Versatile Mage

Chapter 2680: There is only one judge!

Mu Bai did not come to block this incomparable Heihe impact, and violently turned back and shouted to Zhao Manyan: "Old Zhao, block it, this black river water has a corpse effect!"

The black river water is so strong that it is extremely strong. If ordinary people get it, it will rot all over the body. The meat inside will be as rigid as the body. If you soak it in the Heihe River for a while, a good living person will immediately become The corpse in the water, choose someone to devour!

In the snowy mountains, not everyone has reached the high-order, super-order, and many of them are middle-aged young masters. Where can they resist the water of the Heihe River? Once they are involved, they will die!

Zhao Manyan’s reaction was slower than half a beat. The main reason was that he did not think that Lin Kang Mingming was targeting Mu Bai, but suddenly he started with other members of Fan Xueshan.

However, a magician who takes a defensive route, there is no emergency means.

"To deal with the flood, you must use the town's monument!"

Zhao Manyan quickly completed the Earth Star Palace, and his casting speed is very fast. It can be seen that these years have spent a lot of time on basic skills.

The Star Palace was established, and a stone with a dark brown halo appeared in front of the snow-capped mountains. The size of the monument is only equivalent to the billboards on some streets. This is a river in the Hei River, which is enough to cover the forest. Pebbles, extremely humble.

It is just such a small stone monument. The ancient turtle pattern on it seems to precipitate the power of the gods. After the black river water surges in front of the stone monument, it seems to have collided with an invisible mountain barrier and has changed direction.

It seems that a vast river just arrived at a sharp turn of the river bay. The meandering river is rapidly changing direction under some mysterious power. No matter how turbulent and how much hydraulic power is accumulated, it will not overflow into the shore.

"Good monument, how to do it??" Bai Hongfei asked in surprise.

"The people who bend the road know the car, but with the help of a little soil centrifugal force." Zhao Manyan put on a very knowledgeable look.

Zhao Manyan changed the Heihe River, and the Heihe River itself was reversed. From the bottom up, he rushed to Fan Xueshan. Zhao Manyan repaired a river that he returned to. The raging Heihe River flew directly toward the army in the north of the city.

When the Northern Army Corps saw the Heihe River in the mountains, the beasts went down the mountain, and they were scared to withdraw.

The head of the city, Lin Kang, looked blue and turned and said: "What are you afraid of, that is my spell, and it is not a match for me!"

As he said, Lin Kang took the iron ink pen and saw that the thick ink clouds in the sky gathered into a funnel shape, which was sucked into the tip of Lin Kang's iron ink pen.

His nib, just white, absorbed the ink cloud and quickly turned black, like sucking away the ink on the paper.

As soon as the ink cloud disappeared, the sinister soldiers also dispersed, and the terrible ancient battlefield disappeared.

The next second, the raging Heihe River is also a strange melting, and all the shocking ink pens and fields are like the mirage of the city.

"It seems that these years are official, you Lin Kang is not as good as before, to deal with a small afterlife is still limited everywhere." Zhao Jing could not help but ridicule Lin Kang.

Lin Kang was cold-faced. When he heard the white judge's statement, Lin Kang felt ridiculous. Nowadays, young and fresh meat is all right to touch porcelain. It is necessary to get a comparison on the public surface. Reputation.

At the bottom of his heart, Lin Kang would not look down on this white judge.

However, today, Lin Kang has put away this contempt, but there is still a little bit of skill!

This is better, which means that the ice pen in his hand contains a lot of energy, which is worthy of the material of his own utensils.

"Don't you see the Golden Retriever in the back? If you have enough big skills, you shouldn't take them out of Fuyang City. Why bother to gather so many forces to attack Fan Xueshan?" Lin Kang said ironically.

"Hey, if it’s not a shark chief, how can I let them leave alive!" said Zhao Jing.

Shark chieftain saved these guys!

"The two princes, I have spells, can improve your ability for a short time. At this time, we will work together to smooth the thieves of Fan Xueshan as soon as possible, so that other forces will not be able to clear them after they interfere." Said with a serious and focused face.

Where there are rescuers in Xueshan, Baijia, Dongfang family, and shepherd are afraid to have come from Modu. The most important thing is that the Nanrong family has already told the elders that a national power is coming, and will not take over this melee for a long time. , so the time left for them is only half a day, can not be dragged down!

Zhao Jing naturally knows that the power of the country is equal to the chief of the shark, and once it appears, it will be difficult to fight again.

"Long time Nanrong family Nanrong Ni Jingtong blessed the righteousness, it is not that this South wing leader Mu Bai can compete with me, but his defensive delay is too embarrassing, in my opinion, it is better to solve the battle as soon as possible!" Kang is in the face of many people, the natural prestige can not be lost.

"The overall situation is heavy." Nan Rong Ni said very well, the corner of his mouth gently provoked.

Lin Kang himself has strength, and he can see that he has some advantages, but he will not be able to overcome it for a while.

Under this circumstance, he would not be able to bear the burden of Nan Rong Ni as long as he exerted some blessing power and the strength opened the gap.

"This is a double blessing, which can improve the ability of the first two magic departments in the city. The increase is about 50%, but the time is a little short." Nan Rong Ni fingers danced briskly, with milky white light between the fingers, Zhengyi A little bit of bathing on Lin Kang's body.

"Fifty percent!!" Even Zhao Jing is somewhat astonished, and can directly improve the strength of the five magical systems. This kind of blessing magic is simply a godsend. If you can always take it with you, many dangerous places that don’t dare to blame, Zhao Jing also dared to try!

Zhao Jing could not help but flash a glimpse of Nan Rong Ni.

Lin Kang, who has gained the growth of the two departments, is even more radiant, and the confidence of holding the iron ink brush in his hand has doubled.

"White judge, hey, I want this south, only I am a real iron-blood judge!" Lin Kang once again moved forward.

His clothes danced, the tip of the pen pointed to Mu Bai, and suddenly the wind was overwhelming. Even if you didn't write the word "death", you could command the sky, and the souls of the dead souls that could not be called out would all scream and do not need to sacrifice anything. They are willing to play for themselves.

This unprecedented feeling made Lin Kang suddenly look up and laugh.

Yin soldiers? ?

This time it will be ordered by the yin ghost! !

The undead and the curse, Lin Kang's two-line increase made him open a more horrible judge! !

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