Veteran new police officer

Chapter 28 Independent Investigation

It took Zhang Yuhang half an hour to get to the work from his hometown in the countryside.

The questions that should be asked have been finished. Li Chongzheng, Liu Haipeng, Han Xin, as well as You Yaoxing, Chen Kunjun and Fan Ziyu who are on duty tonight are sitting around in the conference room on the second floor waiting for him.

"Li Da, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

"Are you sorry? Sit down quickly."

"Where's Doudou? Where did Doudou go?"

"Doudou is comforting Tang Xiaoyu's mother Chen Meiqin downstairs."

Li Chongzheng smiled, picked up a bottle of medicine, looked around at everyone and said, "Everyone is here. Let's officially start. Let's summarize the situation first. Yaoxing, you go first."

"Okay, I'll go first."

You Yaoxing, deputy captain of the Serious Crime Squadron, opened the transcript and said: "Tang Xiaoyu, male, 22 years old, from Daguan Town, Linjiang District, Hangzhou-Zhejiang City. His father Tang Xingtao may not be familiar to you, but his mother Chen Meiqin should be familiar to you. I heard that he is the chairman of our Binjiang Tianhong New Materials Co., Ltd...."

"Because of the very good family conditions, he was sent to the United States to study in the United States after graduating from junior high school. He said that he got into drugs four years ago out of curiosity and was beguiled by some classmates."

"It started with smoking marijuana, and then progressed to smoking methamphetamine. When Chen Meiqin found out, she immediately asked him to return to China and took the initiative to send him to the police station in his hometown."

"While ordered by the Linjiang District Public Security Bureau to detoxify in the community for three years, he was also sent to a detoxification institution to detoxify at his own expense. His father, Tang Xingtao, has done nothing else in the past two years and has dedicated himself to accompanying him, encouraging him, and watching over him."

"Although she did everything she could, the effect was not very good. Chen Meiqin decided to change his environment, so she rushed back and brought him to live in our Linghai..."

You Yao

"It wasn't until March last year that Chen Meiqin, through the introduction of a friend, bought a pure Chinese medicine preparation for detoxification, which is the bottle in Li Da's hand."

"After he bought it, he took it whenever he felt uncomfortable. He gradually started taking a few pills at a time to dozens of pills at a time, until Han Xin detected that the medicine probably contained diphenoxylate..."

Diphenoxylate is an antidiarrheal drug that is very effective in treating acute and chronic enteritis.

However, controlled drugs like diphenoxylate have dual attributes. Regardless of whether they are circulated through legal sales channels or illegal sales channels, as long as they are used normally by patients to exert therapeutic effects, they are drugs.

If it is out of control and abused by drug addicts, it is a drug!

And if you eat too much, you will become addicted and do great harm to your body.

Zhang Yuhang calmed down and murmured: "Chen Meiqin is such a successful strong woman. Doesn't she know that there is no so-called drug treatment in this world? What would she do to detoxify if there was one?"

Forensic doctor Lao Chen smiled bitterly and said: "I talked to her, she didn't understand, and she was so sick that she sought medical treatment, otherwise she wouldn't have been fooled."

"So Tang Xiaoyu has become dependent on this so-called detoxification drug."

"Not only has he become dependent, but he has also taken so much that it has caused a lot of damage to his body. Just go to the interrogation room and see what he is like now."

Old Chen shook his head and sighed softly: "Chen Meiqin knew that she had done something wrong with good intentions, and she regretted it so much that she was crying down there, otherwise we wouldn't have let Doudou go down to comfort her."

"Do you know where you bought this medicine?"

"She was introduced by a friend and added a woman named Zheng Shuhua on WeChat. After negotiating the price, she transferred the money via WeChat and the other party shipped the goods by express delivery."

"It sounds like a pure traditional Chinese medicine preparation, but in fact it doesn't even have the status of a national medicine, and it's not cheap. Such a small bottle costs 260."

"Where did this bottle come from?" Liu Yuhang asked curiously.

"Chen Meiqin took the initiative to show it to us."

Lao Chen looked at the transcript in his hand and added: "She wanted to take her son from her hometown years ago, so she bought two boxes in advance, one box of 100 bottles and one bottle of 260 yuan. The total cost for the two boxes Fifty-two thousand yuan.”

"Where's the medicine?"

"The medicine is in her company, she didn't buy a house in the city, and all her food, housing and living are in the company."

"How many did you buy before?"

"Chen Meiqin said that she had bought it twice before. The first time she only bought ten bottles. Her husband said that Tang Xiaoyu had some effects after taking it, so she bought fifty bottles the second time. This bottle is the same as the fifty bottles she bought the second time. The last bottle of it.”

This case is neither simple nor complex.

After summarizing the situation, Li Chongzheng, deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, decided to test the newcomers who had high hopes for Zhang Yuhang and Liu Haipeng:

"Xiao Han, you discovered the clues. You have the most say. You can tell me how to investigate next."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "I said?"

"You are responsible for investigating drug cases. If you don't say anything, who will?"

Zhang Yuhang hopes more than anyone else to make a comeback, but he doesn't want the case to be taken away by the Crime Squadron.

