Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 41 [Big brother? 】

41 big brother?

"Hey, that's fine, I said little beauty, what are you doing standing here stupidly? Could it be that you want to stay and wait for the next group of hooligans to arrive?" I said to the girl who was dumbfounded.

"I—that, thank you just now." The little beauty was relieved when I called out.

"Oh, I'm actually a hooligan too, I just changed my mind temporarily." I said.

"Hehe, I know you are a good person." The little beauty looked at me gratefully.

When I met her eyes, I immediately trembled and looked elsewhere. The eyes of this little beauty are really seductive, just looking at my lower body like this, I immediately reacted, no wonder so many people wanted to rape her.

"Why are you running around so late? Don't you know that there are a lot of bad guys these days?" I taught her a lesson. I don't know what her parents are doing, anyway, if I have such a flowery daughter, I would never dare to let her come out in the middle of the night alone, but where can I go for a stroll.

"I——It was my first time to travel far, and I got lost as soon as I got out of the car." The little beauty said shyly.

"Oh, that's it. Then tell me your family's phone number, and I'll help you contact them." Ganqing is a tourist from out of town, so let me show off my image as a good citizen of Xinjiang City.

"I—I don't have a home!" the little beauty bit her lips and said stubbornly.

"No home? Are you an orphan?" I asked strangely. I really don't believe that this little beauty can survive to this day alone, and was raped and then killed by a pervert not long ago.

"My parents don't want me anymore!" The little beauty's voice choked up when she said this.

Why! I sigh. It turned out to be a child abandoned by his parents. I really don't know what his parents thought. Even if this kind of top-quality daughter is sold to remote mountainous areas, it will be expensive! No, what? How can I think so, I am a good citizen.

So I said, "Little sister, what do you plan to do in the future? How about I take you to the Public Security Bureau?"

It seems that this little beauty is older than me, but no matter, who made me the hero who saved the beauty. I can't always say to her: big sister, •;#¥%...—*. How embarrassing that is. Besides, I am so handsome and tall, as long as I don't say anything, who would know that I am 16 years old?

"Big brother (as expected, the trick was successful), don't send me to the Public Security Bureau, so they will have to send me back to my parents!" The little beauty said coquettishly, pulling my sleeve.

Hey, I can't stand it. This voice is simply that of a little vixen. But from what she said, it doesn't seem that her parents don't want her, right?

"Actually, I actually ran away from home!" The little beauty saw my doubts and finally told the truth.

"Hey, I said little sister. This is your fault. Think about it, how worried are your parents when you run away from home like this? Let's listen to the elder brother and let's go to the Public Security Bureau!" If the beautiful little flower is not sent back to the greenhouse as soon as possible, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen.

"Please, big brother. Don't send me back! I don't want to go back to that home! Mom and Dad don't love me at all, they just care about socializing with themselves every day, and don't care about my affairs at all. They—— anyway, I I don’t want to go back! Big brother, I’ve had enough!” The little beauty’s eyes became moist as she spoke. Tears were crackling and falling down out of control.

I hastily rummaged through my pocket for a long time and took out a handkerchief, and gently wiped away the tears on her face. Why. This was given to me by Zhao Yanyan, I actually used it to wipe another girl's tears.

"Okay, okay, don't cry now. I won't send you to the police station!" I comforted the little beauty, never expecting her to have so many things on her mind at such a young age. Did I also have a rebellious mentality when I was her age?

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"Really?" the little beauty asked happily.

"Of course it's true. Big Brother never lies." I said sanctimoniously. I thought to myself, what I am best at is deceiving people.

"Big brother is so kind!" The little beauty burst into laughter immediately after hearing this. Turning around suddenly, the small mouth gently kissed me on the face.

My first reaction was, no! What is wrong with this? My poor face must be covered with snot and tears at this time!

"Okay, I promise you that I won't send you to the police station. You can leave. I'm going home." It was almost ten o'clock after such a toss, and I thought my mother would leave violently if I didn't go back.

"Ah? Big brother, you just left me here?" The little beauty pouted and said.

"Then what's the matter? I sent you to the Public Security Bureau and you didn't go!" I had to leave quickly, and if I didn't go back, my mother would go to the Public Security Bureau.

"Then what should I do if I meet a bad guy again?" The little beauty looked at me helplessly with blurred eyes.

"!•;#¥%...—*" I couldn't take it anymore, so I did this trick again. Seeing her like this, I reacted again below.

"Then what do you want to do?" I said helplessly.

"I want to follow Big Brother, so that Big Brother can protect me!" The little beauty blinked her eyes as if her plan had succeeded.

God! Sure enough, she had a premeditated plan, and after going around for a long time, she finally got me in. I am naturally happy to bring her home. Such a little beauty, wouldn't it be great to be with her. But what about my parents? Is it possible to tell them that I picked this man on the road?

The little girl saw that my face was cloudy and I looked very embarrassed, so she said pitifully: "Big brother, if it's difficult, forget it, let me fend for myself in this wilderness."

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My god, although I know that this little beauty is talking nonsense here, what a wilderness, this is an urban area! Still fend for itself? Self-destruction is possible, why don't you give birth to one and show me? But I still couldn't help feeling pity in my heart, I sighed and said: "Okay, I'll take you back. But we agreed, just for this night, after tonight, I will help you find another place to live. "

The little beauty cheered and kissed me again. Why is she so willing to kiss others? Hasn't she learned whether a man and a woman can kiss or not?

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