"That's my thing!".

Asakawa looked up, and Yamauchi Sakura went and returned, standing in front of him vividly.

"I know!" Asakawa whispered.

For such a girl who wants to live and struggles to survive in the face of illness, Asakawa Xing is very sympathetic.

He handed the comorbidity library in his hand to Sakura Yamauchi, and although he wanted to help the girl, he would not show it, because the girl's character was destined not to accept that kind of help.

He decided to be like Shiga Haruki, pretending not to care about attracting Yamauchi Sakura's attention, but he was pretending, and Shiga Haruki really didn't care at first.

"Now, have you read the contents?" asked Yamauchi Sakura, carefully taking the notebook and whispering.


"I have a pancreatic disease, and the doctor said that I don't have a few years to live, so I want to write my life feelings in the rest of my life."

"Really, not bad".

Yamauchi Sakura looked at the cold face of the man in front of him, and was a little stunned: "Aren't you surprised? Don't you feel a pity, won't you have the idea that you are going to die when you are still so young, the value of life has not been realized, and you have no enjoyment of a good life?"

Asakawa asked rhetorically, "Why do you have one? Have you ever heard of a phrase



"People are inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather, the value of human life is not the length of life can be determined, the value of human life is not determined by others, you should look for the value of your life, maybe in the next few years, your life value is more than others for decades."

Asakawa Hoshi said calmly that the value of life has never been about the length of life, but how to show one's own value.

When one's own value is high enough to affect others and society, even if he dies young, everyone will only feel regretful, but they will not think that this person died a pity and has no value.

"Man is inherently dead, or heavier than Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather" Yamauchi Sakura kept repeating this sentence, trying to understand the meaning of this sentence.

But the short life experience of a young girl is destined to be incomprehensible.

This sentence comes from the great historian of the Celestial Empire, Sima Qian's "Book of Reporting to Ren'an", Sima Qian stated his misfortune and expressed his inner pain with anger.

Asakawa Xing believes that there should be few people who can be worse than Sima Qian, both in the past and in the future.

Sima Qian's life can be described as upside down, spending half of his life in prison, not knowing when he will die, and even his children and grandchildren have been cut off

"Let's be friends!" the girl smiled and brushed the ends of her hair.

"No, it's troublesome!".

Yamauchi Sakura pursed his mouth and puffed out his white cheeks: "What, obviously I saw you walking with a girl yesterday, why don't you bother?"

Asakawa Hoshi said: "At that time, I needed her help with something, how could I feel troubled."

This shouldn't be a lie, after all, letting An Yilun not pester Megumi Kato did him a lot, although he was the one who contributed.

Yamauchi Sakura's eyes lit up: "Then I'll help you too, okay, did you have lunch?"

Asakawa shook his head slightly.

"Then I'll treat you to dinner, it's kind of a favor for you, so we'll be friends from now on" Sakura Yamauchi put the comorbidity library in his backpack and dragged his hand downstairs.

If she hadn't been sick, she might have been so lively for the rest of the day, but if she hadn't met Asakawa Hoshi, there would have been no 'possibility' in Yamauchi Sakura's life.

He, Asakawa Hoshi, a substitute messenger with several stand-in abilities at the same time, is able to solve Sakura Yamauchi's illness.

Even the king of diseases, pancreatic disease

"This is a very action-oriented girl, and once she has something she wants to do, she will find a way to do it," Asakawa thought.


Sakura Yamauchi pointed to the menu hanging high and said very generously, "You can eat as much as you want, I'll treat you!"


"Of course it's true, don't be polite to me!

Asakawa Xing felt that his conscience hurt a little, maybe Yamauchi Sakura's purpose was not pure, but the heart of wanting to make friends with him was real.

She couldn't talk about her illness with her friends, and if she did, they might not treat her as if they were her parents.

So she needs a friend who can know that she is sick and treats her as a normal person, and now Asakawa Hoshi is playing the girl's ideal 'friend'.

Consciousness returned to the menu, although Yamauchi Sakura said so, but Asakawa Hoshi would not treat her as a wronged boss, and the two of them bought lunch and found a random spot and quietly enjoyed the deliciousness.

"When was your illness diagnosed?" Asakawa broke the silence.

Sakura Yamauchi pressed his index finger to his chin and thought for a while, "It's been six months since November last year."

"Six months" Asakawa Xing sighed, needless to say, Yamauchi Sakura has great courage, the courage to face death, although sometimes she is afraid of death, but when death comes, she will calmly accept her fate.

Sakura Yamauchi nodded and said, "Thanks to the development of medical technology now, the former king of diseases now has a way to alleviate it, otherwise it is estimated that I am now lying in the hospital waiting for the god Anubis to seduce my soul."

"Anubis is an Egyptian god, right? He can't control Japan," Asakawa complained.

Sakura Yamauchi smiled, not paying much attention to his complaints.

"What a coincidence" Just as the two of them were concentrating on lunch, a girl's voice sounded in Asakawa Xing's ears, and the voice was inexplicably familiar, and he couldn't help but raise his head.

A young girl came into his field of vision, with a star hairpin pinned to her hair.

"It's Nakano-san, what's wrong?".

Asakawa Xing's eyes scanned, only Nakano May himself, and did not see Nakano Sanjiu.

"What about your sister?".

Nakano's face immediately darkened: "Asakawa san, it's very rude to ask another woman where she is in front of one woman, even if that person is my sister."

"Well, I didn't pay much attention to it, I was just curious, there were two people yesterday, and there is only one person today."

"She didn't eat in the cafeteria today" Nakano May didn't have a good breath, but she quickly changed her face, and a smile appeared on her cute face.

"Now, Asakawa-san, what a coincidence."

"What a coincidence!" Asakawa nodded, he didn't debunk the lies of the girl in front of him, and when he first came to the cafeteria, Asakawa noticed Nakano May looking around.

This guy is definitely waiting for me, and then 'chance meeting', I knew that I wouldn't be polite yesterday, and I was a common problem of the Celestial Empire.

Asakawa Xing had a little headache, he didn't expect this guy to be so eager for results that he really came to have a 'chance encounter'.

ps: Readers ask for flowers, monthly passes, and evaluations

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