Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel

Chapter 9 [Sanda Training]

9 Sanda training

Guo Qing's family members are probably the same as my mother, and they immediately agreed when they heard about the robbery.

On Saturday, Guo Qing and I made an appointment at the entrance of No. 4 Middle School, and then we took a car together to the Sanda class in the Children's Palace.

Guo Qing and I came to the registration office on the first floor of the Children's Palace according to the address on the leaflet. Standing everywhere are children and parents who have come to sign up. It can be described as a sea of ​​people. In my previous life, I knew that youth education was a very lucrative industry. This kind of industry blossomed everywhere after 1997, and at that time, only the Children's Palace had an exclusive monopoly in Xinjiang City.

Although I know that this industry can be described as huge profits, but I know very well that it is impossible for me to get a share of it at present. One is that I have no start-up funds, and the other is that I do not have the resources of teachers in my hands.

After finally getting me and Guo Qing, I said to the teacher at the registration office: "Teacher, we both want to apply for Sanda class!"

The teacher at the registration office glanced at both of us and asked, "Sanda is very dangerous, and you may be injured. Do your parents agree?"

We both nodded and quickly said, "I agree!"

"Oh!" The teacher who signed up gave us both a registration form and said: "Add the form and then go to the cashier to pay the audition fee first."

Guo Qing and I took the registration form, which said that the audition fee is 5 yuan. It seems that the times are really different, and you have to pay for the trial listening. I remember that in the previous life, there were a lot of advertisements for various youth specialty classes, and the trial listening was free.

I flipped through the registration form, and on the front was the personal information that needed to be filled in, that is, the name, age, and school I attended. The upper part of the back is the instructions for filling out, and the lower part is the introduction of other open courses of the Children's Palace. I simply scanned it, probably about dance bel canto and piano. Suddenly my eyes stopped on the three words, and I slapped my thigh violently. I really couldn't find any place in iron shoes, and it didn't take much effort to get it.

I asked the teacher at the registration office: "Teacher, has your computer class started yet?"

The teacher at the registration office glanced at something and said to me: "Not yet, the first class tomorrow morning, do you want to register?"

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"Well, please give me a form." I said.

I took the form and found that the terms above were similar to those of the Sanda class, except that the audition fee was doubled, which was 10 yuan. I shook my head and saw that computers were not popular at this time. In the eyes of ordinary people,

This is still a high-tech product, and it costs such a high price to learn it.

Seeing that I asked for another computer form, Guo Qing asked me in surprise, "Boss, why are you learning this?"

"Chairman Deng once said that computers should start from babies—" I remembered a famous saying I heard in my previous life.

"Cut—," Guo Qing said disdainfully, "I'm not interested in this, so I can't accompany you, boss."

I smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm just curious, maybe I won't listen after one session."

I thought to myself, it would be good if Guo Qing didn't participate, so that he would ask me about this and that when I was programming.

After paying the trial fee, Guo Qing and I found the Sanda training ground on the top floor of the Children's Palace according to the address on the registration form. There are many kinds of fitness equipment that I think are very old-fashioned. A strong man with muscles all over received us. Through the conversation, we learned that he is our Sanda coach. His surname is Zhong, and his name is Yang. He used to be the champion of the youth group in the Sanda League of Songjiang Province (our province, Xinjiang City is the provincial capital). Later, after graduating from university, he came to the Children's Palace to give lectures to students.

In my previous life, I also participated in similar leagues and won the national college student Sanda championship. I know the hardships involved. It seems that this coach Zhong Yang must also have good strength. This is very lucky for other people in the class. The saying that good teachers make good students is not groundless. But for me, it doesn't matter whether the coach is good or not. In my previous life, I have already mastered various Sanda skills. Now I come to the Children's Palace just to improve my strength. Don't tell me why you don't go to the gym. Is there a gym in 1994?

Zhong Yang and I explained the purpose of our visit, explaining that I was only here to exercise, and Zhong Yang did not object. After all, no matter whether I study or not, I still have to pay the tuition.

The morning is teaching time, Guo Qing is learning Sanda with Zhong Yang like everyone else, and I am strengthening my body training according to my own method. Others, including Guo Qing, were very strange to my behavior, but they got used to it after a long time. After all, it's none of your business, hang on high.

At noon, Guo Qing and I went to a small restaurant near the Children's Palace for dinner.

"Boss, why don't you learn? Teacher Zhong taught me well!" Guo Qing said to me after taking a bite of fried rice.

"Can't you just learn? Anyway, let's go after school every day!" I said.

"Don't fool me, boss. I'm not your father. The gate of our school is in the city center. There are often police patrols at night. Not to mention robbery, there is not even a thief." Guo Qing gave me a white look.

"Hehe, actually I just want to exercise, it doesn't matter whether I want to learn Sanda or not." I laughed.

"Hey, boss, why do I feel that you are sometimes mysterious, and you are not like people of our age at all."

I was shocked when I heard it, I *, I won't let this guy see something, right?

But Guo Qing continued: "Boss, did you drink too much royal jelly and mature prematurely?"

"I*!" I yelled, scaring me to death. "You are a precocious kid. We went to the bathroom together yesterday. I saw that you are not young!"

"Hey~ Boss, can you keep your voice down, how can you talk nonsense about this man!" Guo Qing immediately blushed.

In the afternoon, the training ground of the Children's Palace was open to the students who participated in the Sanda class for free, but most of the people left. Children in their teens are still very poor in self-awareness.

When Guo Qing and I returned to the training ground, there was no one there. Originally, Guo Qing didn't want to come back, so he planned to go to the game hall with me in the afternoon, but at my age, I don't have much interest in arcade machines, and Guo Qing is not very assertive, so he followed me when I went back to the training ground.

I continued my intensive training, while Guo Qing ran to the side and hit the sandbag without skill. I have the memory of my previous life, and I know very well what kind of training is most effective for my body. I am developing the flexibility of every muscle in my body at the fastest speed.

My training is targeted, and while it doesn't turn me into a toned body, it does have a significant effect on increasing strength and flexibility.

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