 mg per capsule."

Han Xin pondered: "The content of compound diphenoxylate tablets is 25 milligrams. So the drug manufacturing factory mixes one compound diphenoxylate tablet into seven and sells them at such a high price."

Fan Ziyu asked curiously: "How much does a bottle of compound diphenoxylate tablets cost?"

"Three or four yuan, very cheap."

"A bottle of medicine that costs three or four yuan, mixed with some starch and sold for one or two thousand, is a huge profit. It is more profitable than selling heroin or methamphetamine!"

Fan Ziyu couldn't believe this was true and subconsciously looked at Lan Doudou.

Lan Doudou shrugged: "I didn't expect that what we wanted to arrest was not just a drug dealer, but also a big liar with no professional ethics."

"What's so strange about this? Drug dealers are selling flour as white powder."

Han Xin stretched, yawned and said: "I guess the suspect doesn't want to adulterate. After all, adulteration not only does not save costs but also causes trouble. Just because compound diphenoxylate tablets are controlled drugs, it is difficult to purchase in large quantities. It can only be adulterated.”

Lan Doudou nodded: "It's possible."

Fan Ziyu said: "The key is so expensive, apart from Chen Meiqin and Chen Meiqin's friend, will anyone buy it?"

"You can tell just by looking at the packaging. They are taking a high-end route and are specifically selling it to drug addicts whose families have money."

Han Xin touched the corner of his mouth and continued: "And there is no unified price for this thing. The suspect can just follow the market."

Thinking of something Captain Zhang mentioned on the phone just now, Lan Doudou suddenly said:

"The question now is how the adulterated diphenoxylate we have seized and will soon seize will be counted in court."

"Blue team, how many grams are you talking about as the basis for conviction and sentencing?"

"Well, Captain Zhang said he is asking the legal system about this."

Han Xin did not expect that the squadron leader would be busy with this in his hometown, and couldn't help laughing: "I remember when tramadol was seized in the past, it seemed to be converted at a ratio of 10,000 to one, which is 10,000 grams of tramadol, which is equivalent to one gram of methamphetamine. "

"It can still be calculated like this!"

Fan Ziyu heard this for the first time and looked incredulous.

"Okay, otherwise how can we calculate it?"

"What about the two boxes we've already seized?"

"If we follow that conversion ratio, two boxes of 200 bottles, one bottle of 100 pills, each pill is about 0.5 grams, which adds up to about 10,000 grams, which is equivalent to one gram of methamphetamine."

"But the suspect is adulterated."

"As long as it contains drugs, even if it is adulterated, it is still drug trafficking. As for the drug content and purity, it can only be considered as a sentencing factor."

"So what we are investigating is a real drug case!"

"Who told you it was a fake drug case?"

"I...I thought there was nothing wrong with it."

The more Fan Ziyu thought about it, the more excited he became. He felt that the trip was worthwhile, and grinned: "Brother Han, from now on, whatever you say will be whatever you say, and I will hit wherever you point!"

"It's only equivalent to one gram of methamphetamine, but I'm so excited. Go down and eat quickly. Old Tang and Xiaotian are probably waiting impatiently downstairs."

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