Valley Emperor

Vol 2 Chapter 1295: Exploding cement industry

Valley Emperor

The Royal Institute of Technology of the Empire has been developing cement for a long time, and there are not too many restrictions on the authorization of cement technology. Basically, as long as you can afford the patent license fee, you can obtain authorized production, and the price is not too high. Too expensive.

However, due to the high cost of cement in the early days, only a small amount of cement was used in construction at the beginning, and it was mainly used for military construction. Only the military with deep pockets would not be concerned about the high cost of cement and purchase and use it in large quantities.

In the private sector, only a small amount of construction is used, but these small amounts of use are difficult to drive the development of the cement industry.

No matter when the businessmen are profit-seeking and short-sighted, when they see no hope of making money, they will devote themselves to other industries.

Of course, this is also at the beginning of the industrial revolution in the current Datang Empire. It can be said that all walks of life are in a period of rapid development, and you can make money by doing anything.

Compared with industries such as cement, which have large investments and slow returns, businessmen are more willing to invest in industries with small investments and fast returns, especially industries where other people make big profits.

Follow the trend, this is the biggest feature of capital!

For the same reason, this is why domestic capital is very fond of the textile industry.

The textile industry has a small investment and is easy to operate. Basically, it does not require any technology. Just register a company, find a factory, buy textile equipment, and then recruit a group of workers. a whole lot.

More importantly, both domestic and foreign markets, the demand for textile products is still very strong. There are more than 150 million people in China, even if most of them still maintain the traditional men's farming and women's weaving. They will not buy cloth or clothes directly, but the urban population is not a small number, and their demand for cloth and ready-to-wear is very large.

Moreover, when the merchants saw that they could not sell ready-made clothing in rural areas, and even the sales of cloth were very small, they simply sold cotton yarn directly.

Although women in rural areas also spin their own fabrics, cotton is not produced everywhere, and cotton yarn is directly sold to women in rural areas, who then weave and make clothes by themselves.

The huge domestic population, coupled with the more than ten years of the empire's development of domestic people's livelihood, has gradually enriched the pockets of the people, and the wealth of the people also means spending power.

Relying on the huge domestic population, the textile industry has obtained excellent development opportunities, and the empire encouraged sea trade and gradually opened up foreign markets, which also allowed the textile industry of the Datang Empire to find a market.

In the foreign market, the businessmen of the Datang Empire did not care so much. In order to seize the market, they used various messy methods and low-cost dumping to suppress local related industries. These are the lowest-level means. After the local industry is monopolized, it is not a big deal to raise prices by a large margin.

The most important thing is that they will influence the local political situation in various ways, forcing the local market to open up, or simply helping them to monopolize the market.

Through various means, the textile products of the Tang Dynasty, together with other industrial products, poured into Fusang, various parts of Southeast Asia, India, and even parts of West Asia and North Africa.

As for Europe, this market is quite special, the distance is too far, and the transportation cost is too high, so it is difficult to open the market with cheap industrial products. Datang mainly relies on the two magic weapons of silk and porcelain in the European market. As for tea, The European region is still in the cultivation period of tea consumption habits, and the export volume is very limited.

In addition, the European market is basically controlled by the Portuguese and the Ottoman Empire. Although the Spanish have joined in recent years, the Spanish fleet has come too few times and it is difficult to transport a large amount of goods.

As for Datang's own fleet, although they have visited several times, each time it is a small-scale exploratory trade, and it is not a climate.

Therefore, there are basically two modes of trade between the Datang Empire and Europe. One is to sell the goods to the Portuguese, and then the Portuguese detour to southern Africa and ship them all the way back to Europe.

The other way is to transport the special products of the Tang Dynasty to India, West Asia and other places through the Datang Western Trading Company, and then sell them to the Ottomans, and then the Ottomans will transport them by land to the Mediterranean Sea, and sell them to Europe through the Mediterranean Sea. .

In these two ways, the Datang Empire can only play the role of a producer, and it is difficult to directly participate in the channel, let alone terminal sales.

Even the current cooperation with the Spaniards is also this model.

The lack of colonies in the western coast of India, West Asia and Africa, and thus insufficient supply ports, is the main reason that hinders the Datang Empire from directly participating in European trade!

But even so, the overseas trade of the Datang Empire is booming, and the textile industry continues to maintain a very high growth rate. Many people are judging that the textile industry will maintain a high-speed growth period of at least ten years. Even twenty years is possible.

Against this background, it is not difficult to explain why domestic capital is so keen on the textile industry. , Some are engaged in weaving, some are engaged in printing and dyeing, some are engaged in ready-to-wear accessories, some are engaged in quilts, etc., and some are engaged in woolen cloth, engaged in raw silk, and engaged in silk.

