Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 2067: Attention

In a high-end residential area on the outskirts of Songjiang Prefecture, Shi Liqun drove the Qixiang sedan he had just picked up, slowly drove into the road of the residential area, and then safely parked on the flat ground in front of his small courtyard.

Just as we stopped the car, a neighbor came over.

"Brother Shi, how's the car going?" The visitor was wearing a home robe and holding a folding fan.

When Shi Liqun saw it, it turned out to be the male host who lived next door, surnamed Chen Mingguandeng, also engaged in the financial industry, two years younger than Shi Liqun, but his career was not bad, his income was no worse than Shi Liqun, and even slightly higher .

After getting out of the car, he immediately said loudly: "It's okay, it's a little smoother than the West Lake car, but you also know that this car is just a cheap scooter, and it's not as comfortable as the West Lake car!"

Chen Guandeng had already walked over, and after listening, he nodded slightly and said, "I think this car is quite good. As for the comfort, it's a little bit less comfortable, but it's more convenient. I'm wondering if I should make one too!"

Saying that is to complain: "You don't know, the driver of my family has asked for leave again, and this request is for half a month, saying why he wants to go back to his hometown, this is not allowed to leave, if you are not allowed to say that the boss is mean !"

"Oh, it's hard to invite people these days!" Shi Liqun also nodded.

Hiring a coachman sounds decent, but you have to eat, drink, and clothe yourself, and you have to pay wages, and it will cost you hundreds of yuan a year.

So Shi Liqun immediately suggested: "Actually, Brother Chen, you can really make one, and it will be convenient for you to drive to and from get off work in the future."

After the two chatted for a while, Shi Liqun would go to the courtyard. After entering the door, he heard his wife say, "You're back, take a look and see if I have everything I've packed?"

Shi Liqun looked at the pile of things in the living room and felt helpless: "We are just going for an outing in the suburbs, not moving. What are you doing with so many things?"

But his wife shook her head and said: "Why are there so many, these are all useful, look at these clothes, it is in case the weather suddenly winds and turns cold, don't think that it is spring now, but it is cold in spring. Don't bring a few more clothes, it doesn't matter if you are cold, our mothers can't stand the cold wind!"

Shi Liqun looked at a big suitcase of clothes and at his wife's serious expression, and finally said, "Then take it, anyway, the trunk of the car is big enough!"

It's just that Shi Liqun's wife had prepared too many things. When the next morning, after carrying several large boxes in a row, she felt that it was too much. In the end, she put down a lot of things. After bringing some necessary things, I took my three-year-old son into the car and went out.

Along the way, Shi Liqun didn't dare to drive too fast, he just moved forward at a speed similar to that of an ordinary carriage.

In fact, this car only has four horsepower, so it can't run very fast.

On the road, Shi Liqun received attention as frequently as before, and many passersby frequently cast curious glances at his car.

Although it has been a long time since the appearance of cars in Datang, Xihu brand luxury cars have been sold for a long time, but for a long time before, cars were very typical luxury accessories, special for the rich.

After all, no one but the rich can afford a car with a size of tens of thousands.

At present, Qixiang brand cars are still unable to get rid of the attributes of luxury accessories, and the price of 2,600 Tang Yuan is not cheap.

The annual income of contemporary Datang people, ordinary workers and other practitioners is only a few dozen yuan. Datang officials have been promoting the expansion of middle-class families. According to the standard introduced by the government in 42 years, it refers to the annual income of a standard five-member family. Reached two or six hundred Tang Yuan.

A Qixiang car needs more than ten years of income from an ordinary middle-class family.

Therefore, even for Qixiang Automobile, which claims to have greatly reduced costs, its target customers are still not ordinary middle-class families, but high-income families with an annual income of more than one thousand Tang Yuan.

And these people, if it is simply counting the number of people, there are many, otherwise, the number of orders of Qixiang Motors will not go bankrupt quickly, and the annual sales volume is expected to exceed 30,000 units.

However, these high incomes are still a very small part of the entire Datang society.

The people who can afford Qixiang cars are still very few, because the current social structure of Datang is still a typical pyramid structure.

Even though the Tang government has been promoting the rise of people's income over the years, and redistributing and adjusting social wealth through taxation and other methods, trying to establish an oval structure with the middle class as the main group

But Datang's current standard household income exceeds 260 Tang Yuan, the proportion of the total population is still only about 18%.

There is still a considerable distance from the 50%, or even 60%, that the government wants to achieve.

However, this is only an official standard. In fact, if it is divided by private standards, this data is even lower.

How do people judge whether a family belongs to the middle class?

Two words: Decent!

It is not easy to be decent in the basics of clothing, food, housing and Take Songjiang Prefecture as an example, a well-known middle-class family, he should live in the suburbs and own a single-family courtyard building.

For daily travel, although most of the time you take public carriages or urban trains, you are also able to frequently take rental carriages, and you can also ride horses or drive single-wheeled carriages.

Not to mention wearing this aspect, a decent middle-class gentleman, a business suit made of fine cashmere and a silk formal suit are indispensable, and these two items alone will cost at least a hundred Tang Yuan.

In terms of eating, not only must you be full, but you must also eat well, so that you can go to a restaurant every once in a while.

Then there is education, which can at least support the children's middle school, the kind that is self-funded.

Then there is the occasional outing, travel or something.

There is also a less standard, but absolutely reliable way of dividing, that is, in a community, see if you have been invited to participate in some local charitable activities.

If so, congratulations, you have entered a middle-class family.

If not, keep going!


Because these charitable activities all require donations, it doesn't matter how to raise funds, but you have to donate money when you go there.

According to these folk standards, in fact, many officially recognized middle-class families do not meet this standard. For example, in the Songjiang Prefecture area, the annual family income of 500 Tang Yuan is enough, only Shi Liqun has an annual income of more than 1,000 Tang Yuan or even Only the higher class can do all of the above, and the others will be more or less lacking.


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