Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1597: This boss is not qualified

The reason why the Tatars came to Europe was not forced by the Tang Dynasty!

But these Europeans don't care about this now, they can't control it, can it be possible that they can still find Xu Zhenchuan, and then accuse the Tang Dynasty of driving the Tatars to Europe?

You must know that the large number of ordnance products imported by Datang today have already armed many European troops. Now even the Spaniards have to hold back and beg Datang to sell them ordnance products, and they have to expect cheaper prices. .

If it was said that the Tang Dynasty was a little more black and doubled the price of weapons, they would not be able to stand it.

They are now in urgent need of all kinds of ordnance materials, and at present, only Datang can provide a large amount of ordnance materials in a short period of time in the world.

If you don't buy it from Datang, do you really want to go into battle with a wooden stick and an inferior sword?

The Tatars are full of guns!

Looking at the current world situation, you will find that the Datang Empire is making wind and rain everywhere, just like a **** stick, there will be wars wherever you go.

Although Datang seldom said that they would go directly to the battlefield and start a war, at most they would fight a small battle occasionally, but they would not maintain the local situation and maintain peace, and they did not have the awareness of the world leader to maintain peace at all.

Take the Nanyang Peninsula, for example, since the fighting between the Southern and Northern Dynasties in Annan, the war has spread to the entire Nanyang Peninsula.

The same is true in India. When the Portuguese occupied some coastal cities in India, the Portuguese only did business with the Indians, and at most they controlled the air routes, but the way of the Tang Dynasty was completely different from that of the Portuguese.

After Datang took full control of the coastal areas of India, they had no intention of maintaining local peace. They basically ignored the disputes between the local princes. If you want to fight, you like to fight, and you can buy weapons by the way.

However, although the Tang Dynasty does not personally fight the indigenous people, it generally does not allow any family to become bigger. The best example is the Mughal Dynasty, which can only be limited to the northwest region. If you want to expand to the central region of India, immediately will be opposed by the Tang Dynasty.

Africa and the Americas are similar, those indigenous people are fighting at two ends every three days, and Datang basically doesn't care.

Forget it, those weapons dealers often provoke wars in private in order to sell more weapons.

The whole model is generally similar to what the Tang Dynasty did in the Fusang Islands.

Avoid local unification, continuous weakening, differentiation, control, and then the ultimate goal is localization!

Now, the European side has inevitably embarked on such a road, the only difference is that there is an extra Tatar here.

But for Datang's overseas strategy, both the Tartars and the Europeans are barbarians, and Datang is very happy to see them fighting back and forth.

To this end, Datang exported a large number of ordnance weapons to Europe at parity.

The value of weapons sold by Datang to European countries is cheaper than that sold in other places. You must know that the shipping cost to Europe is much higher.

However, even so, Datang is doing a great job!

But, can this stop the westward advance of the Tatars?

Xu Zhenchuan didn't know!

After all, he is not a European, and many people are out of control. He can only use diplomatic channels as much as possible to get European countries to unite against the Tatars, and by the way, he will give ordnance assistance.

As for the ability to stop the Tatars, we have to rely on the Europeans themselves.

If you can't stop it, you can't stop it!

In any case, there is nothing to lose to Datang.

Datang's diplomatic strategy is to act as a scumbag to cause chaos in other places, and then fish in troubled waters.

But I don't have the hobby of being the boss of the world and maintaining world peace!

Hello, hello, hello everyone, this kind of thing, Datang doesn't need it.

What Datang needs is that I'm fine, you don't have to live too well!

In April of the twenty-ninth year of Xuanping, the Datang Army's Westward Expedition, which had spent a winter in Hami, finally attacked again.

This time, the westward mode was the same as the previous attack on Hami, and nothing else was done, except for the construction of the railway.

However, this situation made Ulihan and other Tatar generals frown.

If Wulihan and others still despised the railway without knowing the strategic role of the railway before, then they will not despise it now, because everyone has seen it, and the people of the Tang Dynasty used the railway to span hundreds of kilometers. The deserts, Gobi deserts, grasslands and other no-man’s-land areas of China were forced to use railways to maintain the supply of more than 200,000 troops.

In the end, the army came to Hami City, forcing Ulihan to abandon more than 20,000 rifles, and finally fled in embarrassment with only more than 10,000 cavalry.

Strictly speaking, in the Battle of Hami last year, the two sides did not conduct a large-scale battle in the true sense. At most, they fought several thousand-man cavalry battles. In the final Battle of Hami, although tens of thousands of people also broke out. The battle, but it was Ulihan deliberately sending people to die, to buy time for his cavalry to retreat, and it was not a large-scale decisive battle at all.