The above-mentioned textile industry has directly driven the development of many industries such as machinery, chemical industry, steel, shipbuilding, transportation, and energy!

Because the textile industry requires machinery and equipment for production, carriages and ships for transportation, and then further extends to the need for chemical raw materials, steel materials, wood, coal, and more.

Otherwise, how could the textile industry be included in the strategic development industry by the Ministry of Commerce of the empire, and called it the leading industry of the empire's industry and commerce, because the textile industry can drive the development of a large number of related industries.

In the same way, this is why in the original time and space, when various countries in the world carried out the industrial revolution, many countries started the industrial revolution from the textile industry.

Most of the industrial revolutions in European countries are inseparable from the textile industry. If you look at the rise of the British, you will know how strong their textile industry was during the industrial revolution.

Even Fusang and Huaxia, which are backward countries in East Asia, were already in the middle of the nineteenth century when they developed their industries, and it has been hundreds of years since the beginning of the industrial revolution, but they still chose the textile industry as their supporting industry.

When the Chinese people initially developed their industries in the middle and late 19th century, they also took the textile industry as their absolute pillar industry.

The Fusang people exchanged raw silk for warships, and the Chinese people actually exchanged raw silk for battleships, but our early development path was suspended due to civil strife and foreign aggression.

From the modern industrial period for hundreds of years after the Industrial Revolution, the textile industry has an unshakable core position, which is beyond doubt.

The textile industry has a great future, which many people know, so a lot of capital pours into it.

Of course, there are also businessmen who are smart, and they will choose other related industries. Some people even boldly enter heavy industries such as shipbuilding, shipping, machinery, steel, and energy.

However, cement is still not the first choice for many businessmen!

Although cement is also an emerging industry, many people are optimistic, but in the early years because of the high price of cement, and people were not familiar with this product, the actual application scale was relatively small, and the only major customer was the military. .

This situation has changed in several major cities in China when the use of cement is used to pave the road. The direct use of cement to pave the road does not bring a broad market to cement, which in turn stimulates the rapid development of cement.

Until now, the empire has carried out large-scale infrastructure construction, especially the infrastructure construction of water conservancy facilities, which has completely detonated the cement industry.

No one is stupid. After seeing the bright prospects of the cement industry, many businessmen directly waved their checks and entered the cement industry.

No technology? It doesn't matter, go directly to the Royal Institute of Technology to buy it, first buy it and produce it first, and then develop other cement products by yourself.

No equipment? Needless to say, still buy! As long as you have money, you can order any machinery you want from several major domestic machinery and equipment manufacturers.

No technicians? dig! Offer high wages and poach people directly from existing cement factories.

As for ordinary managers and workers, this is not a problem, as long as you have the money to catch a lot of them!

You say cement is produced but not sold? What an international joke, didn't you see that the empire is all engaged in infrastructure construction, not to mention the rest, the major water conservancy facilities projects announced by the empire are enough to feed the entire cement industry, not to mention the current domestic data. Large cities are building cement roads one after another, and the general construction industry has also begun to popularize cement on a large scale.

As long as the cement is produced and the quality is guaranteed, there will be absolutely no worries about the market.

Under such a wave In the second half of the fifteenth year, twenty-six cement plants across the country broke ground and started production one after another.

The annual output of these 26 cement plants alone is four times that of the previous national cement production!

In other words, the cement industry was affected by the empire's vigorous construction of water conservancy facilities, and in half a year, there was a 400% growth rate!

However, its output is still unable to fill the empire's huge demand for cement!

Sixteen years after entering Xuanping, there are still reports from all over the country that the cement plant has been approved and then started construction.

The report submitted by the Royal Institute of Technology pointed out that until the 16th year of Xuanping, a total of 38 companies had been granted cement patents, which were 38 companies, not 38 factories.

Many companies here can open multiple cement factories at the same time.

As long as you can pay the patent licensing fee, the Royal Institute of Technology doesn't care about you. Anyway, they charge the patent fee according to the output. If you open ten or eight factories, they can charge more patent fees, and they are even happier.

The explosion of the cement industry is just an impact of the empire's large-scale infrastructure construction. Not only the cement industry, but also the steel industry, coal, transportation and many other industries have been greatly affected.

However, the impact is not as great as the cement industry.

But this does not mean that the steel and other industries have not developed. In fact, the steel and other industries are still developing very rapidly, and their volume is much larger than that of a mere cement industry, and it is more valued by Li Xuan.

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