Although only one ex-smoker was found who had relapsed unintentionally, and the relapse was not heroin, methamphetamine, K powder and other drugs, Han Xin finally found some feeling and even a little excitement.

Seeing everyone looking over at the same time, he gently put down the pen and paper: "I think we should organize people and divide them into two groups for a two-pronged approach. One group is responsible for collecting and fixing existing evidence and detecting the ingredients contained in the drugs as soon as possible, especially the ingredients of controlled drugs. content.”

"At the same time, we must comfort Tang Xiaoyu and Tang Xiaoyu's mother Chen Meiqin, and ensure that the news that we have launched an investigation on this matter will not be leaked. They may even need further cooperation in the future."

As soon as you hear it, you will know that you know what you are doing.

Forensic doctor Chen smiled and said: "Leave the testing to us. Xu Wenjing happens to be on duty tomorrow, and the results will be available at noon tomorrow at the latest."

Liu Haipeng pondered: "It is also necessary to comfort her. Chen Meiqin was very regretful and angry after knowing the truth. It is hard to say whether she will go to that friend, especially Zheng Shuhua, who sold her the medicine."

Li Chongzheng was deeply convinced and knocked on the table to signal Han Xin to continue.

"The second team rushed to Hangzhou and Zhejiang based on the express information to investigate Zheng Shuhua's true identity and whereabouts, to find out what role she played in this criminal network that sells controlled drugs, and to decide whether to arrest her based on the information at hand, and then follow the clues and go to Hit it up and hit the source.”

Han Xin paused for a moment, then continued: "Considering that this is a case handled in a different place, superiors will definitely be needed to help with coordination. In addition, this case has features such as online contacts and online transfers and remittances. If you want to solve the case quickly, you may also need Internet police and managers. Detective’s assistance.”

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he opens his mouth.

Li Chongzheng nodded slightly and asked sideways, "Yuhang, what do you think?"

Zhang Yuhang was very grateful for the previous decision to let Han Xin be responsible for the investigation of the case. He said without hesitation: "Xiao Han has considered it very comprehensively. I have nothing to add."

Finally having the opportunity to investigate the case independently, Liu Haipeng didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he struck while the iron was hot and said:

"If you don't have enough manpower, you can apply to be transferred from brother units. If you need assistance from cyber police and economic investigation, you can apply to the bureau. You don't have to worry about logistical support such as funding. Although what is seized is controlled drugs, it is still a drug crime."

The Fourth Squadron is so awesome that they actually plan to investigate independently!

You Yaoxing felt a little unbelievable and subconsciously looked at the deputy captain.

This case may not be a big one, but if one digs deeper, it may not be a small one. Li Chongzheng doesn't think the Fourth Squadron can handle it.

It can be thought that the situation of the Fourth Squadron is quite special. They are directly responsible to the deputy director of criminal investigation who is also the deputy director of the Narcotics Control Office, and even directly to the director who is also the director of the Narcotics Control Office. They felt that it was not appropriate to intervene like this, so they simply laughed:

"Soldiers are very quick, please report to Director Chen immediately."

"Okay, I'll call Director Chen right now."

Han Xin raised his head and asked, "Li Da and Captain Zhang, please arrange for two people to go back with Chen Meiqin and bring back the two boxes of medicine."

"Yes, yes, yes, I almost forgot about the real thing. Old Liu, how about you and Doudou go?"

"No problem, I'll go down and find Doudou."

Seeing that the instructor was so anxious, Han Xin quickly reminded: "Liu Zhi, don't forget to bring the law enforcement recorder."

Liu Haipeng was stunned and chuckled, "I'll go up and get it right now."

The leader was not as professional as his subordinates. Li Chongzheng couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he simply turned around and asked:

"Xiao Han, what should I do about Tang Xiaoyu? Will Yan Wei from the traffic police team take him back?"

"Not only is he suspected of driving without a license, he is also inadvertently suspected of drug driving. If Yan Wei is taken back, he will definitely be subject to administrative detention. But if he is really sent to a detention center, it will not be conducive to our subsequent case investigation. "

"But if you just let him go back, how can you explain it to the traffic police brigade? Moreover, it is not in line with the case handling procedures."

"Special circumstances will be treated specially. After all, he and his mother will cooperate with our investigation. I think the superiors will agree to handle special cases."

"Xiao Han is right, maybe he will perform meritorious service in the future."

Zhang Yuhang thought about it and said: "The worst case is that we can wait until the case is settled before sending him to a detention center."

"Okay, since it's your squadron's case, I won't ask any more questions."

"Li Da, what are you talking about? You are in charge of our squadron and you are our direct superior."

"I'm also in charge of the technical squadron, but do I understand the work Lao Chen does?"

Li Chongzheng smiled and stood up to say hello: "Old Chen, Yaoxing, Xiao Fan, let's go back and continue cracking eggs. How many did we hit just now?"

Lao Chen laughed and said: "We hit 6."

"Yao Xing, how far have you hit?"

"We've hit old K."

"Are you mistaken? How did you two guys rise so quickly! Lao Chen, let's go, let's go, we have to work hard, but we can't be beaten down by them."

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