Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 28 [Who is the beauty? 】

28 Who is the beauty?

The rules of the typing competition are very simple, as long as you tap the keyboard against the English letters on the display screen, whoever hits the most within the specified time will get the higher score.

This is simply a piece of cake for me, and the input speed of more than 800 letters per minute in my previous life is not covered. When I participated in the competition, I still retained half of my strength.

The results came out soon after the competition, and they were all calculated by the computer. I was the first with an average of 402 letters per minute, and Zhao Yanyan was sixth with an average of 171, a breakthrough from her previous speed. Xu Ruoyun's grades are not bad, third, 201. In fact, the results from the second place to the sixth place were almost the same, only I got a horrible result that made everyone stunned.

Old man Xu was so excited that his eyes lit up with gold, and his face was full of colors. Xu Ruoyun didn't look at me with a slightly better look until now.

Zhao Yanyan didn't feel at all that she won the sixth place. Instead, she was very interested in my first place, and kept asking old man Xu if there was a reward for the first place. Old man Xu shook his head to express that he didn't know either.

The programming competition on the second day seemed to me to be extremely chaotic, with chaotic competition rules, chaotic questions, and even a messy scoring standard, but it was precisely because of this mess that my work accidentally won the first place.

The thing is this, the title of the competition is to write a demonstration program, what it demonstrates can be a piece of text, it can be a picture, in short, it is to arrange a thing with a dot matrix.

The competition was doomed to chaos when the competition judges announced that there was no limit to the language used. Graphical text is relatively easy if you are proficient in the language, but other languages ​​​​are relatively complicated. I really don't know what the person who made the question thought, but he can't be blamed. After all, computers in country Z are not popular yet, and there are not many people who know how to do it. If the rules of the competition are too strict, the competition will not be able to compete.

I chose assembly language. Although this is an extremely difficult language, I used this language to write the same code no less than a hundred times in my previous life when I was in college. After this code is compiled, it will be a picture of Zhao Yanyan in her mature period. And this code is still fresh in my memory.

I didn't have to think at all, and quickly typed the code in my memory on the keyboard, all in one go. When the mature and beautiful Zhao Yanyan appeared on my computer screen, it took me less than ten minutes. And the game time is one morning.

When I was in college, I once regarded Zhao Yanyan as the goddess in my heart, so this picture is a perfect interpretation after my deliberation. Under the sunset, Zhao Yanyan, wearing a small white windbreaker, stands at the gate of Qinghua Garden. The details are accurately interpreted.

I copied the written code and compiled files to a floppy disk,

Write down the number and name and give it to the judges.

"Finished?" The judges looked at me in surprise.

"Yes." I nodded and walked out of the arena.

When I went out, I saw Xu Ruoyun's eyes full of surprise, but to be honest, I am only interested in Zhao Yanyan for a girl of this age, and I really don't have an appetite for others. Although Zhao Yanyan is only sixteen years old, I have an indescribable affection for her, and later I thought maybe it was because I had mixed adult feelings in it.

At the awards ceremony in the afternoon, my program was undisputedly selected as the first prize. Although Xu Ruoyun, who won the second place, also demonstrated a picture, hers was black and white. Look, hers is a lot rougher. The rest of the works are very simple, often a logo or a small item, and some are just a few words.

After Zhao Yanyan saw my work, she was unhappy, and twisted my thigh with her little hand: "This painting is so familiar! Tell me, who is this beauty? What does she have to do with you!"

I'm dizzy, I didn't expect Zhao Yanyan to ask me this, how can I explain this! But Zhao Yanyan insisted on asking me to tell who that person was.

In the end, I had no choice but to make up my personal name and settle the matter. But I could tell that Zhao Yanyan didn't believe it at all, and kept looking at the painting with suspicious eyes.

In this competition, I won two first prizes by myself, and the old man Xu, who was my mentor, was full of glory when he took the stage with me to accept the prizes.

In the end, I got nothing but two certificates. I have long lost interest in this kind of fooling children. Old man Xu tirelessly asked me to take a photo with him holding the certificate. I know that if there is no accident, these photos will be hung in the hall of the Children's Palace as capital and advertisement for enrollment.

The copy of the program I wrote was taken away by Zhao Yanyan after the competition. I asked her why, but she told me that she wanted to save it.

I was sweating madly, from my test papers to the bed sheets in the hotel to today's copy of the program, does this girl have a collection spleen?

That night we took the train back to Xinjiang. On the way, Xu Ruoyun's attitude towards me was much better than before, and the attitude towards Zhao Yanyan made me feel incredible. Along the way, the two little girls muttered to each other without knowing what they were talking about, and even burst out laughing from time to time. I really don't understand what women are thinking.

Seeing that his granddaughter was much more cheerful, old man Xu was so happy from ear to ear. The only person who suffered was me, Zhao Yanyan left me aside. I had no choice but to chat with Mr. Xu. What annoyed me the most was that Mr. Xu always asked me where I had learned computer before, and I just evaded them one by one.

But this old man just doesn’t have a good eye. I’ve been so perfunctory and he kept asking, so I can only change the subject: “By the way, Mr. Xu, I’ve written a small program and want to sell it to software. Company, do you have any connections?"

"You wrote a piece of software? What about it?" Old man Xu didn't believe that I could write software that could be sold for money.

"Well, it is a Chinese input method plugged into WPS, which is easier to use than the built-in input method. I believe that if it is promoted properly, its popularity rate will exceed Wubi." I said confidently.

Hand-typed novels, hand-typed novels, written novels,

"Ah!" Old man Xu said in surprise, he knew this input method, and it is not something that ordinary people can write, including himself.

"Can I take a look?" Old man Xu asked excitedly. If I have any achievements, he, the teacher, will have the capital to show off.

"Okay, wait until you go back, it's in the computer of the Children's Palace." I said.

"If the input method is really as good as you said, I have contacts with several software companies in this city and Beijing, and I can recommend them for you." Old man Xu said.

"Thank you then!" I said politely.

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"I'm your teacher, why are you being polite to me!" Old man Xu said with a smile.

I thought to myself, although the old man Xu has never taught me anything, he is considered an old man in the computer field. With such a living resource like him, his help will definitely be indispensable for me to set foot in the computer field in the future.

So I respectfully said: "Then trouble Teacher Xu!"

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