Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 481 Rushing to the aid of the Yellow Sea, Xu Fang’s plan

Yellow Sea, the largest marginal sea on the west coast of the Pacific.

Since the Yellow River has flowed into the Yellow Sea for more than 700 to 800 years in history, the sediment carried in the river has dyed the water near the Yellow Sea from blue to yellow.

Yellow Sea, hence its name.

Since the Kraken's rampage, this area of ​​​​the sea has become a military control zone, under the responsibility of the Jiaodong Military Region, and no one else is allowed to approach.

"General Xu, welcome!"

A tall and burly middle-aged man with a Chinese character face took Xu Fang's hand and squeezed it tightly: "General Xu is here, he must have a clever plan to solve the problem of the salamander demon!"

"Wu Junsi is too polite. I can't talk about a clever plan, nor can I eradicate the Salamander Demon and Shell Demon. I just want to try to solve the urgent need at hand." Xu Fang said.


Wu Fumu let Xu Fang sit on the sofa, poured him another cup of tea, and looked at him expectantly.

For Xu Fang, his initial impression was that he was Jiang Dajun's unofficial son-in-law, a young man with great potential.

Later, I heard from the gossip that bombs, worker bees, and dolphins, these war artifacts that have appeared in the past five years, seem to be inextricably linked to this young man.

Later, Xu Fang went on several missions in succession, whether it was the African rescue or the two battles of Jinlin City, he fought heartily and became famous!

"I have a plan."

Xu Fang pointed at the map of the Yellow Sea in front of him. There were several silver crosses at a certain location on it, heading towards the Jiaodong coast along a dotted line.

————This is the route of the Salamander Demon Shell Demon.

And on this route, it is interrupted by multiple symbols.

Although there are just small marks on the map, Xu Fang, who is also a military mage, understands that every symbol here represents a large amount of manpower, material resources and money!

“Facts have shown that the salamander demon shell demon is immune to the magic of the mage to a certain extent.

And the magic wall cannot stop them. As long as the number of salamander demons and shell demons is large enough, the wall can be destroyed in an instant! "Xu Fang said.

"That's why we have a headache." Wu Fumu sighed: "It's better than doing nothing..."

"I have an idea."

Xu Fang said: "A very important reason why salamander demons and shell demons can expand disorderly is resources, and more specifically, food!"

These monsters are not green leafy plants and cannot photosynthesize themselves.

If they want to expand, they must eat a lot of food. Just like the ancient marches and wars, insufficient food will only drag down the army.

"You mean, we start with food?" Wu Fumu's eyes lit up.


Xu Fang didn't show off and said:

“The main food source of salamanders and shell demons is algae, and my plant system absorbs special plant species and can control all plants within a specific distance.

In this way, I can clear a vacuum zone without food and curb the progress of the Demon Island!

I can even concentrate the algae in one direction and make the salamander demon and shell demon change their course independently! "

Wu Fumu's mouth opened wide when he heard this, and he almost said "f*ck" out of his mouth.

"This plan... is really unheard of."

"Just like putting out a mountain fire, you often have to isolate an isolation zone without burning objects." Xu Fang said.

Wu Fumu: "Putting out mountain fires? Isn't it just a matter of the local water mage's magic?"

Xu Fang: "..."

Isn't this a bit of a joke?

"In short, if you adopt my opinion, I need your cooperation." Xu Fang said.

"you say."

Xu Fang: "First, transfer my dragon cavalry team back from elsewhere, and then dispatch a team of Sky Eagles under my command."

"No problem!" Wu Fumu did not hesitate.

"In addition, I also need the assistance of a large number of plant mages." Xu Fang said: "The Demon Island is too big, and I can only make a drop in the bucket by myself."

Wu Fumu hesitated for a moment: "A large number of plant mages... what level?"

"Intermediate level and above. If you are lower level, it won't be of much help or dangerous. In addition, you will need at least a hundred people." Xu Fang said without hesitation.

"One hundred mid-level plant mages?"

Wu Fumu was in trouble: "If you want other legal systems, I won't give you a second thought, but the plant system... you can't get it together at the moment!"

The plant system is a type of white magic. It is very difficult to awaken, and the number of people who can practice it well after awakening is even rarer.

"Well, I will contact the Yellow Sea Ocean Alliance now and apply for international assistance!"

Wu Fumu was also a decisive person and said immediately.

"Thanks, I'm not familiar with the people in the Ocean Alliance, so I'll leave this to you." Xu Fang nodded.

"It's us who should say thank you." Wu Fumu said, "I will arrange for someone to take you to rest now."

"No need, you're already here, naturally you want to see the famous Yellow Sea Battle City." Xu Fang said with a smile.

Wu Fumu also smiled: "Please!"


Battle City on the Yellow Sea.

Compared with the East China Sea Battle City and the Nanhai Battle City, the battle intensity in the Yellow Sea Battle City was much less intense.

After all, there is more than one country bordering this sea area, and the terrain is like a big net, surrounded by invading sea monsters.

——Of course, this is relative.

When Xu Fang boarded the watchtower of the Yellow Sea Battle City, all he could see were terrifying sea monsters vying to land!

From a bird's-eye view, the most eye-catching thing about the Yellow Sea Battle City is undoubtedly the majestic dam.

The dam is like a giant dragon lying on the rough sea surface, separating the turbulent waves from the tranquility of the inland, and becoming a strong line of defense against the invasion of sea monsters.


A demon with blue skin, its body almost blending into the waves.

The Kraken swam extremely cunningly around a group of mages, and then suddenly burst into flames!

Its huge body that covered the sky instantly blocked the sun's rays, and the entire sky was shrouded in a huge shadow.


Several mages looked very young. How had they ever seen this battle before?

Seeing a huge and ferocious sea monster rushing towards me, my mind went blank subconsciously. How could I use any magic?


A sharp arrow of sound suddenly pierced the air.

With a deafening whistling sound, it penetrated the sea monster like lightning.

The violent tremors shattered the organs in its body, and large mouthfuls of blood and organ fragments were spit out from the sea monster's mouth.

"Is this, is he going to die?"

Several mages' jaws almost dropped in shock.

This sea monster is no stranger to them. It is called Lan Gu Ji Li Beast. It is a serious commander-level sea monster with extremely amazing combat power.

It often requires the cooperation of several high-level mages to barely kill it.

But now, such ferocious beasts can be easily killed with one arrow! ?

"Are you okay?" A strange voice sounded, and a figure flew over them.

"Are you...Xu Fang!?" Everyone became excited instantly.

Xu Fang is the idol of their young people. If it weren't for the wrong occasion, they would all be eager to rush up to him for autographs and photos!

"Pay attention to the battlefield and don't overturn the situation."

Xu Fang warned, and the music magic spread out in a mighty manner, quickly locking on several targets.

Zhang Gong.

Nocking an arrow.

One arrow at a time!

The mages subconsciously held their breath.

Elegant, so elegant.

Watching Xu Fang kill the sea monster is like art, quick and clean.

"Roar!!!" A commander-level sea monster roared and attacked Xu Fang with a large group of subordinates, trying to consume him to death in a round-robin battle!

"Idiot... Shadow String Song!"

Five minutes later, the sea was covered with corpses, and blood-red water continued to overflow at the edge.

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