This shows the importance of railways!

Now that the Tang people are building the railway again and heading straight to Turpan City, if they can't stop them from building the railway and cut off the railway supply line, then when the Tang people's railway is built under the city of Turpan, the Tartars will be forced to retreat. Time.

As for dead!

it's out of the question!

Don't look at the Tatars in the western front, who are attacking cities and pulling villages, and are very skilled in using guns, but the more they know the power of guns, the more they know the terribleness of the Tang Army!

The cavalry was fighting, and the Tatars still had the courage to fight, but the two sides set up a battle for a large-scale duel. Even if they had a castle as protection, they had no confidence that they could stop the attack of the Tang Army.

How to do?

This is the question shrouded in the minds of Ulihan and others.

No matter what the Tatars thought, the Western Expedition Army was building the railway on its own.

Last year, the railway was repaired and the city of Hami was successfully won, which made the high-level side of the empire quite gratified.

Although it is said that the speed of this combat method is very slow, it is not important. The important thing is that the railway will be built there, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty will expand there.

After taking Hami City in October last year, Datang recruited a large number of immigrants from within, and then migrated around along the railway line, especially opening up fields in some places with relatively good geography and climate.

Forcibly take root in this desert area!

In addition, several mining companies headed by the Northwest Mining Company have found a lot of minerals in this area, mining mining, and building workshops.

Last year's Hami City was nothing but a military frontier fortress for the Tatars.

but now!

Hami City has become Datang's most important logistics supply base in the Western Regions. Datang Shaanxi-Gansu Arms Company has set up a number of arsenals here to produce numerous ordnance locally.

The output of these ordnance can supply the troops of the Western Expedition nearby, thereby alleviating the shortage of transportation capacity of the Northwest Railway.

Beginning in October last year, the Datang Empire began to stop its western expedition, but it did not stop for a moment. The Northwest Railway and the extension of the Northwest Railway are densely connected by trains to Hami and other places every day, bringing a large number of trains from the mainland. Materials and raw materials, but also some special products from the Western Regions are transported back to the mainland.

According to the instructions of the Son of Heaven, the two provinces of Shaanxi and Gansu are the most rear areas of the Western Regions, but the Western Regions should also be self-reliant, solve military supplies on the spot as much as possible, and achieve sustainable development instead of blindly relying on blood transfusions from the mainland.

Under the instructions of the Son of Heaven, the cabinet has officially petitioned the establishment of a province in the Western Regions, and Li Xuan has also officially approved it. In November last year, the empire just added a new local province, that is, Tumi Province. It is named after the two main cities of Turpan and Hami.

Tumi Province also belongs to the local category. Its political status is higher than that of Beihai Province, Luzon Province, Banten Province, and Malacca Province. At least, Tumi Province is not controlled by the Import and Export Commission. and overseas mainland provinces are subject to the control of the Import and Export Commission.

With the status of a native province, it is possible to set up factories in the local area to produce ordnance.

Otherwise, even the factory could not be built.

The import and export control of the empire is very strict. Today, even Beihai Province does not have a serious factory. The reason is very simple. So far, Beihai Province is still not a local province, but an overseas province.

However, many officials in Beihai Province still seal the aristocracy of Beihai Province, but they are actively promoting this matter, trying to remove Beihai Province from the import and export control list, so that they can set up factories there and develop normal businesses. industry and commerce.

Instead of the current situation, in addition to agriculture, there are at most only some handicraft industries, not to mention industry, even if there are not a few screws.

To this end, they have also made a lot of efforts over the years, vigorously organizing people to move to Beihai Province!

After so many years of immigration, Beihai Province currently has a population of more than 2 million, of which more than 1.5 million are imperial immigrants, and only more than 500,000 people belong to the Fusang people who changed their place of origin.

They believed that imperial immigrants already had an absolute advantage in the local population, and had already met the requirements of localization.

However, the high-level officials of the empire believe that this is obviously not enough. They require that the proportion of the population of pure imperial subjects in Beihai Province should reach more than 90%!

And in the final analysis, there is such a mentality in the empire: the hearts of those who are not my race must be different!

If there are too many aliens in Beihai Province, if they are directly operated as localized, and the restrictions on factories and education are loosened in the local area, then hundreds of thousands of aliens who have mastered the knowledge of new disciplines can be trained immediately.

This is a huge threat!

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