Veteran new police officer

Chapter 3 Border Defense Transformation

"Crashing" with colleagues has happened many times before in the old army.

Once, I took a drug dealer to deliver goods. Not only did the local police control five people who were taking another drug dealer to pick up the goods, but one of them was even injured. The political commissar of the detachment had no choice but to apologize to them.

As for what happened tonight, the responsibility does lie with you. After all, if you don't take action, the urban management coordinator will definitely not be injured.

Because of this, Han Xin is very talkative. After confirming that the urban management officer only had a minor ligament strain, he happily agreed to bear the medical expenses.

This made Wang Wei very embarrassed. After all, if it hadn't been for the sneaky following of the old man, the next thing would not have happened. Naturally, I couldn't talk about the remaining nutritional expenses and lost work expenses, so I could only go out and call Lao Hu who was lying in the hospital.

It was almost dawn, and the agency promised to arrange a car delivery later.

Han Xin was too lazy to go back and forth. She wanted to sleep on a chair and wait until dawn to take the car directly to the city bureau to report.

Unexpectedly, two auxiliary police officers who had served in the military showed great interest in him, a soldier, becoming a formal police officer.

"Reforming from the organic system to subordinate status, does that mean that all of you soldiers from the border defense force will retire collectively and all will be converted into official civilian police?"

"It's not that simple."

"How did it turn?"

"You have to take the recruitment exam, and you can only be recruited if you meet the score, so we are also called police recruiters."

"Have you passed the exam?" the tall auxiliary policeman asked, holding a tea cup.

"Took the test."

"Is it difficult?"

Just as Han Xin was about to speak, the short auxiliary police officer said enviously: "This kind of exam is just a formality. Even if it takes the exam, it's not as difficult as the civil servant exam."

They are also soldiers, but they can only serve as auxiliary police when they come back. Their mood is understandable.

Han Xin didn't want to explain, so she simply remained silent.

The tall auxiliary police officer asked again: "What is your education level?"


"You went to college, you are a college soldier!"

"I didn't go to college."

"Didn't you say you have a bachelor's degree?"

"I took the self-study exam in the army. I took the junior college exam first and then the undergraduate exam."

"What major did you study for yourself?"

"Chinese Language and Literature."

It turns out to be the legendary profession known as certificate delivery!

He was exempted from taking the math test, but chose to take the English test. There were few test subjects, and the requirements for cultural courses were not high... Li Yijun, who was sitting next to him with him, couldn't help laughing while listening.

Han Xin was very unhappy and embarrassed to be laughed at by a rookie because his academic qualifications were not strong enough. Just as he was regretting not studying hard back then, the short auxiliary police officer asked again: "What should we do with those soldiers who failed to pass the exam? Should they be discharged directly?"

"If you can't pass the Administrative Editor exam, you can still be a Business Officer. If you can't even pass the Business Officer exam, you can still be a Work and Service Officer. Of course, you can also choose to retire."

"Not many people fail to pass the administrative editor exam."

"Not many. Anyway, most of the comrades in our unit have passed the exam."

Han Xin picked up the paper cup and took a sip of water, and added: "The test score is one thing. If you perform well, you will get extra points if you have made meritorious deeds and received awards. As long as you are not too stupid and your education level is not particularly low, you can pass the exam."

"So the people who drive, cook, and raise pigs in your army have all become official police officers and civil servants!"

The short auxiliary police officer looked envious, jealous and hateful, and Han Xin could understand his feelings.

After all, this transformation can be said to be the only opportunity the country has opened for soldiers with low academic qualifications to become cadres in the past two decades. I’m really lucky to have caught up, and it still feels like a dream until this moment.

As we chatted, it was already six o'clock before we knew it.

Wang Wei ran in and asked them to go to the cafeteria to eat together. Seeing how little he wore, he quickly asked Li Yijun to go upstairs and get a down jacket.

Linghai was originally a suburban county of Binjiang City. Due to its good economic development, it was upgraded to a county-level city five years ago.

Three years ago, because Binjiang wanted to become a large city, it was transformed into Linghai District, and the Linghai Municipal Public Security Bureau also became the Linghai Branch of the Binjiang Municipal Public Security Bureau.

It is more than thirty kilometers from the Chengnan Police Station to the Municipal Bureau, which is not too far.

However, there are many cars, people, and traffic lights in the urban area, so it is impossible to drive fast. Moreover, I am going to report for work. I would rather go to the city bureau and wait for the leader than let the leader wait...

Han Xin thanked Li Cainiao, put on Li Cainiao's down jacket, carried her luggage and followed Li Cainiao to a brand new Volkswagen sedan.

