Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 488 This is all Xu Fang’s fault!

South Korea.

The strong wind howled, carrying the salty smell of sea water and the smell of shell monsters, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"Quick, the dam is going to collapse!"

"Look over there, monsters! They're all monsters!"

Salamander demons and shell demons emerged from the deep sea. Their shells were covered with sharp thorns, like huge iron nails, constantly hitting the seawall.

Each impact loosened the masonry of the sea wall.

The cracks gradually widened, as if they were ferocious mouths, devouring this last line of defense.

The military mages shouted and threw magic spells one after another, but they fell on the continuous monsters without any pain or itching.


A huge salamander demon surged up, holding a strange-looking weapon in its hand.

If you look carefully, you will be horrified to find that this is actually another dead one of the same kind, with only a bloody skeleton left after the skin and flesh have been shaved off!

A military mage was targeted by him, and his painless resistance left no trace on the salamander demon.

"Why, why is this..."

Why, it's obvious that their military mages have already gone to the front line, it's obvious that the Military Secretary said at the mobilization meeting that everything is safe, and it's obvious that this Demonic Island is heading towards China.

——But now, this nightmare-like scene appeared before his eyes!

When his head was thrown high and his consciousness was dying, the military mage still had hope in his heart.

It was a nightmare and I finally woke up...

At the same time, a safe, warm, dry and comfortable conference room.


The man with the military rank on his shoulders slammed the table, and the conference table trembled:

"Can anyone explain to me why the Demon Island appeared in Incheon? Didn't China vow to expel the demons away?"

"Pu Junsi, this is the fax letter just sent by General Xu of China!" said a military mage.

Pu Junsi grabbed the document, glanced at it and threw it on the ground: "This is slander! Chi Guoguo is shirking responsibility!"

Others also saw the document and unanimously reprimanded it.

"That's right, to use our Korean idiom, it's called nothingness!"

"Our military mages are the most qualified in the world, so how can there be bullying? How can we be the main responsibility?"

"It's probably because of his improper command that he blamed us instead!"

"Call him over and ask him to kneel under the Tai Chi flag and apologize!"

They screamed loudly, like primary school students who made a mistake but refused to admit it.

"How to deal with the situation in front of us?" One person finally couldn't bear the condemnation from the whole room and said: "The island of demons is about to land, and our dam will soon be unable to hold up!"

"I think it's better to apply for the Forbidden Curse Mage's rescue!"

"But if you want to send a Forbidden Curse Mage, you must get permission from the Forbidden Curse Society and the American Freedom Temple mage!"

"Then it's nothing we should worry about!"

Park Junsi made the final decision: "As long as we issue the application, our responsibility will be gone and it will cause headaches for those above us!"

"Then let's do it now..."

"Condemn China, especially Xu Fang!" Park Junsi said: "He was the one who brought this disaster to our country, and he should bear full responsibility!"

Landing on the Demon Island will definitely cause no less casualties than that of a Supreme Monarch Demon.

It is not yet known whether Incheon can be saved, but a large number of casualties are certain, and someone must take this responsibility!


After setting foot in Incheon and looking at the hellish scene around him, Xu Zang was horrified but also thankful for the implementation of the plan.

If not, it would be Jiaodong in China that would turn into hell on earth.

"This kind of power is so terrifying..." Jesse murmured beside her. She was already experienced in many battles and experienced a lot.

But seeing the scene in front of him, his legs still felt weak.

——Half of the city has become a paradise for salamander demons and shell demons.

On both sides of the street, only the ruins of the once high-rise buildings remain, with exposed steel bars and scattered bricks and stones.

The building was covered with ferocious cracks, as if it had been torn apart by the claws of a giant beast. The air was filled with a strong smell of sea water and blood, which was suffocating.

The most terrible thing is that the city has been flooded.

The two scary things about Demon Island are the nearly endless demons and the rising sea level.

Those scaly guys seem to regard this place as their lair.

They wander freely among the streets and houses, and when they get interested, they spray out a lot of eggs, which appear in a latex-like shape and are covered everywhere like graffiti!

"Prepare your magic energy and prepare to fight." Xu Fang warned.

Jesse refused: "What are you going to do?"

"Look, cough, cough, cough!" Xu Fang cleared his throat, and when he spoke again, he actually made many kinds of human sounds, as noisy as the People's Square on a summer night.

Such movement naturally attracted the sirens from several nearby streets.

Algae is just for food, but it is more delicious for humans!

————What they didn’t expect was that what awaited them was not a buffet dinner, but a one-way ticket to death!

"Grip of Purple Thorns!" Xu Fang stretched out his hand, and countless big purple thorn hands stretched out, and he could catch a lot of sea monsters by just sweeping them against the ground.

The giant palms were closed, and the flesh and blood of the demon inside was sucked dry.

As for the essence and the escaped magic energy, they all belong to the Dragon Wine Pot. Today is a protracted battle!

A resident upstairs from the nearby surviving residents witnessed all this and took out his mobile phone to take pictures while trembling.

Don't say it, really don't say it.

It’s awkward to watch such a shocking scene live, but it’s recorded on video. It always feels like a purple mop mopping the floor...

"Crack! Click! Click!!!!"

Another big wave came from the coastline, and roars came from the turbid water.

Countless monster heads poked out of the sea water, staring directly at everyone.

"They are all commander-level!"

Jesse looked ugly and quickly took out his magic tool.

"Jesse, use your vines to remove the people here, and I'll take care of them," Xu Fang said.

"can you?"

"Then I'll withdraw my troops and you'll carry on."

"...I leave it to you, you must endure it!"

Jesse built the plants into flying bridges across the buildings, waiting for the survivors to climb up and secure them firmly.

Xu Fang stood in front of the demon group, and first used the Purple Thorn Grip to savagely disperse the swarm of demons.

Immediately afterwards, the extremely cold breath broke out on him!

"Pale and withered."

Xu Fang stared at the demon in front of him and slowly spoke the magic words: "Frost Wind!"

The gray storm raged, and the twisted bodies of the demons trembled in the cold air, and their bodies were covered with frost almost instantly.

The cruel and bloodthirsty eyes were also covered with ice crystals at this moment, becoming dull and hollow.


The violent sound strings vibrated the air, shattering these demonic ice sculptures one by one. The originally terrifying bodies were now turned into debris on the ground.

"So handsome!"

"Oppa, you are so strong!"

"I got it hahaha I got it!"

There are people everywhere who want to watch the fun even when they are about to die. They are all hung in the air by Jesse's vines, and they still hold on to their mobile phones and keep recording in the direction of Xu Fang.

Some people even shouted for Xu Fang to cooperate with him in posing.

Of course Xu Fang ignored him.

The demons were swarming more and more, and they were everywhere in all directions. Xu Fang did not dare to use Shadow String Song to attack indiscriminately.

Although some military mages here are nothing, ordinary people are innocent!

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