"Brother Han, it's so cold outside, so I told you to wear more clothes. Don't move, I'll help you zip up!"

"Brother Han, I didn't expect that my down jacket would fit you very well."

"Brother Han, you still have a lot of face. My master just bought this car. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a chance to touch the steering wheel."

"Brother Han, get in the car. If you don't leave, there will be traffic jams in the city."

It turns out that he is not only a rookie, but also a talkative one.

Han Xin grabbed the car key, walked around the front of the car, opened the door and got into the cab, closed the door and adjusted the seat. Li Yijun became anxious and chased after him, slapping the car window.

"Brother Han, what are you doing? This is not my car, this is my master's car!"

"Step aside."

"Brother Han, I know you can't be entirely blamed for what happened at night. It's a bit... a bit unfair to ask you to pay for the medical expenses. But you can't do this. If you drive away, how will I explain to my master? Brother Han , this is the police station, even if you are traveling with me, you cannot snatch a car at the police station!"

Han Xin was annoyed, pressed down the window and pointed at the rearview mirror: "What are you yelling about? Look in the mirror and look at your eyes. Can you drive like this?"

Li Yijun realized that he was confused: "Brother Han, you mean you drive?"

"I can't get in the car. If I don't get in the car, I'm leaving."

"Here we are, thank you, Brother Han." Li Yijun ran over and opened the door, got into the passenger seat, and carefully asked: "Brother Han, do you have a driver's license?"

Han Xin didn't answer his question. She looked at the rearview mirrors on the left and right sides, lightly applied the brakes, started the engine, and skillfully drove the car out of the parking space.

When I went upstairs to get my down jacket, the master made it very clear that if this soldier could be transferred back from such a far away place and report directly to the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau, he must have connections and background, and he must not be offended.

And the hospital asked people to pay more than a thousand for medical expenses. Li Yijun felt that it was necessary to find something to talk about, make friends, and deepen the relationship.

"Brother Han, have you ever been to the city bureau? Do you know the way?"

"Guide the way!"

"Drive straight ahead and turn left at the fourth traffic light... Brother Han, are you thirsty? I'll look for it. There should be water in the car."

"Brother Han, don't drive so fast! The speed limit on this road is 60. This is my master's car. If you are caught speeding, you will be in trouble."

"Brother Han, please say something. You are always so silent, which makes me feel scared."

Han Xin was completely convinced and asked in a low voice: "What did you say?"

Li Yijun thought that he would just open his mouth and asked curiously: "Brother Han, did you work at a border inspection station before? Did you specialize in checking people, cars, and drugs?"

Han Xin didn't want to answer this question and turned into a cold and overbearing policeman again.

Li Yijun was outgoing and didn't feel too embarrassed. He murmured to himself: "That's the one who handles entry and exit. They specialize in checking the passports and visas of exit and entry personnel. If there are no problems, they will slap a stamp on the passport and let them go!"

He was such a rookie. He couldn't even tell the difference between border inspection and border inspection. Han Xin felt it was necessary to educate him on common sense: "That's border inspection. Border inspection and border defense are different. They are completely different things."

"Border inspection and border defense are the same thing?" Li Yijun was really curious this time.

Han Xin held the steering wheel and explained: "Border defense is a big concept, not only our border armed police, but also the army's border defense regiment. Specifically, our border armed police are divided into checkpoints and detachments."

"The checkpoint and the detachment are not the same unit?"

"The detachment is responsible for the management of border areas. It is a bit like a local public security bureau. It has its own jurisdiction. There are brigades under the detachment. Each brigade manages several border police stations. Population management, social security, anti-terrorism and stability maintenance, drug control and smuggling, gun control and explosive control , anti-smuggling... everything the local police are in charge of, the detachment is in charge of."

Han Xin paused and continued: "The checkpoint is the border inspection you just mentioned. It is responsible for the inspection of people, items, documents and procedures at ports, including airports, docks and land crossings."

"It turns out there are two units. I really didn't know."

"One is responsible for lines and surfaces, and the other is responsible for points. They are originally two units."

Han Xin thought for a while and added: "Actually, the detachment also has checkpoints, but they are not called entry-exit border inspection stations, but border inspection stations."

Li Yijun asked: "What about the newly established immigration police?"

"After the transformation, both the checkpoint and the detachment were under the control of the Immigration Bureau. Now they are both considered immigration police, but they are still two different things as before. I heard that the detachment will be merged with the local police next, but I don't know when."

"Then what did you do before? Was it at the checkpoint or in the detachment?"

Han Xin looked back at him...

"I know, keep it secret, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask, and don't pry about things you shouldn't pry about. I understand." Li Yijun hit a soft nail and thought to himself that he knew how to play tricks on others.

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